Tag Archives: Les Mills Combat

Love the Feeling AFTER you Complete a Brutal Work-Out!!!

Today’s 43 is one that I have put off for almost a week!!  Hunter helped me make the demo last Wednesday before we all went back to school.  Last night I decided that today would be the day!!!  (I know that intro makes all y’all want to read more so that you can hurry up and do the exercise!!!)

The move:

  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees
  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees (to start)

The above is 1 rep!!!  To complete my 43, I actually had to do 86 burpees, 86 push-ups, and 86 squat-jump-turns!!!  Painful!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtBPSB1xiDo’]

I actually broke this 43 into groups of 5 – after each set I took about a 30 second break – cheating?  Maybe –  but necessary to complete all of these with good form!  (all push-ups on toes!)

For the rest of my work-out I decided to go with another day of Les Mills Combat.  I like to follow the guide the first time through a program so the next work-out was Power HIIT 1.  (a disclaimer – I’m not a lawyer – obviously!!!) Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.11.55 AMThat saying was running through my head as I did this new (to me) work-out.  The first part was strength – not too bad.  The second half – at least 30 more burpees with push-ups and squat jumps – REALLY????  Then….the Les Mills crew challenged us to add a tuck jump after each burpee!!!  (I stuck to the squat jumps today!)

BRUTAL in every way – but I did it!!!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.08.04 AM

I might have looked a little like this dude when I finished – a wet, limp noodle!!!  However, I showered and got ready for another day at the library – rockin’ another pair of boots today so it’s all good!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 6.55.47 AM


Today is my niece, Bailey’s, birthday!!  A huge birthday shout-out!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.19.03 AM

Bailey, I hope today is awesome!!!  Maybe Tim (her dad – my twin brother) will get you a car!!!  Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Tuesday (or Happy Birthday if today happens to be your birthday!)!!


It’s Monday – Let’s Do This!!!

Today the daily 43 was bright and early!!!  This one was actually fairly easy – yea!!!  (gotta have that every once in awhile in order to really appreciate the big challenges!!!)

The move today was a plie squat – on your toes the entire time!!!  My calves and inner thighs will thank me later!

I feel like a dork!
I feel like a dork!
What do I do with my hands??
What do I do with my hands??

Thanks, Jordan! (you don’t look like a dork at all!!!)  I tried to make sure that I kept all of my weight in my butt and centered (not leaning forward).  Fun 43!

Back before Christmas, I got my newest work-out program in the mail – Les Mills Combat.  I didn’t start right away because I really have been trying to let my stress fracture heal even if I occasionally most of the time, bend the rules!  However, yesterday, I read a review over at Melinda’s Fitness Blog and decided that I couldn’t wait any longer!!!

This morning I went through the Basic DVD – mostly just an intro and learning proper technique for all of the punches, kicks, etc.  Then I did Combat 30: Kick Start.  I did enjoy it but I think I will like it even more after I do it a couple of times so that I don’t miss anything!  Should be a really great program – looking forward to getting some of my cardio groove back!!!

Biggest Loser


I’m so excited about the new season of Biggest Loser!!!  One of my favorite shows ever!  Especially with my favorite trainer!


soooo happy she is back!!!
soooo happy she is back!!!

Well – I’m off to start a busy week!!!  Hopefully it is a great week for y’all!

Happy Monday!!


PS – in case any one wondered (or cared – or even thought about it!!) – through all of the plastic bin schlepping, tree untrimming, shelves crashing and shelf building – I didn’t break a single nail!!!!  Success and happiness!!!