Today for my 43 I met Stacey (my sister-in-law) in the hotel fitness center (not much there but we made it work!!). I started out with 43 minutes on one of my least favorite machines – the elliptical –
Then, since Stacey was doing her WOD, (run 1 mile, 100 hand-release push-ups, run 1 mile, 100 low squats with hands over head, run 1 mile 100 butterfly sit-ups, run 1 mile) I decided to do all the moves for 43 reps!!!
43 hand release push-ups (these are hard!!!) – Stacey let me film her for the demo!!!
43 butterfly sit-ups – no picture because Stacey was running – but these are with your feet together – a full sit-up – I put my hands over my head on the down part and touched my toes on the up part.
43 low squats keeping my hands up above my head the entire time – I usually only squat to 90 but today I actually did these by dropping my butt lower – I might be sore when I drive home tonight!!!
It was fun to workout with Stacey – we like to do similar things so it is always a good time!!!
Still spotty internet but I did get some pictures uploaded from yesterday!!
future blogger? Hays – 2 yearsgetting some help from big sister (Isabel)at the ranchdriving at 8?Isabel wants to know which chair Poppa was in when he diedTim (twin) & Mandi (sister)cousin John Paul & his gorgeous wife, Esthershadow of the 2 year old with camera + my bootsperspective of a 2 year olda self portraitI guess this is the view when you are 2!!!looking good!!!love this!one of my aunt & uncles (picture compliments of Hays, 2!!)cousinslate dinner – Hays trying to smile – his dad, my brother (Sam) watching the Rangers
Today we will say our final good-byes to Poppa! There will be tears but also smiles and laughter as we share so many great memories of the man who was one of the biggest influences on my life!!
Today I did a push-up for my 43 – but not just a regular push-up!! I used a stability ball
for an added challenge. And it was definitely a challenge!!!
By the time I finished all 43, my arms were shaking and I’m lucky I didn’t bust my face!!! Trying to support yourself on the ball really elevates a push-up!!! Plus, you have to keep your hands fairly close together and end up working your triceps a lot, too.
I also did my 3rd round of this week’s challenge with Taylor. I really enjoyed this week’s workout because it was Tabata – 4 rounds plus a finishing plank set. I love Tabata because it is easy to tell myself that I can go 150% for 20 seconds!!!
We have been home from Florida for about a week and a half and most of those days have been cloudy and either unseasonably cool or extremely muggy. What they haven’t been is SUNNY!!!
I have missed the sun and the beach!!!
This past week has been busy since we are getting ready for school to start on Tuesday – eye appointments, orthodontist appointments, well-checks/physicals, some shopping, band camp for Jordan, hair-cuts, and just normal everyday life activities.
What hasn’t been included is any sun and beach time!!! And I miss it!!! The sun is shining this morning and will hopefully stay out today so that the afternoon can include a little bit of my favorite activity
Today’s 43 was one of Hunter’s creations – I think sometimes he wants to see how hard he can push me!!!! He does a couple and calls it quits but I have to do 43. Oh, well – I like the challenge!!!
So, the move was a skater with a side push-up with one leg back and one knee bent.
Try them – it was a fun move (for about 20)!!! I counted each push-up as 1 so maybe I cheated because I didn’t do 43 each side but I think 43 total was enough with this move!!!
Then it was Boot Camp time. This morning I just did the 6 am in my backyard. (Last Friday I did 6 and 7:15!!!) I’m really happy that the hot weather this week has meant no more wet grass for boot camp – so much nicer!!!
Today’s Insanity Asylum workout was Back to Core. Jordan decided to do this with me instead of just sit and watch (and critique) me. I think it was good for him – he did about 25-30% and was dying. And, I told him this is the “easiest” one in the program. Now he knows that just because watching it is easy, doing the workout is another thing completely. He said he will try some more so that he can build up – Good Plan!!! I try to have fun no matter what I’m doing – some days and some events are a little harder than others to find the fun!!
YIKES!!! Don’t want that – better just laugh out loud!!!
So – I don’t really think anyone is an idiot but this made me laugh!!!
Sponge Bob knows how to laugh – and he laughs often (and annoyingly!!!).
Almost every day – often while running!!! And then I always do the quick check to see if anyone saw me about bite the ground!!!
These things always entertain me (and because I’m sort-of anal I won’t quit looking until I can figure it out!!).
I couldn’t do this without going really slow – and I rarely say things slowly!!! (even then it took a lot of tries!!)
This just made me laugh because I’m usually the one that asks a stupid question like “what are you doing?” when it totally obvious what someone is doing!!!
And, I don’t know why this picture cracked me up so much but it did!! Maybe because it is sort of true.
Happy Fun Friday – I hope you have lots of joy and laughter today!!!!
Today’s 43 was brutal in every way!! I did Man-Makers!! Heard of them? Get a set of dumbbells (I used 15 pounds) and get ready!!
Put the dumbbells on the ground about a foot apart. Jump down to plank placing hands on DBs and do a push-up (you know, like a burpee). Then do alternate arm rows (while still in plank!!). Jump up into a low squat and bring weight to your shoulder. Stand, using your legs for power and push arms straight overhead. That was 1 rep!!! Repeat (43x if you are doing my version!).
After I finished that torture43, I decided to go out for a run to shake out the last bit of soreness in my legs from Thursday’s long run. I finally used my new Garmin on a run!!! I just ran 3 miles in 26:00 + 0.5 miles walking to cool down!! It is already muggy and humid today!!!
Look how young we were!!
Chris and I are celebrating 17 years of wedded bliss today!!! So, I think it’s a good time to share some of our story.
