Tag Archives: Jordan


Today for my 43 I did a move that worked my entire body!!  I used my stability ball and a pair of 12 pound dumbbells and did a squat with a bicep curl to a shoulder press.  Here are the steps:


From the starting position, the right leg will squat while the left leg pushes the ball out to the side. 


Stand while pulling left leg back in to body – curl weights and press overhead.

stand & press
stand & press

By adding the side leg movement, I was able to get my heart rate up while working on my balance (always good for the core!).  

Of course, I couldn’t let my left leg be left out!!!  

left leg (side view)
left leg (side view)
left leg - stand
left leg – stand

2 sets of 43 – my shoulders were on fire by the time I finished all those presses!!!

Today was the 3rd and final day of the “Stronger by the Minute” workout this week.  I’m enjoying this little 6 week challenge series with Taylor because the idea of repeating the same workout 3 times in a week and trying to improve each time is right up my alley!!  I love the self-competition!!!

From the first time completing  this week’s workout until today, I improved each time on all 3 circuits – 2 of the circuits I was able to improve by over a full round!!!  

The third circuit consists of 4 different burpees (all HARD), with 5 reps of each – as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes.  6 minutes doesn’t seem like much until you spend the entire 6 minutes doing burpees!!!!  Today I did 56 burpees in that time!!!



Most of the time when you see Jordan, you see his great smile!!!  

My firstborn is fixing to be in high school (and he can drive!) and I could not be more proud of him!!!  He is a young man who truly cares about everyone around him!!  

Things like school talent shows cause him stress because he feels bad for the kids who perform that really aren’t that good.  While his buddies or other kids in the audience are snickering he totally empathizes with the person on stage!!  He is the same way when we watch any of the singing/talent shows at home – instead of laughing, he feels bad for them!



He goes out of his way to make sure that everyone around him is happy or content.  If there are limited chairs somewhere, he is usually the first to offer his chair.  When his friends are trying to decide what to do he is content to let them decide – he is agreeable to just about anything.  

JordanEven though he isn’t the guy trying to have his way all the time, he is very much his own person.  If you know Jordan personally (or have read my blog for awhile) you know that Jordan wears all white every day!!  His standard “uniform” consists of white Nike shorts and white Nike T-shirt (plus white Nikes).  I just restocked (in a bigger size) his white wardrobe for next year – took numerous stores and some driving but well worth the time!!!  I love the fact that he is unique and content to be different!!!

cleaning up
cleaning up

This summer, Jordan has pretty much taken over cleaning up after every meal.  Not because we told him he has to – he just likes it!!!  Pretty amazing!

I know that I’m a little biased but I think that Jordan is an incredible young man!!  It is truly one of the biggest joys of my life to watch him grow up.  I know these next 4 years are going to fly by and I intend to treasure every minute that I can with my sweet boy!!!

Happy Saturday!
