Keep it Real!!

I started the 43 today thinking I wanted to do some standing ab/core work.  The move I picked did work my obliques some (and my core because of the balance involved) but it mostly targeted my hips and outer thighs (which can always use more work!).  After the first 10-12 I realized why they were hurting (hydrant kicks yesterday, duh!!!) – OOPS!!!  I usually try not to target the same muscle group 2 days in a row with the 1000s of choices I have – oh well!!!

Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 8.19.48 AMAnyway, back to the 43!!  I did a standing leg extension (to the side).  I started like this:


(the goofy hand pose is mandatory!!).  Then I lifted my right leg straight to the side – held a second – and lowered.  I tried not to touch the floor between every rep (had to tap it occasionally in order not to fall on my face!).

take the picture already!
take the picture already!

After doing 43 with my right leg and really feeling it in both hips, I had to got to switch sides and do another 43 with my left leg.

both sides need to be treated fairly!
both sides need to be treated fairly!

(At least I have an awesome  T-shirt from the super talented Cait!!!)

Today was a fun work-out day because it involved my favorite (so far anyway!) Les Mills Combat DVD – Combat 60 Ultimate Fighter!  I like that the work-out is an hour, it keeps my heart rate up, works legs and arms as well as cardio and the time flies by.

One thing I really like about the the Les Mills Combat program is the motivation and tips they provide.  And today at the end of today’s work-out they said – KEEP IT REAL!!!

I love that saying!!!  It is one of the sayings I try to live by.  With me, what you see is what you get!!!  Whether I’m working out, buying groceries, subbing, blogging (my own or commenting on others) or just hanging out with my family = I’m just the same ol’ person! I’m just me!

And on that note – another fun ecard (cause while the card is humorous and a bit extreme,   I’m just keeping it real!!!).

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Happy Tuesday – keep it real!!!


5th day of February = 5x 1 minute wall sits – Done!!

Monday Morning Blues

For my 43 today, I took a move that works your butt and by using my BOSU like this

upside down for a twist
upside down for a twist

turned into a true challenge!!!  Trying to stay balanced really amped up the difficulty level!

I did a “hydrant” kick. Start on all 4s:


Push one leg straight up with a 90 degree bend in your knee.

lift & flex
lift & flex

From this lovely position, move your leg across your other leg and touch the knee to the floor.

reach over & lower!
reach over & lower!

Return to 90, drop the knee straight down and repeat until you reach desired # of reps – 43 for me.  Of course, I can’t walk around unbalanced (any more than I already am!) so I did a second set of 43 with my other leg.  My butt was burning and my core got a great work-out!!!

Today was another day of  Les Mills Combat – Combat 30.  Since it was a short work-out (30 minutes) I decided to do more today.  So I ran!!!

For some reason after I dropped both boys off at school this morning, I was in a bit of a funk.  Not sure why – we had a great weekend, enjoyed the game with friends last night (and I didn’t care about the outcome) – just a bit blue…Screen shot 2013-02-04 at 10.24.10 AM

So, I did what any blue frog would do – RUN!!!

I decided to really push myself and see how far I could run in 43:00 minutes.  I set the incline to 1.5%, started at an 8:00 minute pace (7.5)  and increased  0.1 every 45 seconds.  Outcome:  43:00 minutes = 7.3 miles!!!  (sub 6:00 pace overall).

I think I outran my funk!!!  (or I’m just too tired to know any different!!)

Now, since I put off grocery shopping and other errand running over the weekend, I’m fixing to head to the dreaded Screen shot 2013-02-04 at 10.28.53 AM

Good times for sure!!!

Happy Monday  (hope you aren’t fighting off the blues, too)!!!


4th day of February = 4x 1 minute wall sits – DONE!!!

Super Day Sunday!!!

Yikes!!  Today’s 43 was one of those times when I sort-of wished that I was closer to 20!!!  The move itself wasn’t too bad – it’s just the act of knocking out 43 that really pushed me!!

I did plank up-downs today.  43 times!!!!!

[youtuber youtube=’′]

I did my best to keep my body straight even during the up-down part but it was definitely a challenge!!!!

And the rest of the work-out…..Day Off!!!!  I’m continuing  with my daily wall sits for the month of February  – today I did 3 of them for 1 minute each.  My quads should be getting stronger by the minute!!!

I keep hearing about some large bowl Screen shot 2013-02-03 at 8.07.43 AMSuper bowl something?  Maybe these?Screen shot 2013-02-03 at 8.07.01 AM

I’m just kidding – I know that today is a huge football game!!! I just don’t get into pro-football much.  I’m trying to decide which team to cheer for.

