I had a great circuit planned for my 43 today but I woke up not feeling great so I changed the plan and made my 43 a little less challenging (no jumping today!!!).
I decided to do triceps dips but make them more difficult by putting my feet on a stability ball.

Keeping my feet on the ball was difficult enough but then I did 43 dips – my arms were shaking!!

Putting my feet on the ball really did change the move from the way I normally do dips – fun to try new moves!!!
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct2UMRwnvNs’]
You can tell in the video that it is hard to keep your body straight and the ball in place (or at least it was hard for me)!!
And, who knew that this stool could be such a great work-out tool?!

After I finished, Jordan started messing around with my stability ball – check out his mad balancing skills:

Not gonna lie – I tried this after he did it – I could have been seriously injured!!! It’s not nearly as easy as he is making it look!
It rained all day yesterday and today is supposed to be more of the same with some snow mixed in (good thing it is warm enough that the snow won’t stick!!).
Here is a view of our rainy day entertainment:
[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1RK7MiUVhQ’]
Hunter just keeps getting faster and faster on the Rubik cube (all types!) and now he is combining his brain power with a little ab work – LOVE it!!!
Last night, Jordan was with some friends so it was just Hunter home with us for awhile. After dinner we decided to watch a movie together.This was a great movie!! It was a little sad at times but I loved the overall story (and the little girl was so cute!!). Movies based on true stories are usually some of my favorites. Of course, Hunter said that he prefers Matt Damon in the Bourne movies over this one. Really??!!
Well, I think I have rambled enough. Gonna spend the day relaxing and enjoying the rain/snow and the fact that I don’t have to go out in it!!
Happy Sunday!