Tag Archives: M100

Exciting News!!!

Today I used my TransFirmer for the 43 but I set it up a little differently:

TransFirmerI did a little mini-step workout!  Fun times!  I started  behind the angled step and did an L-step off the left side, a 3 count repeater knee, an L-step off the back and then did the same thing off the other side for 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQtg1yTOmgY’]

I tried to step high onto the incline during the repeater to make it a little more challenging.  This was a fun 43 to really get my heart pumping.

Today was Les Mills Combat HIIT Plyo.  30 minutes of jumping lunges, jump squats, burpees and so many more “fun” moves!  I love how intense it is but I’m glad this is only a 30 minute program – don’t think I could last for much longer!

Screen shot 2013-02-23 at 8.51.56 AM

Wait for it…….

I finally started a Day with KT  Facebook page!  It only took me 5 1/2 months!!  Feel free to “like” my page – hopefully I will be able to improve the layout soon.   (OK – so it really isn’t super big news but…)

Also, Hunter completed his  first full M100  yesterday!!  Usually he does 1 set of each of the 3 exercises (30 total moves).  Soon he will want to challenge me to another M500 – UGH!!!  Way to work, Hunter!!

Gotta get 6 more wall-sits to hit 23 (1 minute each) today and then head off to History Day for Jordan.

Happy Saturday!
