Tag Archives: negative

Not Every Day Is Perfect

Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 8.24.14 PMI think that between Facebook, Instagram, blogs and other forms of social media it is so easy to get the impression  that some people have perfect lives.  The natural tendency is to show  just the “good” stuff which gives the illusion that life is always great.

However…..the reality is that some days completely suck!!!

Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 8.29.21 PMSometimes we all feel like Alexander!!!

I don’t always share the negative things because I want my blog to be positive overall.  But then there are days that just get me down!!

before the 4th of July race around the lake

I love my boys and they are great kids.  But they aren’t perfect.  Sometimes they make me cry and yell and cuss!!!!  Those aren’t the stories that I want to share on my blog though because they aren’t just my stories to share.

Kim & ChrisAnd as much as I love Chris, there are times that we don’t get along and I yell and scream because it’s what I do when I get angry.  Again,  these aren’t the stories that I want to share on my blog.

Sometimes I get mad and leave the dinner table in the middle of the meal and go eat alone in our bedroom because I can’t deal with everything but that isn’t the norm and we always move past those horrible times!!!

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Most of the time I love everything about my life.  However, there are times that it all makes me cry.  Those aren’t the stories I share on the blog because it is one thing to share my faults but I never want to write anything negative about the 3 boys that fill my life with joy and love.

my boys
my boys

I might not share the negatives but it isn’t because my life is perfect.  It is just one way that I show Chris, Jordan and Hunter how much I love them!!!

Do you ever feel like everyone in the blog world or on Facebook has a perfect life?
Do you share negative things on social  media?

Happy Wednesday!!!



Turning a Negative into a Positive

For as long as I can remember (at least 20 years) I have loved to read magazines and pull articles from them.  I have recipes, workouts, decorating ideas, parenting tips and much more.

I try to keep the articles organized

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and over the past few years I have gotten to the point that I mostly just pull fitness stuff and recipes with a few random things in the mix.

The other day I was going through some of my files and I came across a clipping that I thought was very much worth sharing!  The sad thing is I cut out just the little piece that I wanted to save and I don’t have any idea where or when I saw this.  (Based on the looks of it, I think it has been many years since I cut it out!!)

10 Ways to a Better Life (thanks to Amy @ Long Drive Journey for the source – Mother Teresa)

1.  People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
          Love them anyway.

2.  If you do good, People will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
          Do good anyway.

3.  If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
          Succeed anyway.

4.  The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
          Do good anyway.

5.  Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
          Be honest and frank anyway.

6.  The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
          Think big anyway.

7.  People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
          Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

8.  What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
          Build anyway.

9.  People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
          Help people anyway.

10.  Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
          Give the world the best you have anyway.

The thing I like about this list is that each negative statement is turned into a positive!!!

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 What negative statements have you heard lately that you could turn into a positive?

Happy Monday!!


A Positive and a Negative

For today’s 43 I got my inspiration from a post I read yesterday over at Cranky Fitness.  The post was all about glute activation.  A couple different trainers weighed in with video or pictures and I realized that I had never done the move the exact way they were showing – until today!!!

The move is a hip lift, or bridge (which I have done before) but instead of leaving your feet flat on the floor, you raise your toes.


(Also, your feet are supposed to be as close to your butt as possible – putting them out further allows the hamstrings to do the work and it is supposed to be a butt move!!!)

From the starting position, you lift your hips and try to form a straight line from your knees to your head (I always squeeze my butt as I lift and hold for a little extra bonus):


I held this for a 3-count. Then lowered just enough for my butt to barely touch the ground.

barely touch
barely touch

After I finished all 43 I tried a couple of bridges with my feet flat on the ground to see if I could tell a difference –  umm, NO because my butt my hips/butt already hurt from the 43!!  One thing I did notice by doing this move with my toes up – my shins hurt while I was holding the position.  (Maybe I put to much weight in my heels??!!)

Yesterday was an unplanned day off so today I decided to push through.  (whine – I still have a residual headache but “suck it up, buttercup!!”)

I did an oldie from The Firm – Aerobic Body Shaping (part of the TransFirmer series) which means I used my cool step.

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

The double step is used for a lot of the leg/butt work.  The angled version (below) is used for a couple of the aerobic sections and a lunge series plus some of the upper body work.

TransFirmerThis is a pretty good whole body workout – it includes toning and aerobics in just under an hour.  I also did the bonus 10 minute glute work.

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First the negative:  Tuesday night someone hacked my email account!!  Why??   I just don’t understand people.  They  set it up to send all of my email to a new account and they got into my eBay account (probably from an old email) – 36 people now think I’m going to shell out a total of $25,000 for crap I don’t want!  Fortunately after 45 minutes on the phone last night with someone who spoke minimal English, the eBay situation is being investigated. (Plus I spent almost an hour, most of it on hold, on the phone with PayPal to make sure all was good there.)  Chris spent about and hour and a half on the phone fixing my email account.  Lots of new passwords and all is well!

Now for the Positive!!!  Screen shot 2013-03-28 at 10.27.32 AMI just started using Bloglovin (sorry I can’t get a link on here cause I’m stupid technologically challenged,  but I have the button at the top of my page that links) and I love it!!!  Because I’m really behind the times (and slow!), I never used Google Reader.  I wasted so much time clicking around to blogs only to find that I had already read the most current post.  No more!!!  (I know, this is old hat to most of y’all but exciting for me!!!)

Here’s to a positive day for all – plus the NCAA basketball tournament is going on again this weekend (starting today!) – WooHoo!!

Happy Thursday!!
