Category Archives: Uncategorized

Some Days You Have to Laugh

This week was full of those little incidences that you have to just laugh about to keep from getting stressed!!!

Monday – I was hoping to watch some of the Boston Marathon – Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 8.33.13 PMBut, after spending the morning cleaning the venue, I had enough time to drive home, catch the final 5 minutes of the men’s race, shower and get back to the venue for a meeting.

At the meeting , the couple brought in a baby and a 7 year old girl (she wasn’t in school because she had been sent home earlier that day with pink eye) – the guy told me they were all sick – after I shook hands with everyone!!!Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 8.48.19 PM

Tuesday – I had my 3 month check with the dermatologist after having some skin cancer removed.  Before I left his office he had used some weird thing to “freeze” about 10 spots off my hands and face and taken a scalpel to a spot on my back to test a “worrisome” spot.

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Normally when we have events at the venue I don’t stay.  However, Tuesday evening we had an event that I had to stay for.  Driving home I couldn’t figure out why it seemed like the Topeka drivers were worse than normal.  When I finally got close to home (it is about 20 minutes driving through town) I realized that somehow the know had gotten turned and I was driving without lights on – OOPS!!!

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Thursday – I had a full morning of ironing tablecloths lined up.  About 45 minutes into my ironing/book on CD  one of our tenants text me that a squirrel had made a nest inside the wall/ceiling of her apartment.

Not a picture from today - I didn't climb 3 stories up a ladder to see the actual nest!
Not a picture from the apartment – I didn’t climb 3 stories up a ladder to see the actual nest!

Almost 2 hours and a full education on squirrels later (thank you Critter Control) I was finally back to ironing for the event that afternoon  – thankfully I finished with over an hour to spare.

See – sometimes it is good to just laugh at all the petty stuff that happens.

What things did you choose to laugh at this week instead of letting them cause you stress?

Happy Friday!!


Too Many Rewards?

Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 7.21.46 PMDo you ever think that as a society we have gone overboard on thinking that everything we do has to be rewarded?

I think that so many people feel like they can only do something if there is a reward at the end.

There are rewards for showing up.  Rewards for participating.  Even rewards for doing the things you are supposed to do!!Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 7.23.48 PM

Hunter is in 8th grade and (in my opinion)  kids that age should be old enough to behave and do the things they have been taught when they are at school.  However, they get “bucks” for doing these things.  And, then at the end of the semester they can use those reward dollars to buy stuff.

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Gift cards, candy, games…..As parents we are expected to donate these things.  So, I’m supposed to buy  things to reward these 13 & 14 year old kids for going to school and doing what they are supposed to do.

I think it’s completely out of control!!!

I guess I’m just old school enough to think that learning is rewarding enough!!!
Finishing a race is rewarding enough!  (I’m not knocking the medals – I just don’t have to get a medal for running.)

Do you think that we have let the need for rewards get a little out of control?

Today I’m linking up with Deb (DebRuns) and her Wednesday Word.

Deb Runs
The word this week is rewarding.
Happy Wednesday!!!

Going for It!

I quit working (teaching and coaching) after Jordan was born and spent 9 years as a SAHM.  When both boys were in school I worked in the office at their elementary school and it was a fun job but not a career.

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In August of 2013, Chris and I bought a business – The Governor’s Row House – an event venue.  The first year was a huge learning curve for me since I didn’t have any idea how to run a business.

Then my business partner (and life partner!!!) promoted to  Colonel and the Vice Wing Commander (2nd in charge) of the base here.  Awesome for sure but it meant less time for Chris to be able to help with the venue.

I spent a number of months really struggling.

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I thought that if we owned a venue it should be the best one around. However, after going through Tara‘s workshop (Stuck to Unstoppable) I realized that my new goal was just to do the best job I could with the venue and that took a ton of pressure off of me.

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Now, I have some new goals and plans!!  But instead of just thinking about stuff I can do or just talking about them, I’m taking steps toward seeing those goals become a reality.

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It is a little scary because there are definitely risks involved and there will be some steps that are WAY outside of my comfort zone.  However, I’m super excited that for the first time in MANY years, I’m taking action and going for something big!!!

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I do have big plans and I’m going for it even though it might be hard and it might be stressful and it might take some time!!

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So, I’m going for it and the plan is to have a 2nd business that compliments our wedding venue and allows me to use some of my life experiences (besides cleaning and ironing!).

What are you going for these days?!

Happy Monday!!


Words that Annoy

Do you have certain words that annoy you?!

I asked Chris and the boys for the word that bugs them most.

Hunter’s contribution is literally –

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Chris doesn’t like when people say irregardless –

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Jordan said his least favorite word is genius.

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I’m not a fan of the cutsie names like – Hubs, hubby, hubster.  I know they are all commonly used but I don’t see Chris as any of these.  Mostly I just call him “Babe.”

I feel like I have a tendency to overuse a couple of words and it probably bugs some people.

I say Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 9.17.33 PM

and Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 9.18.21 PMa LOT!!!

When I’m talking to the boys I’m always saying – Screen Shot 2015-04-16 at 9.19.25 PM


And, I know that all 3 of the boys in my home think I cuss too much.

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They aren’t a fan at all!

Do you have a word or words that annoy you?
What word(s) do you say a lot?

Happy Friday!!


I Want to Learn to be Spontaneous

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Sometimes (especially lately) I feel like I live by my calendar!!!  I have a great calendar app (Sunrise) that keeps us all synced together – I even get the high school band stuff, FB birthdays…..

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I used to be a little more spontaneous but I feel like I am in a total scheduled rut these days!!

Between the boys activities and homework, Chris’ work schedule and the event venue I feel like every day is packed with stuff to-do but lacks the time for those little  spontaneous things that keep life fun!!

I wish we still lived in a time when it was acceptable to just “pop over” and catch up with someone but that isn’t done anymore.

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Thankfully there are still those totally unexpected things that come up during the day and even though they might cause stress at the start, often they end up being the best experience ever!

I need to work on being more spontaneous – can I schedule that?!  (just kidding – sort of!)

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Are you spontaneous by nature?
Do you try to add spontaneity into your life?

Happy Wednesday!!


BTW – I’m linking up with Deb (DebRuns) for her Wednesday Word.

Deb Runs

Can you tell what the word was today???