For today’s 43 I took inspiration from Evil Cyber. The other day he talked about the military press which is a great move to work your shoulders. My shoulders can always use more work and I needed a move that wouldn’t hurt my legs so it was perfect for today!
I used my Body Pump bar and plates (just 10 pounds on each side).
I actually did the move standing (which is why I went with fairly light weight!).

Don’t mind the lovely legs – still 500 layers of wraps!!

From the start, it is just a simple press up (in front of face).

I made it through 43 but it was rough! It’s amazing how weak I feel after a couple days of inactivity. Hopefully I can start doing more soon – otherwise I’m going to turn into a big gooey blob!!
Earlier this week, Jordan played in Band Fest. (last week it was Hunter in String Fest!) Band Fest is similar – all of the 6th grade band students in the district, 8th grade (3rd hour) band and the HS Jazz band.

I love when Jordan is all dressed up (so rare!!) – he looks so grown-up!!

The bands all did a great job. For the finale, they played America the Beautiful – it was awesome!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
It is fun Friday – mine will be full of more reality TV and a DR appointment – good times!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Happy Fun Friday!!