Today for my 43 I met Stacey (my sister-in-law) in the hotel fitness center (not much there but we made it work!!). I started out with 43 minutes on one of my least favorite machines – the elliptical –
Then, since Stacey was doing her WOD, (run 1 mile, 100 hand-release push-ups, run 1 mile, 100 low squats with hands over head, run 1 mile 100 butterfly sit-ups, run 1 mile) I decided to do all the moves for 43 reps!!!
43 hand release push-ups (these are hard!!!) – Stacey let me film her for the demo!!!
[youtuber youtube=’’]
43 butterfly sit-ups – no picture because Stacey was running – but these are with your feet together – a full sit-up – I put my hands over my head on the down part and touched my toes on the up part.
43 low squats keeping my hands up above my head the entire time – I usually only squat to 90 but today I actually did these by dropping my butt lower – I might be sore when I drive home tonight!!!
It was fun to workout with Stacey – we like to do similar things so it is always a good time!!!
Still spotty internet but I did get some pictures uploaded from yesterday!!

Hays – 2 years

Today we will say our final good-byes to Poppa! There will be tears but also smiles and laughter as we share so many great memories of the man who was one of the biggest influences on my life!!
Happy Saturday!