I love this place! Chris and I visited here the first month we were dating!San FranciscoSo pretty and so close to Napa and wine!!!  Oh, wait – football.

Well, I also like this city:BaltimoreAnother  gorgeous place!  I guess I can’t pick my team based on the beauty of the city or where I have or haven’t been.  Hmmmm….

San Francisco 49ers

Baltimore RavensI’ll just support them both and enjoy time with friends tonight.

I do sort-of wish that we were hereNew Orleans

New Orleans during Mardi Gras?!  Oh, wait – not a great idea!!  Been there, done that and now I’m a responsible grown-up!!!

Happy Sunday – hope it is a Super day!!!




Groundhog as Meteorologist (at least today!)

Today’s 43 was another circuit that I thought would be fun  – you know I love to work as many different muscles as possible!!!  This one was pretty much a total body circuit!!

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Sometimes it is more challenging to keep the legs stationary than it is to move them!  The single leg squats require core strength to keep your balance.  Adding the hops and weights helps get your heart rate up!  Score on many levels!!

I liked this circuit as a 43 – it went really quickly, too.  43 reps = 129 of each of the arm exercises!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

After the circuit I still wanted to do a bit more today so I did one of my 10 Minute Solution DVDs – Ultimate Boot Camp with Jessica Smith.  I only did 3 of the 5 sections:  Fat Fighting Skills & Drills (intervals of high intensity cardio – loved this section!), Ultimate Total Body Training (power, strength & endurance moves combined – loved!), and Six Pack Ab Attack (duh – core!).

This was a great work-out for me.  Each of the 10 minutes were non-stop activity and Jessica actually put together some moves that were new for me (love when that happens – sometimes it seems like all of the work-outs use the same ‘ol moves!!!)

So, in case you didn’t get up and watch the newsScreen shot 2013-02-02 at 9.40.38 AM

the famous ground hog did not see his shadow so spring is on the way!!  And we all know that just like our local meteorologist – this guy is totally accurate (at least 50% of the time!!!)!

Cute tradition!   And if you live in or around Punxsutawney, PA I guess it is a pretty big deal!  Maybe Topeka should come up with something fun like that…hmmm……

Well, no matter when spring arrives these little guys always make me smile!

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Happy Saturday (in the middle of winter!)!!


50-mile race, Firm in February, 5th graders & Fun Friday!!!

The letter of the day is F!!!

My 43 was an alternating lateral lunge with 5 pound dumbbells that I picked up one on rep and put back down on the next rep.  (Picking up and putting down the weights is a great way to make sure that you get maximum benefits from the lunge because it forces you to get low!)  I counted a right lunge and left lunge as 1 – so it was 43 lunges on each side!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

(Poor planning on my part – early morning and no video so I got Chris up at 6:15 when I finished my work-out so he could make a demo before I showered!)  He got to sleep in because he is off today – I was up at 5:00!!!!

The rest of my work-out was Les Mills Combat.  I doubled up today!!  I started with HIIT Power – always brutal!!! Then I did Combat 30 – good but easier than the first!!

Registration opened up today (and I signed up this morning!!!) for the Heartland Ultra-marathon!!  There is a 100 mile race and a 50 mile.  I’m just going to do the 50 (hopefully next year I will be ready for the 100!).  The race isn’t until October but I wanted to sign-up on day 1!  WooHoo – 50 miles!!!  (Anyone want to pace some miles on October 12, 2013?  Let me know!!)

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For the short month of February, I thought it would be fun to add in a challenge move every day.   I love all of the challenges that different people offer in the blog world but it is hard for me to follow them completely in addition to doing my own work-outs and running.  I decided to just do something new for myself by picking 1 move and doing it each day in the month of February for the # of reps that goes along with the day of the month.

My move – Wall Sit for 1 minute!!!  DSCN2617

Look – I can even do it after my shower.  Really, that was my whole idea – something that I could just do at different times in the day not just during my sweaty work-out.  By the end of the month it will have to be at a lot of different times of the day – no way will I be doing 28 minutes worth all at the same time!!!

If you decide to pick a move of the month and play along let me know!!!  We could motivate each other!

Today I have a full day of 5th grade!!!  Reading, math, science, social studies……Friday!

So many things (all starting with F) – but one of the best – Fun Friday!!!!

[youtuber youtube=’′]

Have a great Fun Friday!!!


Let me know if you want to play along on the daily February move!!!



Fitness – Food – Fun