I’m being featured over at Jennifer’s blog Wine to Weightlifting today!!! She has a really great blog and does Friday spotlights – check it out if you get a chance!!
Today for my 43 I did squats with my barbell (20 pounds). Instead of just doing a standard squat, I stayed in the squat position the entire time –

From the squat position, I alternated lifting my right leg and holding it up –

I put my right leg down (staying in a squat position still) and lifted my left leg and held it:

I counted a right leg up and left leg up as one rep – my quads were burning (and I was breathing HARD) by the time I finished all 43.
And, today I did something I rarely do – I repeated yesterday’s workout. I’m trying to get in all 3 rounds of Taylor’s weekly challenge after a late start this week. It was HARD today because I’m so sore from yesterday. Pretty sure the combat push-ups are what did it, or maybe the million burpees, or……
Anyway, even being sore, I was able to get more reps in all 3 circuits today. I hope I can increase again when I do the 3rd round tomorrow!
Yesterday was our first day home in almost 2 weeks and it was non-stop!!! Chris had to work – big drill weekend to get ready for.
I got both boys enrolled for the new school year. It is funny here – we have to enroll on-line and then you go up to the school and go through lines to take care of the rest of it. I now officially have a 7th grader and a freshman!!!
Jordan started band camp yesterday and will have that every day from now until school starts (August 13).
We went shopping for Hunter’s school supplies – thankfully we only had to go to Target for everything!!
New shoes for both boys (and I might have gotten another pair of tennis shoes, too!!!).
Orthodontist appointment for Hunter.
Pretty sure that I could do with another vacation!!!

I guess there is nothing like a day of reality to make you appreciate the peace of vacation even more!!!
Happy Fun Friday!!!