We met in August of 1995 at Whalers Bay in Lubbock, TX. (yep – we met at a bar!!!) Chris was with 3 other guys and I was with a group of people. My roommate that summer was a hostess there and had seen Chris in before. She purposely seated me next to him and his friends. Chris and his buddies all had large notebooks with them (the Dash 1) and were “studying”.
I started talking to Chris and asked him, “Are you a pilot?” His response, “No, but I want to be.” (he was in pilot training at the time)
I drank Rum & Coke that night (more than a few) all paid for by Chris and his pals, and because of that Chris’ buddies called me “rum & coke” for months after we met!!
At some point that night, Chris and I made plans to go out over the weekend. He called me the next day and asked if I had a chance to go out of town would I do it. I figured he was standing me up. Actually, he invited me to go to Austin to hook up with some friends of his and go to a Live concert.
We went to the concert, did 6th Street up rightgot a little sleep and drove back to Lubbock (Oh – it is 7 hours each way). Yep, we met in a bar, our first date was over 7 hours from were we lived – pretty sure we broke a lot of “dating rules” but it all worked out and look at us now!!! And we didn’t go as crazy as some people – the SLS Dating Site scene isn’t for us – but we did break a few conventions here and there!
Chris told me later that he knew on the way to Austin that I was the person he wanted to marry!!! The Monday after our first date he sent these to me at work!!
We dated the rest of the year (my first year as a teacher – 6th grade Science) while Chris was in pilot training. Most of our dates were like this:
Well, maybe not exactly, but we did spend lots of time with the other guys (and their wives or girlfriends) in pilot training at a great piano bar called Off Broadway and karaoke happened often – good thing Chris can sing!!!
We were engaged all of 8 weeks!!! Not because we “had” to get married! Chris graduated from pilot training on May 24 and we got married the day after – we figured it would save his family a trip to TX (from Kansas).
at 2 and on the day of Pilot Training Graduation
The frame says – From long ago and far away…Love brought us to our wedding day.
It was a busy but incredible weekend!!! Chris sang to me at our wedding (a complete surprise to everyone, especially me!!)
Beautiful in my Eyes by Joshua Kadison (now know as “our song”)
Obviously that isn’t him singing but it could be!!! (If you’ve never heard the song, it is definitely worth listening to!!)
Our wedding was Saturday and on Monday, Chris had to go to Altus, OK for his next training phase. I still had a week to finish school. So, we started our married life the way it would frequently be – the life of a military pilot and spouse!!!
The night I got to Altus, we ate at the O Club (Officer’s Club) – right when we walked in we heard our song so of course we danced cause that’s what you do!!!
I can’t even count how many times we have gotten up in the middle of dinner or while cleaning the kitchen to dance to our song (because I had my ipod playing on random)!!! The boys love it just roll their eyes and ignore us!!!
Happy Anniversary, Chris – you will always be the love of my life!!!
Do you and your spouse/significant other have a song? Do you drop everything and dance when you hear it?
Happy Saturday!!! I’m off to spend the day with my true love!!!
Today’s 43 is compliments of Hunter. I gave the boys free reign to come up with a move and make the video and told them I would get it done! Hunter came up with this whooper of a move. (Chris said Hunter wanted to add more but thankfully, Chris saved me. Hunter said, “she can do it – she did 4300 jumping jacks!”) I think maybe deep down he is proud of me!!!
Anyway, the move is called “the Cube” – I’m not sure why except for the fact that Hunter performed it with his Rubik cube in place.
jump back to plank
20x mountain climbers
jump back in
The above is 1 rep – 43 of these was no joke!!! I struggled to finish all 43 today (maybe because it was 860 mountain climbers and 86 push-ups plus all the jumping!!!
After the killer “Cube”, I did some Turbo Fire. I did Lower 20 – which is 20 minutes of lower body work using this “cute” band and will leave your legs and hips shaking!!!
Innocent – I think not!
Then I did Upper 20 (20 minutes of upper body work – including more push-ups!) using this band:
Turbo Fire Band
A great workout to start my day!!!
So, I spent the bulk of yesterday hanging out at the hospital. My dad was in the ICU until about 5:45 or 6:00 in the evening when they finally moved him into a private room. At least then he could sit in a chair for a few minutes. He looked pretty good – he said he wasn’t in pain just really uncomfortable.
One nice thing about my impromptu trip is seeing all of my siblings. The last time all 4 of us were all together was over 2 years ago!!! My younger brother drove in from Levelland and my sister came from Sherman so by mid afternoon we were all together!! I always enjoy catching up with my siblings (in person).
Tim (twin) & me Aunt Jackie & me Mandi & me Sam & me
And, while I was hanging out with my brothers, sister, aunt and dad here in Texas, Chris was busy at home!!
Hunter had 4 friends over 4 a sleep-over last night for his birthday. That means a total of 6 boys (counting my 2) + Chris!!! For weeks I had been planning to make a special cake for the event. However, it’s hard to make a cake when you aren’t there!
Chris and Jordan to the rescue:
some of the steps involved
Can you tell what the cake is? Didn’t they do an awesome job?!
Pretty sure Hunter was happy!
Surprise = success!
Hunter knew that I had a cake planned but he didn’t know what it was going to be – I think the choice was pretty appropriate for him!!!
And….Look – a close match for my “happy place” –
view from waiting room window
OK – it’s not really a beach – but it is a lake that I could see from the window in the waiting room!!! Close enough for now!!
Happy Saturday!
PS – I will announce the winner of the I AM FEARLESS necklace tomorrow!!!