Today I did a plank step-up for my 43. I used the top part of my transfirmer

which is a 6″ step. I put it under me lengthwise while I was in a plank. Then I did step-ups with my hands – right hand up to step, left hand up, right hand down, left hand down = 1 rep.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
I tried to keep my body as still as possible but there was a bit of wobble. Half-way through (after 22), I switched and put my left hand up first. 43 fun reps!!
This week I’m repeating last week’s Les Mills Combat plan. Because of my long run on Tuesday I skipped the HIIT workout and then never got back on track – I didn’t do either of the big HIIT programs last week. So it’s a do-over!!! Today was one of my favorites – Combat 60 – Cardio Fighter!!!
After the Combat work-out, I decided to put on my sweet pink boxing glovesand spend some time on the punching bag. I did 20 minutes of solid punching (jabs and crosses only today) – I’m pretty sure that my shoulders and upper back will be sore tomorrow!!! And, the punching bag makes me sweat as much as a hard run!!
Today, Jordan is paging for a local senator.I’m not exactly sure what all that entails besides a day at the Capital. I think Jordan was excited about it (awesome cause he usually prefers to just hang out at home on days out of school)!

One of his friends asked him a couple of weeks ago if he wanted to page with her and he decided he would. (They actually both paged 2 years ago, and it was a good experience then.) Plus, he is all dressed up (and not wearing his standard “uniform” of white Nike shorts and T-shirt!!!).

I hope he has a great day!! I’m sure he will learn lots and have some great stories to share tonight at dinner!!! One more picture of my handsome young man…

The rest of us (Hunter, Chris & I) aren’t nearly as exciting! We are probably just going to chill at home and enjoy the day – who knows – maybe they will play a game with me later!!!
Check out the weird clouds:You can tell the sun was shining then by the shadows but the entire time I was kicking and punching this morning, the clouds were getting darker and darker! Creepy!!!
Happy Monday – have a great President’s Day – hopefully it is a day off for you, too!