Tag Archives: push-ups

150th Day = 150 Minutes of Running!!!

Today I decided to use my BOSU again for the 43.  This time, I combined it with my stability ball to have double the torture benefit!!!BOSU & Stability BallThe set-up was a bit tricky – legs on stability ball and support yourself with your arms on the BOSU.  I had a hard time extending my legs all the way (without rolling off!!) so I kept a slight bend in them.  If Once you manage to get in position, then the true fun begins – push-ups!!!!  43 hard push-ups!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E95OU0xrfQI’]

I know that it looks like these would be easy since my legs are bent – almost like doing push-ups on your knees, right?  NOT the case!!  This was hard!!!  But…gotta push myself if I’m ever going to get those one-arm push-ups done.  2nd push-up move this week!!!

Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 8.20.52 AMToday is my 150th day of 43s and blogging so I wanted to do something to celebrate!!

My idea of celebrating?  Running for  150 minutes!

I kept the incline at 1.0% and the pace between 7.5mph and 8.0mph.  (average speed ended up being 7.73mph or 7.47, I think)

19.41 miles!
19.41 miles!

Between the glare and the sweat marks it’s a little hard to see but the total distance was 19.41 miles.  My timer rolls over at 100 (that’s why it looks like only 50 minutes).

A lot of y’all look so cute when you run (and after!).  I just look like a nasty mess!

After 150 min  - nice!
After 150 min – nice!

So, now I’m off to soak my tired legs so they will be up for whatever tomorrow might bring!

Happy Tuesday!


Oh, yeah –  12th day of February = 12x 1 minute wall sits – DONE!!!



Somedays are just made for Relaxing!!!

Today I convinced Jordan to do the demo for my 43 – it has been awhile since he has made an appearance on here!  (Maybe cause he’s 14 and too cool for this?!)

Anyway, the move was a push-up with one hand on my favorite piece of equipment!


Do a push-up then walk your hands over so that you switch hands on top and repeat.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxlc4mXgwIY’]

Jordan kept his feet in place but I think I moved mine a bit – either way is fine!!  I counted each push-up as 1 because I don’t think I could have done 43 on each side for a total of 86!!!  Maybe I should have tried since I’m still trying to build up to doing 1-armed push-ups!!!

Here is a picture of me on #36!

#36 - Hurry!! I'm dying here!!
#36 – Hurry!! I’m dying here!!

(You can see that I did walk my feet to make my body more of straight line.)

The rest of my work-out today – NOTHING!!!  I’m trying to take a day off most weeks (whether I want to or not!!!).

Maybe I will just spend the whole day relaxing – except for doing the laundry, cleaning some,  a quick trip to the grocery store after I plan out some meals for the week, making dinner…

Well, at least I’ve already done my wall sits for the day – 10x 1 minute each!

I pass the minutes with my phone!!! (plus I use the timer on my phone)
I pass the minutes with my phone!!!
(plus I use the timer on my phone)

Nice bed head!!!  Glad I can pass the time with my phone – sometimes a minute is really LONG!!!

Happy Sunday – hopefully everyone can relax for at least part of the day!!!Screen shot 2013-02-10 at 9.41.48 AMKim

Just like GI Jane (or maybe not)

Today’s original 43 was an EPIC FAIL!!!   I truly thought I was ready to attempt the 1-arm push-up (just like Demi Moore in GI Jane!!).

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOrglFs21IA’]

I remember being in my late 20s and watching that movie thinking “no way could I ever do that!”.  However, almost 20 years later I think “for sure, I can do that!!!”.

Here is my pathetic attempt:

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUvtFgIRXUE’]

So, then I thought “No big deal – I will just do them on my knees.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zff-5Z_jtqQ’]


Moving on…. I decided to continue working on my strength and will hopefully attempt those again later!

I picked a different 43 and started fresh!  This one was a side-lying triceps push-up.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfwhesD9kZg’]

I know it looks like I’m going really fast (maybe I was a little too fast at the beginning) but that is just the demo!!!  Completing 43 of these on each side really was a great work-out for my triceps!!!

Today was another day of (I’m sure this is no surprise!!!) – Les Mills Combat.  Today was Combat 45 – another fast-pace, fun-filled over-all great work-out!!!  (Really, I just wanted to see how many word combos I could hyphenate!)

I thought about getting in some punching bag work (and I might still do that).  I’m really hoping that Jordan will want to go for a nice easy jog with me when he gets home this afternoon – it is supposed to be mid-60s!!!!  Even if I can’t convince him (I would just drag him along but he is bigger than me), I might lace up and head out later!!!  Gotta enjoy the nice weather now since I’m sure that in a day or two it will be gone again!

Do any of y’all have a particular move or exercise that you are trying to build up to?  

Happy Wednesday!!!


Shorts in January = Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

Today’s 43 was HARD!!  It was a push-up using 4 medicine balls.Medicine Balls

(Mine aren’t all the same size but it works out OK!)  I have 2 – 8 pound balls that are the same size, 1 – 9 pound ball and another 8 pound ball with handles.

The first challenge with this move is trying to balance yourself on the 4 balls – each hand and foot gets a ball!  Then – do the push-up!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcGnoJl6DPM’]

I managed to get through all 43 but I had to stop and stretch about 5 times!  Of course, each stretch break meant I had to rebalance myself!  Fun!!  (BTW – I got this move from P90X2.)

After the push-up fun, I did Les Mills Combat Combat 60 – Ultimate Fighter.  I love how hard I feel like I’ve worked when this one is done!  I was going to try one of my new Zuzka (from Body Rock) DVDs – I did about 10 minutes and then decided that it was crazy not to take advantage of the warmer weather and go out for a run.

Shorts – I ran in shorts!!!!  January 28 in Kansas and I ran in shorts!!!  I can’t even begin to describe how happy that makes me!  (It is supposed to get to 70 today but even the 50 that I just ran in was AWESOME!!!)

I only did an easy 2.1 miles (8:00 min/pace).  It wasn’t really about running hard – just enjoying the gorgeous day!

Screen shot 2013-01-27 at 1.56.53 PMI saw this ecard and thought it was funny (with some truth even though I don’t actually count calories)!!!  I’m pretty sure if I have saw how many burpees it would take to burn off some of favorite things I might quit having them – Nah, I would probably just quit reading the label!!!

Happy Monday – I hope everyone has beautiful weather to enjoy!



Jordan Shared his Sickie Germs with Me!

(Serious issues with my WordPress site today – not making me happy!!!)

Today I did a 43 and that is the extent of my work-out (maybe my entire day!)

I took my BOSU and turned it upside down like this:

upside down - pretty great tool
upside down – pretty great tool

Then, I used it for one of my favorite moves of all times:  Push-Ups!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5PGASJ9NXY’]

This was Jordan’s fist demo in awhile (since he was sick and a germ carrier!!!).  I counted each push-up as 1 rep so I did a total of 43 push-ups and 43 jumps!

Way to put your face on the disk!
Way to put your face on the disk!

Yesterday afternoon my throat started hurting (wah, wah…..) and today I can tell I’m not 100%.  Hopefully if I take it easy today (lay around and watch mindless TV!!!), I will be good as new by morning.  Hmmm..maybe I was already a little under the weather yesterday morning and that’s why I struggled so much during my run – That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!

Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law and super friend – Stacy!!!!!

Rockin' the Runner T!!!
Rockin’ the Runner T!!!

Making the  T-shirt from Cait look great!!  Super cute!!!  Have an awesome birthday, Stacy!!!  Wish we didn’t live so far away!

Happy Sunday!
