Tag Archives: cheating

There’s No Cheating in 44s!!

Today’s 44 was hard because there was so much balance (or lack of) involved.  I did an elbow to knee crunch while on the stability ball.

The set-up wasn’t too bad – 


The actual move was much harder – especially to try and get pictures!!

opposite direction
opposite direction

I counted a right-left crunch as one rep.  There was a LOT of wobbling by the time I completed all 44 today!!!

And – I ran!!!!   :Overjoy:

I did a treadmill run at 1.5% incline.  I wasn’t sure how far I would go so I just started at an easy pace and ended up doing 5 miles in 37:00 plus 2 more easy miles to make a nice 7 mile run.  

So, while Chris was taking pictures of me trying to do my 44, he was totally entertained.  He kept laughing at my attempts to hold the crunch long enough for a picture.

There were more than a few shots that looked like this – 


And Chris would just laugh and laugh.

So, I made him try.  And I am so sad that I didn’t video his attempts!!  He literally rolled off the side of the ball – TWICE!!!  (then he quit trying)

Then he said, “Why don’t you just prop a dumbbell on the side of the ball to hold it in place.”

What?!  The whole challenge is to use your core strength to keep the ball steady and keep yourself from falling off.

He said, “Well, just for the pictures.”

No!!!  I can’t cheat for the pictures.  I have to do the move the way it is supposed to be – wobbles and all.

And….that is what I did!   

Happy Saturday!!
