Today’s 44 was a great move but it was HARD!!! I did an elevated plank with a KettleBell row.

Just holding the one arm plank was a challenge and then rowing with a 20 pound KettleBell made it really hard!!!

Great – now Hunter is going to be off balance!!! Oh, well, he had already done 50 push-ups so he was tired!!!
I also ran today. The Saturday challenge for #HappyFitMarch is to run a mile and compare it to the previous Saturday’s times. I have been counting my first mile the past few weeks but I think that the next 2 weeks I will count my last miles since I prefer to start out slower and then speed up.
Today I did the same thing that I did last Saturday – timed my first mile out of a 10K.

Last Saturday’s times –

Not much different but…..
Making decisions is sometimes hard. I’m usually a fairly decisive person and don’t tend to dink around with things. However, sometimes I have a difficult time with things that seem like they should be no big deal.
I feel like I go back and forth in my mind over something that in the big picture doesn’t even make that much difference.
But then I always go back to the fact that even small decisions can have a big impact later on down the road.
I think that for me the little things that seem inconsequential can turn into a big deal.
Are you a decisive person or do you go round and round when making decisions?
Happy Saturday!!!