Tag Archives: Insanity Asylum

I WON SOMETHING!!!!! but I had to give it back

Today’s 43 was to work my hips, thighs, butt – all of it!!!  I did 4 moves 43 reps of each (on both sides!)

All of the moves are done in the table-top position:
1.  leg straight back – small lifts x 43
2.  leg out to the side – small lifts x 43
3.  leg out to side with knee bent so that heel pushes to back – small lifts x 43
4.  leg straight back with knee bent and heel to ceiling – small lifts x 43

4 moves x 43 each!!! Right side
4 moves x 43 each!!!
Right side
now repeat all 4 on the left!
now repeat all 4 on the left!

I guess my shoes have reflective stuff on them and the flash kept hitting them – oops!!!

And, I still have almost 2 weeks of Insanity Asylum (sort-of ready to be done with it but I’m going to finish the program!!).  Today was Strength (still seeing improvement so that’s good!) and Relief (stretching!!).

After my “home” workout, I headed to the swim beach for Boot Camp.  I really like the mornings on the beach – it’s so peaceful (even if we are working hard and sweating buckets!!).  And, Jordan always goes with me to the beach and joins us for the workout – I love seeing my boys enjoy fitness!!!

Yesterday morning, I was going through my Bloglovin’ feed and when I got to MizFit I clicked on the first unread post and saw – “winner winner chicken dinner! Kim of Day with KT”  (THAT’S ME!!!!)   I won her giveaway – a ticket to Fitbloggin!!!!  

Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.18.57 PMNot gonna lie – I picked myself up off the floor and did a little jig!  Happiness and excitement were at max levels!!!!  

I immediately googled Fitbloggin 2013 so that I could start planning – booking a flight and hotel were next on the agenda – I had my trusty Visa and I was ready.  I can’t even believe how many times I’ve commented on different blogs about Blog Meet-ups and how I hoped to be able to go to one sometime!  And now I was going to get to go!!!!!

I headed over to the FitBloggin  website to get the dates so I could make my arrangements and at the top of the page I saw this:Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.23.59 PMScreen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.25.58 PMAnd just like that, my bubble burst!!! I went from being over the top excited toScreen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.28.18 PMI sent this text to Chris even though I shouldn’t have because it made him feel bad – he called me immediately!Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.30.49 PM

The problem – Chris is a pilot in the Air National Guard and he will be on a trip before, during, after the conference (not a fun trip like mine would be – his is actually work!). Which means that I’m doing double duty as a single mom and can’t go to the conference.   It’s how our life is and I wouldn’t change anything (except maybe the timing of Chris’ trip!!!).

Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.36.47 PMI know that there will be other conferences and other opportunities to meet many of the wonderful people that I only know through cyber-space but I think the fact that I won (Carla picked me!!!) the ticket and then had to decline makes me feel a little like this – Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.42.04 PMSo, many 100s of thanks to MizFit  for allowing me to experience the happiness and excitement of winning and planning to go to FitBloggin’ and many apologies that I had to decline (but I didn’t know about the conflicting dates when I entered to win).  I will just have to plan further ahead and make sure I get my dates on the calendar first for the next one!!!!

Have you ever won something and had to give it back or decline?

 Happy Tuesday!!!


Summer Is Finally Here!!!

Today’s 43 was a fun crunch move with some punches!!!  I just did a crunch with 4 cross punches on the way up and then a slow ride on the way back down.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTEKsEpKsEQ’]

And, I’m happy that Jordan did a demo for me again!!!

This was a great way to take a basic crunch and give it a little more Uumph!!!  Trust me, after about 20 you will feel these!!!

Then I taught boot camp at 6:00am – the only negative to the backyard bootcamp is the grass is always wet in the mornings and my shoes and socks get soaked (not my favorite!!) – but it is Boot Camp!!!

Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 8.02.01 AMToday’s fun Insanity Asylum workout was Vertical Plyo (the one with jumping, jumping and more jumping!!!).  During track practice when I was in college, we did plyometrics occasionally.  And, then I never did them again until a few years ago when I did Insanity for the first time (I’ve gone through the 60 day program 2x).  Now, I do them in some workouts – HIIT, Tabata based workouts and even my own boot camp workouts.  But, Vertical Plyo takes it to a whole new level!!!

 Beach Fun

Yesterday afternoon the boys and I had our first swim beach outing of the season!!!  Considering that it is already June 8, this is late to get started on our summer fun! The problem has been the weather – lots of rain and temps in the low 70s don’t make for great beach weather.  But now it is starting to look a lot like my idea of perfect summer weather.Screen shot 2013-06-09 at 8.26.52 PM


Last night’s dinner even matched the great weather – ribs, parmesan orzo and a fresh salad with tomato, corn, cucumber and basil – summer at it’s finest!!!

What is your ideal summer weather?

For me – 80 and higher (the hotter the better!!)

Happy Monday!!


