For my 43 today, I made use of the hotel fitness center again. I used one of the stability balls and just did a crunch with my feet on it – pretty simple and basic!!

Since I worked out before the boys got up, we just went back in to take a couple of pictures. I’m sure the guy lifting weights at the time thought it was pretty self-indulgent or something – OH, Well!!!
I hopped on the treadmill again today. It wasn’t spectacular but it was SO MUCH BETTER THAN TUESDAY’S RUN!!! I ran 7 miles in 58:23 and then did an easy 0.4 to cool down. (I wanted to do a half mile cool down but the treadmill shut off after 65 minutes!!)
Yesterday we were back at the ranch!!

Jordan and Hunter ended up spending the day with my Aunt Jackie. They went to Abilene with a long list of errands (6 hours worth including driving time). I think all 3 of them, but especially my Aunt, enjoyed the day. The boys were big helpers – lifting the vacuum into the truck and out, schlepping 5 gallon drums of paint, moving wire….fun for all!
While they were out taking care of stuff in the heat (102), I stayed at the ranch with my Poppa. It was a great day!!! We talked about all kinds of stuff – I’ve always enjoyed hanging out with him (and my Mema when she was still alive). The stories that Poppa has are amazing.
Because he’s 98, he has very definite view on things and has no problem expressing his opinion. Even though we don’t always have the same view point on things – I love every second spent with him.
For our lunch, I made a pretty great tuna salad (gotta brag cause it was good!!!) – no pictures because blogging and technology are one of the differences we have so I decided to just enjoy lunch!! But….it was GOOD!!!
- tuna
- chopped dill pickle
- chopped Kalamata olives
- chopped grape tomatoes
- chopped avocado
- tiny bit of mayo to bind everything together
We both ate it with crackers and lettuce – perfect.
But the best part of lunch was the prayer that Poppa said before it. He prayed for me and about me and it was everything I could do to not cry. It was such a simple thing for him but meant a lot to me!!
We have one more day (today) to visit with my Poppa and Aunt and I’m excited to go back to the ranch. I have treasured every second of this TX trip!!!
Has anyone ever prayed specifically for you (while you were listening)? Did it affect you?
Happy Thursday!!