Tag Archives: Turbo Jam

Early, On Time, Late – Which Are You?

Today I used a stability ball again for my 43 – Stability Ball

I decided to really work my hips because any time I add in more running, my hips need some extra strength work!!  

I started off on one knee while leaning on the ball.  I raised my other leg straight out to the side – 


Then, I pulled my leg in so that my knee hit the ball and  extended it again for 1 rep.

knee in
knee in

After finishing 43 my hip was feeling a good burn for sure and I still had to switch sides.  The other side was much harder because the first hip was on fire!!!

second leg
second leg

My 50 mile race is just over 2 months away and in addition to  running to prepare, I need to make sure that my joints (especially my hips) are as strong as possible!!!

For the rest of my workout, I did Turbo Jam – Fat Blaster.  This is an interval based workout and is great for really getting a great workout in a short amount of time (30 minutes).  The funny thing is that because the Turbo Jam DVDs came out in 2007, they just refer to the workout as intervals instead of HIIT which it is.  I can’t remember when everyone started talking about HIIT workouts but they have been around for much longer than the actual name has!!!

“To be early is to be on time,
To be on time is to be late,
To be late is to be left.”

I saw the quote above in the band handbook yesterday when Jordan and I were going through it – I love it!!!

I have always been one of those people who likes to be a few minutes early to events.  When I met Chris, he liked to be WAY early to places.   Between us, we are rarely ever late because we are super anal like that!!!

Chris is one of those people who hardly ever gets stressed or upset but I saw it happen on our recent Florida trip.  The day we were going to Daryl’s retirement ceremony we had to drive across the bay to McDill Air Force Base.  We knew that it was about an hour drive so we planned to leave 1.5 hours before it started.  Well, we left a few minutes late – no big deal since we had a cushion.  Then, 10 minutes into the drive Chris realized he didn’t have his military ID with him – even in his uniform we wouldn’t have been able to get on base without the ID.  We went back to get it and just like that we were down to  1 hour.

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It was a long stressful hour because Chris was freaking  out (for him, not really the same as a freak-out by me!!)  the whole time and mad at himself for being in the situation to begin with.  We ended up getting into the building where the ceremony was taking place about 5 minutes late – BUT…..they hadn’t started!!!  There were some problems at the gate with several people that were trying to get on base for the retirement so they were waiting!!!  Everything worked out and Chris’ stress disappeared!!!Screen shot 2013-08-04 at 9.51.37 AM


So, the big lesson for me out of that experience – always build a bigger time cushion so that Chris doesn’t get stressed!!!   to prevent stress and allow for all unforeseen events and mistakes that might occur!!

Does being late cause you stress?  Do you like to get places early or right on time?

And, just for fun, you can see how completely different my boys are!!

Jordan in white Hunter in brights
Jordan in white
Hunter in brights

Happy Sunday!!!


Who Is “Somebody”?

Today I used my Bender Ball for my 43.

add this to your ab routine!
add this to your ab routine!

 I put it right behind my lower back and did a crunch – it totally changes the way your abs work!!!  

crunch - it's not a huge move!
crunch – it’s not a huge move!

This is a great move because it works you abs but it is also a little stretch for your back.

I decided to do a Turbo Jam workout because working out with Chalean always makes me happy!!  I did Cardio Party 3 – 50 minutes of kicks, twists, punches – FUN!!

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One day Jordan said – “somebody needs to clean out the fireplace.”    My response – yep, you can do it this weekend!!

Last night after dinner Hunter said – “somebody needs to take out the trash.”  Chris and I both said – That would be you!!

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  We have tried really hard to teach our boys that there aren’t certain chores that are mine or Chris’ or even their’s because we are a family and should all work together to keep our home clean and running smoothly! When you see something that needs to be done, DO IT!!!

Screen shot 2013-07-17 at 7.56.53 PMAfter the whole trash thing with Hunter last night, I started thinking about other aspects of life.  There have been many times that I haven’t stepped up and done something because I think that “somebody” else should do it.

Around the house I’m pretty independent and there is very little that I can’t do (mostly out of necessity since Chris is often gone for extended periods).  However, there are many things that I prefer not to do and try to pass off to “somebody.”  

*  changing lightbulbs – not hard but I don’t like doing it for some reason
*  taking out the trash – funny since Hunter tried to pass it off!!
*  dusting – I don’t see the point because within hours the there is new dust – “somebody” else, please dust for me!!

I started thinking about other little things in my daily life that I always assume “somebody” else should do when in reality I could do it.

