Tag Archives: boot camp

The Power of ONE

Today for my 43 I did a move that I knew was going to be included in my workout (with over 150 reps!!!) – I figured that an extra 43 would be good for me – sometimes I’m sort-of stupid crazy like that!!!

I used my barbell – 

15 pounds on each side
15 pounds on each side

and did squats.  

get ready - once again eyes closed to prep!!
get ready – once again eyes closed to prep!!

And, just to show that I really do know to put all my weight in my butt (even though the picture above looks like I’m tilting forward) – 

side view
side view

I prefer doing the pictures before I work out (when I’m a little fresher!!) but today these were after my 43 squats and after my workout so my legs were  shot!!!

I did Body Pump – Pump Revolution which is almost an hour of lifting (high reps!).  There was a second when I first got up that I thought about doing the workout as planned but using lighter weights.  However,  I decided that doesn’t help me accomplish what I’m trying to achieve which is to get stronger.  So, I pushed myself with heavy weights and now I’m glad I did!!

Today was also Beach Boot Camp – the workout was fun and   different – it was partly inspired by my love of Turbo Fire and partly inspired by the current month (July!!).  I just included 7 moves (since July is the 7th month) that we did for 13 reps (2013!!) and then we repeated the circuit.  We only made it through 5 sets   today (appointments for some) but the goal would be 7 sets!!

Screen shot 2013-07-09 at 8.56.44 AMWhen Jordan and I left the swim beach after the workout (he has gone to all of the beach boot camps except 1 – last Friday because he was wiped out after a late night of fireworks Thursday night), I told him I was a little bummed that only 1 person (besides he and I) came to workout this morning.  His response – 

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Not gonna lie – it was a proud moment for me!!!  Not because of the workout but because he has the wisdom as a 14 year-old to realize that making a difference in the life of one  person is just as important as making a difference in the lives of 100s of people!!!

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Sometimes I get so wrapped up in thinking that I need to try and get more people to come to boot camp or in trying to grow my blog that I forget what really matters.  

Boot camp is just something that I thought would be fun this summer (and it has been!!).  What I didn’t realize when I started was how much I would enjoy the days that Jordan goes with me and  participates in my class!!  

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So, even if I only have a few people in some classes (I know that lots of people are on vacation and 6 am is just too early for some to get up in the summer!!) – Boot Camp has been a huge success because it has been good for Jordan (and for me!!).

Screen shot 2013-07-09 at 8.46.23 AMAnd, I know that my blog won’t ever affect that many people but if even just one person feels better after reading my blog than I am  happy!!!  (Occasionally that person is me, because the act of writing things down makes me feel better sometimes.)

Screen shot 2013-07-09 at 8.48.32 AMSo, no matter how many people you come in contact with during the day, remember that making one person smile or feel better about themselves is enough!!!!

Happy Tuesday!!!


My Favorite Way to Cook

I decided it was time for another burpee variation for the 43 today.  I’m still working on the awesome list of 30 burpees that Taylor @ Lifting Revolution shared awhile back.  Today I did a burpee with a lateral jump over a step – FUN TIMES!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQT6e33BNuM’]

6:00 am boot camp was fun – we did the Move It, Move It workout (all legs!!) from Friday because I knew that none of the people who came Friday would be here this morning.  It was HUMID  – we were drenched by the end of the workout.

I decided to run on my treadmill instead of outside because I knew that I would be sucking air thanks to the mugginess.  I ran at 1.5% incline – 5 miles 31:34 + 1 mile super easy for a cool down.

Irving Naxon  – anyone know who he is?  He developed the “all-purpose” cooker which was bought by The Rival Company in 1970 and reintroduced in 1971 as the Crock Pot.

a few of the crock pots I use
a few of the crock pots I use

I think the Crock Pot is truly  my favorite kitchen appliance!!!  I use one of my crock pots at least once a week and often as many as 3 times a week.  There have been many meals that I have 2 crock pots full of stuff!!!

Any day that I have evening plans I try to get dinner into the crock pot in the morning.  Such a great feeling to know that dinner (at least part of it) is already done!!!  

I’m pretty sure that I’ve already shared my love of cookbooks before.Cookbooks

CookbooksIn my collection, I have a whole shelf devoted to crock pot/slow cooker cook books.  My favorites are from the Fix-It-and-Forget-It series.Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 8.48.52 PM

One of the great things about using a crock pot is there is really no need for a recipe.  The thing that I do the most is put a cut of meat (ribs, round steak, roast, brisket, chicken breasts, pork roast, turkey breasts, even a whole chicken) with a rub and/or a sauce of some sort and let it cook all day.  Super easy and by the end of the day we have a very tender piece of meat!

