Today for my 43 I tried a move that Kat @ Sneakers and Fingerpaints did as part of her core challenge for the month. The move is called a Squirm and it is a great move to really work your entire core!!!
Start on your back with knees bent, contract your abs and crunch up – hold the crunch and alternate reaching your hands to your feet (you will be squirming!).
[youtuber youtube=’’]
I counted a right and left reach as 1 so it took a little while to complete all 43. My obliques got a great workout and since I had my abs contracted the entire time, my whole core was feeling the move by the end!!!
Today was boot camp in the garage thanks to thunderstorms!!! We did one of my favorites – Tabata Bootcamp. I love how effective this workout is – short bursts at maximum intensity!!!
I also started week 5 of Taylor’s challenge. This week’s workout is intense!!! It is called – The Race Is On and it is a definite challenge!!! I love the workouts that Taylor has included in this challenge – most are under 20 minutes and don’t require any equipment (or very little!). They are great as an entire workout or as a supplement for the rest of my workout!!
So, earlier this summer when the boys and I took our trip to Texas, Jordan caught me off-guard with one of his comments.
There was some traffic at one point and I’m sure that there must have been some crazy drivers doing stupid things and I might have said a cuss word or two. Well, Jordan is very anti-cussing and he looked over at me and said – “You need soap!”
and then just busted out laughing!! Ever since then, it has been a bit of a joke – any time Jordan hears a bad word (no matter who says it) he looks at me and says “soap“.
So, the other night, Jordan took his shower and then came into the living room with Chris and I. We were watching the very end of some show and Jordan just started ringing the drink bell repeatedly!!!

It was pretty annoying because it was right by my ear. I was trying to be nice – but after about 5 minutes of the annoying bell I said something to the effect that I was going to throw the damn bell in the trash if he didn’t stop. Next thing I know, Jordan pulls a bar of soap out of his pocket and sets it by the bell (and he has this huge grin on his face!).
Chris and I both just about fell out of our chairs laughing!!! Jordan was so proud – he knew that he could break me and he was ready!!!!
I really do try not to cuss around the boys a lot but sometimes…..At least I don’t really get my mouth washed out with soap! Growing up I did plenty of times (and I didn’t even cuss then!!) and it was always with the worst soap ever!!
Nasty and gritty – not fun!! I have never washed my boys mouth out with soap because I have awful memories of having it done to me.
Do you have a “word” police in your home? Have you ever had your mouth washed out with soap?
Happy Monday!!!