Today for my 43 I did a move that I knew was going to be included in my workout (with over 150 reps!!!) – I figured that an extra 43 would be good for me – sometimes I’m sort-of stupid crazy like that!!!
I used my barbell –

and did squats.

And, just to show that I really do know to put all my weight in my butt (even though the picture above looks like I’m tilting forward) –

I prefer doing the pictures before I work out (when I’m a little fresher!!) but today these were after my 43 squats and after my workout so my legs were shot!!!
I did Body Pump – Pump Revolution which is almost an hour of lifting (high reps!). There was a second when I first got up that I thought about doing the workout as planned but using lighter weights. However, I decided that doesn’t help me accomplish what I’m trying to achieve which is to get stronger. So, I pushed myself with heavy weights and now I’m glad I did!!
Today was also Beach Boot Camp – the workout was fun and different – it was partly inspired by my love of Turbo Fire and partly inspired by the current month (July!!). I just included 7 moves (since July is the 7th month) that we did for 13 reps (2013!!) and then we repeated the circuit. We only made it through 5 sets today (appointments for some) but the goal would be 7 sets!!
When Jordan and I left the swim beach after the workout (he has gone to all of the beach boot camps except 1 – last Friday because he was wiped out after a late night of fireworks Thursday night), I told him I was a little bummed that only 1 person (besides he and I) came to workout this morning. His response –
Not gonna lie – it was a proud moment for me!!! Not because of the workout but because he has the wisdom as a 14 year-old to realize that making a difference in the life of one person is just as important as making a difference in the lives of 100s of people!!!
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in thinking that I need to try and get more people to come to boot camp or in trying to grow my blog that I forget what really matters.
Boot camp is just something that I thought would be fun this summer (and it has been!!). What I didn’t realize when I started was how much I would enjoy the days that Jordan goes with me and participates in my class!!
So, even if I only have a few people in some classes (I know that lots of people are on vacation and 6 am is just too early for some to get up in the summer!!) – Boot Camp has been a huge success because it has been good for Jordan (and for me!!).
And, I know that my blog won’t ever affect that many people but if even just one person feels better after reading my blog than I am happy!!! (Occasionally that person is me, because the act of writing things down makes me feel better sometimes.)
So, no matter how many people you come in contact with during the day, remember that making one person smile or feel better about themselves is enough!!!!
Happy Tuesday!!!