In the fall and winter I make all kinds of soups and chili in the crock pot.  In the summer, I love to use the crock pot to keep the kitchen from heating up!!  

I even take one of my crock pots with me on some of our longer trips (when we stay places with a kitchen) so that we don’t have to eat out every meal and I don’t have to spend any time really cooking.

Do you use a crock pot very often?  What is your favorite recipe in the crock pot?

Happy Monday!!


I’m Way too Old to Stay up till Midnight!!!

This morning’s 43 was nice because even though it worked my arms and upper back a little, and it was  a nice stretch (which felt good after a week full of lots of plank work!!).

I just did a lying pull-over with a dumbbell (15 pound).

slowly lower arms behind
slowly lower arms behind

I tried to keep all 43 at a nice steady pace so there wasn’t any jerking.  This move really did feel pretty good through my shoulders and upper back (plus, I will take all the work I can get on my triceps!!).

Today was a double Boot Camp day – 6:00 (backyard) and 7:15 (beach) – I love starting my day outside with exercise and friends!!!  Today’s workout was all about moving and was FULL of squats and lunges of all types – it was AWESOME!!  And – my legs are still shaking an hour after finishing the 2nd round!!!

random scenes while hanging out waiting for fireworks
random scenes while hanging out waiting for fireworks

Last night was a lot of fun – we had plenty of great food, Texas Margaritas, friends and lots of fireworks!!!

4th of JulyAround dusk, Hunter decided it was time to bring out the big guns in terms of firecrackers.  He started with a tube that had 4000 firecrackers:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOA-4CSoc34′]

the remains!!
the remains!!

A short time later he decided it was time to light the really big roll – an 8000 round of firecrackers.

8000 firecrackers
8000 firecrackers

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECUwXDNMBBk’]

Good times!!!

Jordan had a plan and with the help of Hunter, Nick, Alex and Chris – they put on a great show for us!!

taking a bow
taking a bow
the aftermath
the aftermath

Between the show on our driveway, the lake show and the shows by several of our neighbors – we saw lots of great fireworks.  No major issues or injuries so it was a successful night overall!!!

How's this for a great family picture?!
How’s this for a great family picture?!

The only downside to the entire thing?  It was close to midnight when I went to bed and then it took me a long time to fall asleep.  5:15 came way too early this morning!!!

Oh, well – small price to pay for a night of fun!!!  And, I plan to spend some time on the swim beach today soaking up the sun so I can relax/nap then!!!

What did you do to celebrate the 4th of July?  Do you shoot off fireworks?  

Growing up I never did but I love doing it (well, watching the boys) now!!!  

Happy Friday!!


Music and Running

Today’s 43 was pretty much good for my entire body!!!  I did a clean & press with a dead-lift.  I used my Body Pump bar with 10 pound plates on each side (I had 15 pounds/side but realized after 3 reps that I would never be able to make all 43 with proper form at that weight!).

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QoK3fDshhs’]

I would like to really increase my weight on these but that shoulder press kills me!!!

Today’s Boot Camp was fun – I set up a circuit with 18 stations and all sorts of equipment (medicine ball, stability ball, step, jump rope, agility ladder).  We did 50 seconds and then had 10 seconds to move to the next.  We went around the entire circuit 2x and the 2nd time was supposed to be FULL effort since everyone knew the moves then!!!  I love short little bursts like this because it makes the time go quickly!!!

After boot camp, I decided to take advantage of the incredible weather that we are still enjoying (65 at 7:00) and go for a run!  I ran 5.67  (I still can’t believe that I stopped at such a random # but I was at my driveway and ready to walk!!!) in 47:23 which is 8:21 pace.   Considering the issues I’ve had the past couple of months with running – I was very happy with this run (and actually felt pretty good the entire time).  Now, if I could just figure out how to get rid of some of the hills!!!  (seems like way more steep up-hills than down hills – weird!!)

Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 8.36.56 AMAnyone who has read my blog for very long knows that I love running on my treadmill – it paces me, I can control the hills (or lack of hills), I can watch all my favorite DVRed Reality TV shows and I keep myself totally entertained by playing games with the speed while I run.  

Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 8.56.04 AMHowever, I’m trying to transition at least some of my runs back outside in preparation for my 50 miler in October!!  

One thing that has helped lately is the nice weather!!!  And the scenery around here isn’t too bad either – I follow the lake a lot of times.  It’s nice to see plenty of other people out walking (often with dogs), running and biking!!!

But – the biggest help is MUSIC!!!  I tried using my iPhone but the long cord for the headphones always drove me crazy!!

