Since the 43 yesterday really worked my quads, I decided to work my arms (namely my biceps) today. I did my 43 version of the traditional Bicep 21s.
First, I did 43 bottom half bicep curls (just curl up to waist height). Then I did 43 top half curls (waist height to shoulder height curls). Finally, I did 43 full curls.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
(Once again, the demo is just a sample – I only did 3 of each type of curl for the cute video!!!) You can see that I used a barbell instead of dumbbells today – this is my Body Pump bar and I added a 10 pound plate on each side. I thought I might have to drop down to 5 pounds to complete the reps but I was able to maintain my form with the 10s so I kept them!!!

I noticed in the video that my bottom half curls look like they go past my waist – here is where I tried to stop them each time. (and also where I started and ended the top half curls)
My hip was feeling fine even after I ran Tuesday so I decided to go ahead and run again today. (It has been 6.5 weeks since the DR said nothing for 8 weeks – CLOSE ENOUGH!!!)
Today I ran 7 miles in 50:35 and then did an easy 2 to cool down. (On my treadmill all at 1.5% incline.) It feels so good to really run again!!! I know that I should back off and run easier but I just love the feeling of a good, hard, fast run!!! I have MISSED it!!! And now, once again – I AM A RUNNER!!! All is right with the world (at least my world!!!)!!
Running makes me as happy as being on the beach (it is a really close call, though!!!).
I heard the funniest story on the way home from taking Hunter to school. A teacher has sued a school board because she has a fear of children and had to quit her job after being transferred to a middle school. Story here. Very odd choice of professions for someone who has an intense fear of children!! People make me laugh sometimes!!!
Happy Wednesday!!! (I have the whole day to catch up on things -now that I’m done with my long-term sub job!!)