Today’s 43 was my favorite kind because it was a combo move!!! I did a bicep curl to a shoulder press while staying in a plie position.
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I love to incorporate lots of muscle groups into one exercise!!! I used 10 pound dumbbells and that was plenty by the time I reached 43.
I decided to pull out one of my 10 Minute Solution DVDs – Ultimate Boot Camp. I did all 5 sections for a great total body workout!!
Yesterday afternoon the boys and I played Monopoly. I love to play board games and the boys have grown up playing games – now that they are older I’m the one asking them to play usually!! (Hunter asked to play yesterday!!!) Jordan ended up dominating the game and Hunter was the first one out – he started getting more and more cranky when he realized that he was fixing to be bankrupt!
From the time the boys were really young (like 3), we have played games. Countless games of
I was really happy when we moved on to other more exciting games and activities!!
But, from the very beginning – I played the game to win, not to let them win. Chris always said that was mean but I disagree. When we played (even at that young age) – the winner had to say “good game” to everyone else and the loser(s) had to be a good sport.
I felt like it was important for my boys to learn early on that competition is part of life and a good thing but being a good sport is also very important.
I’m not gonna lie – this has been a really hard thing for me to teach because I’m sort-of over the top competitive. That whole saying Yep – that’s me!!!
However, I try really hard to be a good sport and show my boys how to be a good sport.
At the same time, I think that competition is good for us and I have always competed at whatever I do. From early on when I took the boys to play Putt-Putt Golf, we kept score. One day Hunter said – “we like to play with Dad, he doesn’t keep score.” What?! What’s the point? How do you know who the winner is?!
When Jordan was a 1st grader he came home from school one day and said –
If you had fun you won.
I about fell over!! Where did you learn that? It was posted in the gym at school. Oh!!! I don’t necessarily say that myself but I’m trying to at least think it on occasion!!!
So, clearly, as I try to help my boys learn to be good sports, I’m also working on making sure that I’m a good sport!
Are you super competitive? Does that make it hard for you to be a good sport?
Happy Tuesday!!