Then I bought these:DSCN1292

This is actually a Sony mp3 headphone and it is awesome!!  It came with 3 different sizes of earpieces and the small ones fit perfectly in my ears (without hurting them – a small miracle!!) and they don’t slide around at all.  The only downside I’ve found is that when I sweat (a LOT when I run), having the earpieces in my ears on top of the sweat makes my ears feel all stopped up but now that I’ve used these a couple of times it seems to be getting better.

I love this little device!!!  Having some tunes while I run helps keep me entertained and sometimes the songs even motivate me a little.  Like today – the song that came on during the last 1/2 mile (I just have my play list on shuffle!) was old school – Salt n Pepa – Push It!!!  (college day memories!!)Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 9.10.30 AM

Now I’m not stupid (I know what the song is about) – but today I used the words to “push it” harder and finish my run with a sprint!!  

And, of course, there are plenty of songs that come on that I feel the need to sing along to!  Probably not a good thing since my ears are semi-stopped up from sweat and who knows how loud I end up singing and it’s a given that I don’t sing in tune!!  I just figure it is adding to the workout challenge because it is pretty hard to run and sing!!!

Some of the tunes that I enjoyed (and anyone within hearing distance) today while running:

  • Rockin’ the Beer Gut
  • Redneck Woman (Gretchen Wilson)
  • Play that Funky Music (Wild Cherry)
  • It’s Tricky (Run DMC)
  • If I had $1,000,000 (Barenaked Ladies)
  • Sin Wagon  (Dixie Chicks)
  • Single Ladies (Beyonce)
  • Chicken Fried (Zac Brown Band)
  • and of course, Push It (Salt n Pepa)

See why I feel the need to sing?!  

I think that the Sony mp3 might be a good giveaway  for me to do later this summer!!!  (look for it around the time school starts – mid August here!)

What are your favorite running tunes?

 You can tell that I’m pretty old school – I don’t think any of my favorites are very recent – many are from previous decades!!!

Happy Wednesday!!


Blogging: How Much Time Does it Really Take?

Today’s 43 was all about working my abs!!!  I did a single leg climb.  

Start by laying on your back with your left knee bent (the closer your foot is to your butt the harder) and your right leg extended (knees even).  Crunch up and reach for your toes.  If you can grab your toes – Awesome!!!  If you have to “walk up your leg” – still good.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldhk1HE6bRw’]

You can see in the demo that I tried to get some straight touches and then I did some where I used my leg to “climb” up.  After I did 43 with my right leg extended, I switched legs and did another set of 43.  (and my abs are already a bit sore!)

I did a Reebok workout DVD (Bootcamp style) this morning.  It was a good workout – just a mix of toning and cardio without being super intense – perfect before Beach Boot Camp.

At 7:15, Jordan and I went to the beach for boot camp.  We did the workout with 7 mini workouts inside it (from yesterday).  I really like this one.  I told my boot campers that these were good if they wanted a short burst of activity – just pick one of the 5 minute drills and do it!Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 9.15.31 AM

When I first started my blog (September 2012), I really had no idea what I was doing or getting into.  Now, 10 months later, I have a little better grip on things except the time factor!!!  There are days that I feel like I spend hours and hours blogging – between writing my posts, reading many incredible blogs every day and leaving comments on some, replying to comments on my blog – I sometimes feel like blogging has taken over my life!

Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 8.46.31 AMI’ve grown to really enjoy blogging!!!  But sometimes I feel overwhelmed by all of the other social media!Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 8.48.01 AMNot gonna lie – I don’t even know what some of that stuff is – Ping, blippy, digg, (and many others)?????

Somedays when I’m going through my Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 8.51.51 AMlist, I wonder if I’m doing the right thing.  I love reading many great blogs and I’ve learned so many things through all of these blogs.  I also feel like I’ve “met” some really great people/bloggers!!

I know that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Pinterest (+ many, many others) are all great online sources but I feel like I’m barely keeping up just on the blog end! 

Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 9.02.05 AMI don’t want my kids to think that I pick the computer over them and I also want to set a good example for them (I don’t want them on the computer, XBox, iPad….. all day either).

I told Jordan the other day when I was just “reading a few more blogs” that I really didn’t know when I started blogging that it would take so much time.  But, I also enjoy blogging and if I’m going to continue, I want to do the best job I can.  I think that the time I invest in reading other’s blogs and commenting helps make my own blog better.  

At what point does it become “too much time” spent blogging?  
Does anyone else ever struggle with this?

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I’m pretty sure that if Chris came home and the house really was super clean, he might wonder what the deal was!!

Happy Tuesday!!
