The 43 today was another version of the good ‘ol push-up! I love trying all different types of push-ups and today’s was a good one!
I used my BOSU again!

Today, however, I flipped it over for the move.

After Jordan did a few awesome push-ups, I did 43 using the BOSU. I was able to do all of them on my toes – just had to stop and do a quick stretch 2 times before I finished!
I also did my standard (standard for these days – while I can’t do a real work-out) work-out: Pick your Spot Pilates. I did all 3 sections again – belly, butt, thighs.
This morning when I was driving home, after dropping Hunter off at school, I heard the song My Favorite Things by Lorrie Morgan.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
The song made me think of some of my favorite things (it is an ever-changing list except for the top). Here are some of my favorites on this bitterly cold Monday:
- Chris, Jordan, Hunter
- seat heaters in my car (even though Jordan always puts on the seat cooler for his seat – even today when it is only 10 degrees – crazy!!!)
- hot Chai
- crockpot (with tonight’s dinner cooking away!)
- Christmas lights in every room!
- text from a friend
- running (just not today or for awhile)
- sappy, predictable Christmas movies on Lifetime
- fleece (doesn’t matter what really – shirt, pants, blankets…)
- music
- pictures
I could go on but I have to get busy addressing Christmas cards!!! Normally I used the kind of envelopes that you just peel off the back and stick – not this year for some reason (oh yeah, the size of the picture). I’m not sure about licking 150+ envelopes.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
Maybe I will find a damp sponge!!!
Happy Monday!