Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pushing Past Failure in Order to Fulfill a Dream

Sometimes we have to push ourselves and risk failure in order to  reach our goals.

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It can be scary and hard but…..When we push past that fear we might surprise ourselves!!!

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On Saturday I will be pushing myself past my fear of failing a second time.  I will spend most of my day running through the Flint Hills of Kansas – 

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 8.41.03 PMI’m planning to achieve my goal of running and finishing  a 50 mile race!!!

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 8.33.21 PMMany of you might remember that I tried to achieve this same goal back in October.  I failed because I quit at the 25 mile mark.

I thought that would be the end of that goal.  Then in January I got an email about the same 50 mile race being held in May with a 6:00 AM start (the October race was 6:00 PM).

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I signed up for the race the day they opened registration!  And, I’ve been focused on training for it ever since.  I took all of the lessons I learned from my last attempt and tried to figure out how I could overcome those mistakes.

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I feel like I am ready run and to finish my first true ultra (I’m not counting all of the ones on my treadmill).

Screen Shot 2014-05-06 at 8.30.48 PMSo, Saturday morning I will start running bright and early and hopefully by around 4:00 that afternoon I will be able to say, “I am an…

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I would say that I will tweet along the way but that probably will never happen.  I’m sure I will share a picture or 2 on Instagram at some point.

So, hopefully by trying again, I will be able to move past my failure and mark this goal off my list (so I can move on to the next one!!!).

What is something that you have failed and tried again successfully?

Happy Wednesday!


Sometimes Rocks Crack

I think we all know people who are ROCKS.  (not dumb as a rock!!!) 

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 11.43.50 AMThese rocks are the people who others lean on during the rough times or even just during the normal daily events of life.

I have been very fortunate in my life and have never lived through a major tragedy.  That fact combined with my need to be completely independent make it hard for me to let someone else be a rock for me.

However, I do try to be a rock for those around me.

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 11.38.59 AMI will do anything I can to help those I know and care about.

But, sometimes, rocks crack.

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 11.36.35 AMThere are so many forces that combine to cause this and as hard as we try to be strong we can’t always keep the cracks from forming.  

Over time the cracks will grow and eventually the rock will wear down.

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 11.52.05 AMLately, I’ve felt like a rock that had a small crack but the crack has gotten bigger and is starting to let in things that I don’t want – self-doubt, sadness, even a sense of  loneliness. 

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 11.39.53 AMI feel like if I’m not strong enough then I let people down when I should be helping them. 

I am on a mission to try and rebuild/reinforce my rock.  I’m not sure what all that will involve or how long it will take but it is something that needs to happen so that I don’t end up like this – Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 11.59.42 AM

Do you have a “ROCK” in your life?  
Are you the “ROCK” for everyone around you?  How do you keep from cracking?

Happy Monday!


Home is the BEST!!

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No matter where I go, I’m always happy to go home again!!!  And when I take a trip without my family then I’m extra happy to go home!

This morning I get to spend a little more time with my sweet niece – 

Isn't the flower awesome?
Isn’t the flower awesome?
so much fun!
so much fun!

I’m happy that I was able to come down to TX and spend some time with my sister, her family and especially my new niece, Griffin!!

But…..Screen shot 2014-04-29 at 10.46.18 PM

I’m ready to go home.

I love being home with my routine and all of the things that I do in a normal day!  And, I miss my boys – 

my boys
my boys

So, this morning after another round of baby cuddling, I will hit the road and end the day back where I belong!

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What is your favorite part of a trip?  

Happy Wednesday!!


Driving and Running, Business and Sleeping, Babies and Blogging

Currently I’m in Texas!!!  I drove down on Saturday (after Hunter and I ran 9 miles!) to spend some time with my sister and her family so that I could meet my new niece and help out some.

1 week old
1 week old

It is less than 7 hours so the drive isn’t too bad – especially since I have books on CD to keep me entertained (and sunflower seeds to keep me awake!).

Mandi with her kiddos
Mandi with her kiddos

I know that I should try to get in a few more good runs this week since next week will be all about resting (well, maybe not resting but it won’t include running much).  However, I’m TIRED!!!!  

sleeping with dad
sleeping with dad

I brought some work to Texas with me (business stuff and a volunteer project I’m working on) and it is just sitting on the desk staring at me – I think it’s mocking me!!!

Hadley, the big brother (5)
Hadley, the big brother (5)

Last night I stayed up until midnight (that is WAY past my bedtime) trying to get caught up on blogging (didn’t happen – still behind!).

Something has got to give!!!  Sleep is already at a minimum in my world.  Working out is part of what I do – even if it is less than normal (still includes a daily 44).

For these next couple of days, I will just try to let things go and focus on family!!!

Meet Griffin

After all, the next time I turn around, Griffin will be in high school (like my own boys!!) so I better enjoy this baby stage while I have a chance!!

Happy Monday!


Say It, Do It

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So, I had a situation the other day  that sort of threw me.

I was at a meeting last week and committed to heading up a project this week.  The day before the event, I received an email asking if I still planned to take care of it.  I responded with a “Yes.”

The next day I was at the event and had everything under control and the same person called to make sure that I was there.  This was about 20 minutes after the start time so, of course I was there!!

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I know it shouldn’t have bugged me but it did.  I have lots of short-comings and make many mistakes but I do keep my word and when I commit to doing something I do it!

Would it bother you if someone checked not once but twice to make sure you were doing what you said you would do?

Happy Friday!