Old School Blogging Fun

Today’s 43 utilized my figure-8 band:

figure 8 band
figure 8 band

I put it around my ankles and did a side-lying leg lift with the added challenge of keeping my bottom leg off the ground –  a double leg pull against the band.

pull both legs apart
pull both legs apart

The first 25 weren’t too bad  – it was kind of nice to do a move where I could “relax” – then by the last 20ish my outer thigh and hips were burning!!!  And, I still had to do 43 on the other side!!

2nd side
2nd side
pull apart
pull apart

I felt the 2nd side much sooner – because my hips were already on fire!!!

Another day of Insanity Asylum – Speed and Agility.  This was hard in every way today!!!  My legs were tired from the beginning!  I think the double (and a couple days of triple) workouts last week are catching up.  But I’m a little anal and want to finish this Insanity program the way it is set up!!! (just 2 more weeks!)

This is a totally different kind of post for me!!  It’s a fun little A-Z quiz.  I was tagged by the lovely Nellie at Brooklyn Active Mama to complete this Old School Blogging Quiz being hosted by Elaine and Jennifer.

A. Attached or Single? 

Married -we  just celebrated our 17th anniversary!!!

Look how young we were!!
Look how young we were!!

B. Best Friend?  

Yep – the guy in the picture above!  Cheesy, but true!!!

C. Cake or pie?

Ummm – frosting (buttercream!) – usually I skip the actual cake part!

D. Day of choice? 

Fun Friday!!!

E. Essential Item? 

giant insulated mug (full of water!)

with me all the time - always full of ice water
with me all the time – always full of ice water

F. Favorite color? 

burnt orange & pink

G. Gummy bears or worms? 

red gummy bears but I would rather have Hot Tamales

H. Hometown?

Hard one – I moved around a lot growing up – I’ve never felt like I had a true hometown.  I consider Texas my home state – so let’s just go with that!!

I. Favorite Indulgence?


J. January or July?

No contest – July!!

K. Kids?

2 phenomenal boys!!

true love!!
Jordan & Hunter              

L. Life isn’t complete without?

my 3 boys – Chris, Jordan, Hunter

M. Marriage date?

May 25, 1996

N. Number of brothers/sisters?

2 brothers – Tim (my twin) & Sam (6 years younger than me)
1 sister – Mandi (7 years younger than me)

me, Mandi, Sam, Tim

O. Oranges or Apples


P. Phobias?

Puke  (maybe not a true phobia but close enough!!)

Q. Quotes?

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”   Oscar Wilde

R. Reasons to smile?

my family
my family
the beach
the beach

I could go on and on with things that make me smile – sun, a good run, a sweaty workout, friends, reading, a glass of wine, cowboy boots, pedicures…..

S. Season of choice?

Summer!!!  Fall is a close 2nd.

T. Tag 5 People.  

OK – tagging people is why I typically stay away from these kind of quizzes.  I don’t mind doing the quiz but it is hard for me to pick just 5 (I would love to learn more about all my blogging friends) – and I never want anyone to feel obligated to participate!!!

Barbara @ The Bold Blend
Rachelle @ Livin the Sweat Life
Kathy @ Transforming our Thoughts and Actions as a Team
Marcia @ Marcia’s Healthy Slice
Mandi @ Live…Laugh…Love…Lewis

U. Unknown fact about me?

I was born in the Philippine Islands.

V. Vegetable?

does avocado count?  
squash & zucchini 

W. Worst habit?

I might have a bit of a problem with road rage (but only because people do stupid things on the road!!).

X. Xray or Ultrasound?

Several of both plus 2 MRIs (scary!!!) and a CT with dye – the best were the ultrasounds when I was pregnant!!

Y. Your favorite food?

This is a hard one – avocado, cheese and all types of Mexican food!!

Z. Zodiac sign?


Want to play? Copy and paste the questions here, write a post and link up with Elaine at the Miss Elaine-ous Life or Jennifer at Jennifer P. Williams.

Happy Sunday!!!



Stretching Is not my Favorite!!

Today’s 43 turned into a lot more than just 43!!!  I did a 4-count squat:

  • squat and touch your knees
  • stand and reach hands overhead
  • squat and touch your shins
  • stand and reach hands overhead
  • squat and touch your toes
  • stand and reach hands overhead
  • squat and touch the floor
  • stand and reach hands overhead

Hmmm…after typing it out, maybe I should call it an 8-count squat!!!  

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU64vjCa_R8′]

I do lots of squats slow and controlled but today I decided to go with quick squats so that I could get my heart rate up a little and really maximize the burn from the squats – yep, that worked!!!  This was a fun 43 that turned into 172 total squats!!!

