Today’s 44 was a wall sit with alternating foot raises.


These might be some of the “best” pictures yet if you want to see me look like a total dork. 5:00 am is early and I can’t spend much time worrying about how I look in the pictures!!!
I counted a right lift and a left lift as 1 rep. For fun I timed my wall sit while I did this – 2:35.
I was hoping to get in another 9 miles today but during mile 7 my Achilles started hurting quite a bit so I just finished that one and then did 1.5 nice and easy to try and stretch it out some.
We aren’t Catholic but after doing some research and talking to friends who are Catholic, I’ve learned that anyone can benefit from the act of giving something up for a period of time. I also learned that if you are going to give something up it should be something that will be hard for you so that it really makes a difference.
I picked something from the above list and if you have read my blog for awhile you might know which one of the things up there will be a hard one for me to give up.

I have decided to give up my evening cocktail/wine!!
“An experience of want, however temporary, can help us to appreciate the true abundance in our lives. And a small positive change can have a big impact that lasts beyond the 40 days of Lent.” (Neela Kale)
So, this will be a challenge for me (I really enjoy my happy hour drinks!!) and I think that Chris is pretty sure I won’t really stick to the 40 days but I think it will also be a great experience!!!
Do you give anything up for Lent?
Happy Wednesday!!