I like to do some form of push-ups every week for one of 43s because I want to build up to the point were I can do LOTS of push-ups!!!
Today I did a basic push-up

to a T-stand (on the T-stand I alternated sides).

I did 43 total push-ups so 22 T-stands on the right side and 21 on the left side. I kept my push-ups slow to provide extra resistance and then held each T-stand for a 2-count.
After my 43 I wasn’t really motivated to lift weight so I did part of a new work-out. It is one of the 10 Minutes Solution DVDs (which I love!!!) – Ultimate Boot Camp with Jessica Smith. I did 2 sections: Fat fighting skills & drills (cardio) and Six pack ab attack. Then I decided I was ready to hit the weights!! Today started week 3 of Chalean Extreme Burn Circuit. I’m happy that I got in my weights after all!
I don’t know if you can tell from the pictures above but last night was hair night and I decided it was time for a fall look – back to brunette with some red streaks!!!
I’m spending the afternoon volunteering at Hunter’s school and I think this morning I will bake something for the boys. I’m not really a baker (I love to cook!) but the cloudy, cooler weather just makes it seem like the thing to do (and the house will smell great!!).
Enjoy your Wednesday!!!