Today’s 44 was a row with a band. Loop the band around your feet and sit back in a semi-reclined position –

On the row, you really squeeze your shoulder blades together to feel the move. By reclining a little, you can add in some core work – always a bonus!
I also got in a nice long run!! I did 11 miles (88:07) + a nice easy cool down mile. Since this week is spring break I have a little extra time in the mornings so I’m going to try and get several long runs!
I think that everything in life is constantly changing or evolving otherwise it becomes stagnant.
Carla Binberg (the former MizFit) has been doing a series on change the past few weeks which has really resonated with me. Change can be a great thing and it can keep us moving forward in our lives and toward our goals.
Lately I have alluded to the fact that I need to make some changes in regards to my blog. I wrote about how hard decisions can be and then yesterday I talked about staying true to my “why.” I have also been really focusing on the THINK acronym and I know that a lot of what I post isn’t helpful, inspiring or necessary!!!
The one thing I know is that I have way to many blog friends (and the list has grown since that September post!!!) to walk away from my little space.
So after a LOT of thought I have decided it is time for a change over here!
I have posted 547 consecutive days and loved almost every minute of it!! However, I’ve decided that it is time for me to back off and I am going to go to a lighter posting schedule (probably 3 week days but it might be 4 some weeks!) with a Daily 44 recap of the week on the weekend. It is odd for me to not start every post with my daily move and I might continue that at least for awhile – small changes might be easier!!!
I think/hope that by cutting down on posts I will be able to focus more on having quality posts and also read and comment on other blogs the way I really want to!!!
I figure this will either take away some stress in my life or I will have major withdrawals from my daily blogging and then I will just How has you blog evolved since you started blogging? Was it hard or easy to make changes?
Happy Monday!!