I love Nellie’s (Brooklyn Active Mama) Weekly Wednesday workouts!!! She features some really great moves and a lot of them are new to me so I can turn them into my 44. Yesterday Nellie had a stability ball V-up so I decided to go with that for today!!

Keeping my feet on the stability ball took this move to a whole new level!!! I had to work very hard to contract my core and not let the ball go rolling off!! Great move!!
Today was also another day of Garage Boot Camp – we did a version of the workout that I did for my first boot camp this summer. This workout had 10 moves and in the summer we did 3 rounds with 1 minute of each move. Today, we did 10 reps of each move and repeated the circuit 5x – 50 burpees by the end!!!
I have a little huge confession today – I have been playing around with all kinds of excuses to not run my 50 mile race which is 3 weeks from Saturday!!!
I think that my confidence was really shaken the other night when I did my 44 miles! I thought that I could run further before I had to walk and then I thought I would be able to do a run/walk combo. NO & NO!!! I was completely miserable after 28 miles and the thought of even attempting to do more than walk was making me feel sick!!!
So, for the past couple of days I’ve tried to use being too busy as a reason to not run the 50. We do have a wedding change-over that night which means that someone will have to switch the set-up from ceremony seating to reception and since my race is 100 miles from here, it probably can’t be Chris.
I was going to let that be my excuse – it seemed like the perfect solution – but this morning I finally asked my neighbor if her son would like to help my boys do it.
I decided that I need to remember that this was a commitment I made and suck it up and make it happen.
So – my motto for today is – NO EXCUSES!!!
Do you ever use excuses to get out of something that you are scared of?
Happy Thursday!