Today’s 43 was s single arm bicep curl while lifting the opposite knee.

After 43 reps with my right arm I had to switch and get my left arm.

Not sure why I’m looking so cranky for the pictures this morning – must have been really focused!!! I like this type of move because even though the focus was my bicep, keeping my knee up was a great balance challenge/core work!!!
I taught 2 boot camp classes this morning: 6 am (backyard) & 7 am (beach). Today’s workout was quite a bit harder on the beach – lots of lateral and forward moving and the sand really upped the challenge!!
I’m enjoying the boot camp classes both for the workouts and the great company!!! I hope that all of the people who have come this week feel the same!!! :Happy:
I also did Insanity Asylum – Back to Core. This one really forces me to push myself outside of my normal comfort zone because some of those back moves are hard – hopefully this will help my pull-ups!!!
Yesterday morning I drove to Kansas City (about an hour from here) to go to a funeral for a good friend’s Dad. I was in the car by myself and might have looked a little bit like Chris Farley and David Spade (love Tommy Boy!!!).
I can’t carry a tune to save my life but that doesn’t stop me from singing full volume when I’m driving by myself!!! Sometimes there is even some head bopping to go along with the singing – I’m sure I look like a crazy lady driving down the road!!!
I had my iPhone hooked in so that I could listen to some of my favorite songs and artists.A little Toes, Highway 20 Ride and Chicken Fried!!!
One of my all time favorite singers!!! And when he teams up with Alan Jackson, what’s not to love? It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere
And, Shania Twain better look out cause I can belt this song out with the best of them:
[youtuber youtube=’’]
There was a bit of old school music thanks to Run DMC:
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Plenty of country thanks to the Dixie Chicks and Gretchen Wilson (Redneck Woman)!!
Little bit of Kid Rock cause singing about summertime always makes me happy!!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Music makes me happy (even with my lack of any sort of musical ability) – singing in the car by myself or in the kitchen while I fix dinner (although I don’t tend to belt it out quite as loud in the kitchen because the boys sort-of make comments if I do) who cares if I am in tune or the right key or whatever – I just sing!!! Sometimes I get carried away when I’m running and sing along – never a good thing because I’m sure it is louder than I think since I have earphones in!!! Classy!!!
Yesterday at the funeral, my friend talked a little about her dad and then she played a song which was actually a recording of her singing (hard to sing at your parent’s funeral). The song – His Eye Is on the Sparrow.
While I was listening to the song, 2 lines grabbed me:
I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free.
And that’s why I belt out songs like I’m part of the Glee cast – because I’m HAPPY!!! And even if I’m not happy when I start singing, I usually am by the time I stop!!
Anyone else get a little carried away when you start singing in the car/shower/while you run or wherever else?
Happy Fun Friday!!!