Screen shot 2013-06-08 at 9.19.00 AM

Another day of Insanity Asylum – Strength.  I think this is the 3rd time that I’ve done the strength workout in this program and I really can see some improvements!!!  One of the moves is a standing bent row/push-up pyramid – 1 row, 1 push-up, 2 rows, 2 push-ups……You see how many you can get in 2 minutes.  I used 12 pound dumbbells for this today and made it through 9 rows and 9 push-ups!!!!  (last time I almost finished the 8s – much better today!!!)  Since it is a standing row, you also get the added fun of jumping back into push-up position and then jumping up for the next set of rows (almost like doing a burpee!!!).

Screen shot 2013-06-08 at 9.18.40 AM

I also did the Relief DVD today.  This is 25 minutes of stretching!!!  I enjoy the first 5 minutes or so and then I just get bored with stretching.  (I did the whole thing because I know it is good for me and that my body needs it but…..YUCK!!!)  

At one point we did a standing straddle stretch and were supposed to put our elbows on the ground – Screen shot 2013-06-08 at 9.21.29 AM

Similar to the above but elbows instead of head – I thought my legs were stuck in the straddle position!!  Of course, Jordan just laughs at me and critiques my form!!!

I know that stretching is good for me and an important component in any fitness program.  And, I always include stretching in my boot camp classes.  But it is usually only a few minutes!!!  I have never really liked to stretch a lot but now I’m a bit older and need it more than ever!!

So, even though stretching isn’t my favorite thing to do and I prefer to stretch like this –Screen shot 2013-06-08 at 9.28.43 AMI will keep making myself spend time stretching!!!  Who knows, I might start enjoying it!!  Or maybe one day I will be able to do this – Screen shot 2013-06-08 at 9.32.08 AMOr not!!!!  WHY????

Do you like to stretch or is it something that you have to force yourself to spend time doing?

Happy Saturday!!


Beltin’ It Out

Today’s 43 was s single arm bicep curl while lifting the opposite knee.

start (looking rough this morning!!)
start (looking rough this morning!!)
curl - keep knee up the entire time
curl – keep knee up the entire time

After 43 reps with my right arm I had to switch and get my left arm.

little shaky on the balance
little shaky on the balance

Not sure why I’m looking so cranky for the pictures this morning – must have been really focused!!!  I like this type of move because even though the focus was my bicep, keeping my knee up was a great balance challenge/core work!!!

I taught 2 boot camp classes this morning:  6 am (backyard) & 7 am (beach).  Today’s workout was quite a bit harder on the beach – lots of lateral and forward moving and the sand really upped the challenge!!

I’m enjoying the boot camp classes both for the workouts and the great company!!!  I hope that all of the people who have come this week feel the same!!!  :Happy:

I also did Insanity Asylum – Back to Core.  This one really forces me to push myself outside of my normal comfort zone because some of those back moves are hard – hopefully this will help my pull-ups!!!Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 8.42.51 PM

Yesterday morning I drove to Kansas City (about an hour from here) to go to a funeral for a good friend’s Dad.  I was in the car by myself and might have looked a little bit like Chris Farley and David Spade (love Tommy Boy!!!).  

I can’t carry a tune to save my life but that doesn’t stop me from singing full volume when I’m driving by myself!!!  Sometimes there is even some head bopping to go along with the singing – I’m sure I look like a crazy lady driving down the road!!!  

I had my iPhone hooked in so that I could listen to some of my favorite songs and artists.Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 8.46.14 PMA little Toes, Highway 20 Ride and Chicken Fried!!!Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 8.49.45 PM
One of my all time favorite singers!!!  And when he teams up with Alan Jackson, what’s not to love?  It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

And, Shania Twain better look out cause I can belt this song out with the best of them:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N2k-gv6xNE’]

There was a bit of old school music thanks to Run DMC:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cYQV62WhkM’]

Plenty of country thanks to the Dixie Chicks and Gretchen Wilson (Redneck Woman)!!

Little bit of Kid Rock cause singing about summertime always makes me happy!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwIGZLjugKA’]

Music makes me happy (even with my lack of any sort of musical ability) – singing in the car by myself or in the kitchen while I fix dinner (although I don’t tend to belt it out quite as loud in the kitchen because the boys sort-of make comments if I do) who cares if I am in tune or the right key or whatever – I just sing!!!  Sometimes I get carried away when I’m running and sing along – never a good thing because I’m sure it is louder than I think since I have earphones in!!!  Classy!!!

Yesterday at the funeral, my friend talked a little about her dad and then she played a song which was actually a recording of her singing (hard to sing at your parent’s funeral).  The song – His Eye Is on the Sparrow.Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 9.10.02 PM

While I was listening to the song, 2 lines grabbed me:

I sing because I’m happy,

I sing because I’m free.

And that’s why I belt out songs like I’m part of the Glee cast – because I’m HAPPY!!!  And even if I’m not happy when I start singing, I usually am by the time I stop!!

Anyone else get a little carried away when you start singing in the car/shower/while you run or wherever else? 

Happy Fun Friday!!!
