5 straight days of 5:00 AM alarm – YUCK!!! But it’s Fun Friday!!!! And, no alarm for the next 2 days!
Today for the 43 I worked my core and my upper back! I did a Kayaker move: Position yourself in a V-Sit (legs extended if possible) and hold that for the entire time. Holding a body bar (mine only weighs about 5 pounds), row – pull the bar toward you and squeeze your shoulder blades then extend your arms and push the bar straight in front of you.

The row wasn’t too bad but holding the V-Sit for the entire time….made it through all 43 even though I was shaking by the end!!!

This picture is just because those 2 are so very silly!!! I’m not exactly sure what Jordan was doing in the background of these pictures but Hunter seemed to think it was funny!!! Look – he is still keeping his legs up while he laughs – double core bonus!!!
After the 43 I did Les Mills Combat – HIIT Plyo. High intensity for 30 minutes!!! I really liked this one even though it meant more burpees!! (I’m not sure why I hate those so much but I keep doing them because I know they are good for me!)
I had a little more time so I pulled out one of my 10 Minute Solution DVDs – Blast Off Belly Fat. I did 2 sections – Belly Fat Blaster and Ab Ripper. The first section was all standing core work – awesome!!! The second one was a mix of standing, crunches and plank work! I like these little 10 minute programs because they are nonstop for the entire 10!
Today in the library we are doing inventory – every single book will be scanned by the end of the day!!! Gonna be fun, fun, fun!!!Sponge Bob – I’m pretty sure that my boys (Chris included) can quote every line of every episode!!! Awesome, huh?!
A friend had this quote on Facebook and I borrowed it because it is exactly me!!This quote pretty much sums things up – all of the challenges I do are to try and improve myself not to show-off or compete with anyone else.
Some library humor in honor of the day ahead!
Happy Fun Friday!!!