Tag Archives: squat jumps

What is Your Cure for Waking Up in a Funk?

Today’s 44 was fun!!  I did a squat with a bonus.  When I squatted, I touched my dumbbells (just 5 pounds) to the floor then jumped up and pushed my dumbbells over head!!

Talk about getting your heart rate way up there really quickly!!!

I did a DVD from a series that I love and haven’t done much lately – Jari Love Get Ripped and Get Extremely Ripped.  Today I did Get Extremely Ripped Lean Body.  I did the 30 minute complete lean body section and a 30 minute body rock section.  By the end, I felt like I had worked every muscle group in my body  – AWESOME!!!

Ever have one of those days where nothing is wrong but you just aren’t completely happy for some reason?!

That’s sort of how I feel – could be the layer of snow/ice/whatever on the ground and the cold temps – but I’m just in a bit of a funk!  So, I decided to  find some fun eCards because they always make me laugh!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.51.56 AMThat’s what the song says anyway!!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.52.19 AMThis might happen on occasion – you would think that we are old enough to learn this lesson but…..

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.52.41 AMTrying not to be the cloud today!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.53.39 AMVery true even though I probably woke up and looked at the clock myself 5 minutes earlier!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.55.17 AMHaHa!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.56.30 AMI’m going to try adding the cape – I think it will make me feel more productive!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.57.03 AMActually I don’t wish it would snow but I’m pretty much guaranteed to complain every time it does!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.59.22 AMFor real!!  And piling your stuff on top of mine on the belt isn’t the solution either!!!

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 6.58.23 AMI know that a lot of parents can relate to this one!

These are so much more fun than listening to me ramble!! And, after I get back from the school drop-off I think I will hop on my treadmill for a run before moving on with the day!

What is your cure on those days when you wake up in a bit of a funk?

Happy Wednesday!




Memory – Can you Remember what you Forgot?

I used my BOSU for the 44 again (such a fun piece of equipment!!).  Today’s move was all about balance!!!  I did jump squats.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym22a52AGWE’]

Just to say – the video was right after I finished running 10 miles and Jordan said I only got one chance – pretty shaky on those jumps!!!  (That’s why I always do my 44 before the rest of my workout – more strength then!!)

So, the rest of the workout was running – 1.5% incline – 8 miles in 59:55 + 2 more miles at a nice easy pace.  It’s been awhile since I’ve put in that many miles so it was nice to get a long run today!!!

Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 7.07.45 AMDo you have a good memory?  

I used to think I did – I never needed a grocery list, I could rattle off phone numbers, when I taught I knew all of the my student’s names (usually 100+) by the 2nd day.  

Now it’s a completely different story!!!  When I use something up in the kitchen I can’t even remember to write it on the list (which I have to have!!!).  

One day I called someone and ended up leaving a message for them to call me back – I said the first 3  numbers of my phone # and went completely blank on the rest!!!  Duh….

Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 7.08.07 AMWhen the boys ask me about doing something later in the day or for the next day I usually tell them sure but they will need to remind me!  (They don’t get that at all!!!)

I know that there are tricks for helping your memory but I can’t even remember what they are!!!

Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 7.09.13 AMYep – that’s pretty much how I feel most of the time.  I have to write everything down (in my calendar!) or there is very little chance that I will remember.  

I guess I better never misplace my calendar because I would never remember where I put it!!!  

Do you struggle to remember simple things?  Does it bug you?

I have to be honest – it causes me stress – good thing the stress doesn’t last long since I can’t remember what it is that’s bothering me!!!

Happy Thursday!



Love the Feeling AFTER you Complete a Brutal Work-Out!!!

Today’s 43 is one that I have put off for almost a week!!  Hunter helped me make the demo last Wednesday before we all went back to school.  Last night I decided that today would be the day!!!  (I know that intro makes all y’all want to read more so that you can hurry up and do the exercise!!!)

The move:

  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees
  • burpee with push-up
  • jump up to squat
  • in squat jump and turn 180 degrees (to start)

The above is 1 rep!!!  To complete my 43, I actually had to do 86 burpees, 86 push-ups, and 86 squat-jump-turns!!!  Painful!!!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtBPSB1xiDo’]

I actually broke this 43 into groups of 5 – after each set I took about a 30 second break – cheating?  Maybe –  but necessary to complete all of these with good form!  (all push-ups on toes!)

For the rest of my work-out I decided to go with another day of Les Mills Combat.  I like to follow the guide the first time through a program so the next work-out was Power HIIT 1.  (a disclaimer – I’m not a lawyer – obviously!!!) Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.11.55 AMThat saying was running through my head as I did this new (to me) work-out.  The first part was strength – not too bad.  The second half – at least 30 more burpees with push-ups and squat jumps – REALLY????  Then….the Les Mills crew challenged us to add a tuck jump after each burpee!!!  (I stuck to the squat jumps today!)

BRUTAL in every way – but I did it!!!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.08.04 AM

I might have looked a little like this dude when I finished – a wet, limp noodle!!!  However, I showered and got ready for another day at the library – rockin’ another pair of boots today so it’s all good!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 6.55.47 AM


Today is my niece, Bailey’s, birthday!!  A huge birthday shout-out!!!Screen shot 2013-01-08 at 7.19.03 AM

Bailey, I hope today is awesome!!!  Maybe Tim (her dad – my twin brother) will get you a car!!!  Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Tuesday (or Happy Birthday if today happens to be your birthday!)!!
