I’m trying out something new!
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I’m trying out something new!
I’m not sure what the problem is, but the link will take you to the right spot! Or you can use the button.
I know, another post – really?! But this one is just silliness.
The boys and I decided to make green cookies since it is St. Patrick’s Day. I found the recipe on Pinterest and even though I’m not a huge baker we thought it would be fun.
I basically just read the recipe and the boys did the rest. Things were going great early on. Cream the butter and sugar:
Even the flour and other dry ingredients went in OK. But then….instead of just 1 cup of the white chocolate chips, the boys decided to add the entire bag. And the food coloring – don’t get me started!
The recipe called for 6 drops – Easy enough.Well, Hunter thought that wasn’t enough so he took over with the color.
Apparently this wasn’t green enough for them either.
Hunter added more and then more until this happened:
Yikes!!! They put the whole bottle in!!!
OK – no big deal. So we put the bowl in the fridge to chill for a bit so they could roll it into little balls before baking.
I’m not sure that it chilled long enough (20 minutes).
They are a mess!!
Nice hands, Jordan!
Hunter, are those small balls???
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLuA3k-Te2Q’]
Not gonna lie – they are entertaining!!! However, I’m not sure that the extra chips and all that food coloring was a great idea.
The recipe said to bake 8 minutes – not nearly enough!!!
So we baked more!
And played around some!Hunter didn’t like that picture so he wanted me to get another but Jordan….
Anyway – we finally baked the cookies some more and this is what we ended up with.
Oh, wait – that’s the pan that the boys (and Chris) pretty much snarfed down.
We have mad baking skills!! But it was a fun way to spend a cold St. Patrick’s Day afternoon!!
First off – if I haven’t said it (today) – “I hate snow!” There isn’t a single thing about snow that I like! In fact, usually when we have a snow day I never leave the house!!
So, here is how I spent part of my morning!
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSLcgQF8GqM’]
I mean, seriously, I look like that Sasquatch thing/creature that the boys are always talking about!! I have on so many layers that it’s a wonder I could even move.
I’m not gonna lie – it was hard!! But, about 1.5 hours later it looked like this:
Then I went around to the front of the house and did the sidewalk.
I just kept telling myself that it was a good great workout and to keep going.
The real reason that I sucked it up and went out into the arctic tundra snow –
I didn’t want Chris to work all day and then come home and have to shovel! True love!!
One of the “perks” of Chris’ job is flying to other countries. Germany is my favorite place for him to go because – I love the wine!!!
Chris (and a lot of the other pilots/air crew) have gotten to know a guy who owns a Winery in the Mosel region of Germany. Bart knows me well (without ever even meeting me!!) and he knows exactly which wines I will like the most (the sweeter, the better!)!!
Chris didn’t go on the most recent trip over to Germany but one of the super cool pilots who did offered to bring some back for us (by us, I really mean me!!!). Chris emailed Bart and told him that we would take 4 cases (he pitched in a little extra for us me!).
So, this afternoon this happened:
What a great Sunday evening treat!!!! Some of my very favorite wine while I fix dinner (and eat dinner, and….!!
Oh, and check out my awesome T-shirt:
I just received it yesterday (good timing!!!). I ordered it from Run Pretty Far. They have all kinds of cool stuff (running gear besides cutsie things like my shirt). I think I ordered this on Monday or Tuesday so it came really quickly!!!
Now, I’m off to make dinner and drink some wine!!!
Today was a fun Friday!!!
Chris and I went to Target – always fun and always leave with stuff I “need!”
Then we went to the movie. I can’t remember the last time I have seen a movie at the theater. Of course, I got popcorn (it was a 12:30 showing so I needed lunch!!!) with much extra butter!!! I drank bottled water (only because they are a Pepsi place which I hate – I had my heart set on a Diet Coke!!!).
We saw the movie This Is 40 and I loved it. First off, it was just Chris and I and an older woman in the theater (that was a little weird…). The movie itself had an average story line and never really wrapped up well BUT…..IT WAS FUNNY!!!! There were times when Chris and I were both laughing to the point of tears. Definitely my kind of movie (I like happy, feel-good movies!!!)
After the movie we ran to Best Buy so I could get an arm-band for my iPhone 5 because I’m going to start running outside again!!!
Boys both had good days at school. I made a quick, easy dinner while Chris and I watched some Duck Dynasty. Everyone enjoyed my little meal!
Hopefully we can convince the boys that they really want to play a family game!!! (Cause isn’t that what everyone does on a Friday night???)
In the meantime, I’m enjoying my favorite evening combo – Moscato (wine) and Gobstoppers!!Gotta run – Jordan just brought a game upstairs!!! If the 14 year old is in, I’m sure the 11 year old will follow.
Enjoy your Fun Friday!!!