*  at the grocery store when most of the carts are outside I could easily roll some inside on my way instead of walking in empty handed
*  for weeks we drove past a street sign in our neighborhood that was covered in something (mud or ???) – I could have cleaned it instead of assuming that it was “somebody” else’s job
* sometimes in relationships I tend to think that “somebody” else needs to be the one to  make a phone call or plan a get together but really I am that somebody and I should just reach out more!!

Are you waiting for “somebody” or are you the “somebody” that people rely on?

I’m going to work harder on being the “somebody” that other’s might be looking for and on not expecting “somebody” to do things for me!!!

Happy Thursday!


Snap Judgements

Today’s 43 was all about working my obliques.  I did an oblique crunch with an arm reach and an extended leg (confused?  watch the demo)

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6eqIFeESQ4′]

I counted a right and left crunch as 1 rep so a total of 86 crunches!!

I decided to go with a fun workout today because I’m SORE (must be from the heavy lifting yesterday)!!  I did Turbo Jam – Cardio Party 2.  I’ve said many times – I love to work out with Chalean!!!  The workouts are always fast paced and so much fun that they go quickly!!

Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.23.07 AMI think at different times we have all formed snap judgements about other people (or even about things) and I’m sure that we have all been on the other end  and been the person judged.

Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.25.57 AMYears ago, I was interviewing for a teaching job.  The job was as an 8th grade science teacher and I really wanted to work at that particular school.  The principal and the head of the science department were both involved in the interview.  The guy that was the head of the science department was completely against hiring me for 1 reason –Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.37.49 AM

I was also going to be a coach (7th & 8th girls volleyball, basketball & track).  The minute he found out that I was a coach he was ready to end the interview.  I explained to both of them that I became a teacher first and would have taught even if I didn’t coach.  

I got the job and after about a month, this same teacher came to me and apologized for automatically assuming that I wouldn’t be a good teacher since I was a coach!  

That experience has always stuck with me because I was judged by someone who didn’t know anything about me.  I try to remember how I felt and not make the same mistakes.Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.27.56 AM

Sometimes our snap judgements cause us to miss out on some really great things.  

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I’ve known many people who won’t even try avocados or guacamole because they don’t like the color and the way it looks.  They are truly missing out on something wonderful just because they are judging the taste by the color.  

Often we judge people by what they drive or the clothes they wear but we don’t know the background on how they got that vehicle or where their clothes came from.

It’s so easy to make a little comment – look how overgrown their yard is – why don’t they do anything about it?  But, without knowing the story – they might have a loved one fighting for their life in the hospital, or they might have lost their job and ended up working 3 different jobs to make ends meet – we really shouldn’t be so quick to judge!Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.48.45 AM
So, my goal is to try and stop making snap judgements about anything – new products, food, and especially other people.   Just like I sometimes tell my boys – You can’t say you don’t like something if you’ve never tried it!!!  And, I shouldn’t say (or think) unkind things about people without knowing their story!

Screen shot 2013-07-07 at 9.54.25 AMHappy Sunday!!!




Today’s 43 was a move that I got from a post by Lori and Michelle at Purely Twins.  The move is called plank step on and offs.

I used my step with both pieces to make it a nice challenging height.

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer)

Set up in plank with both feet on the step.  Then step the right foot down followed by the left foot, step the left foot back up then the right – repeat off the left side for 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuJyZ-xH9PI’]

(At the end of the video I’m asking Hunter how long he is going to record me – can’t waste all of my energy on the demo when I have 43 reps staring me in the face!!)   By the time I finished 43 of these, my arms were shaking!!!  And, my core was burning!!  This was a great move!!!

My legs are REALLY tired and sore after yesterday’s run – not surprising since I haven’t done anything with my legs other than keep them elevated for 3 weeks!!  Today I wanted to work out some of the stiffness.

I did Turbo Jam – Cardio Party 3.  This was a great workout to shake out my legs – lots of kicking (and punching), some jumping, lunging, side-ways moving….pretty much some of everything!!!

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So, in general, I feel like I’m a fairly nice person.  However, there are some circumstances when I’m driving that really irritate me!!!

  1. When I’m driving down the road and someone decides to back out of their driveway without looking (even after I give a nice little warning tap of my horn)!!!  Yesterday when I was taking Hunter to school we experienced this and I reacted like this:Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 10.01.37 AMI used my horn the entire time she backed in front of me and as she took her time putting the car into drive since I was just hanging out at a complete standstill.  (and then I ended up following her to the school – nice!!)
  2. When I’m zipping down the road at 3-5 miles over the speed limit (that’s my norm) and someone turns right in front of me and proceeds to go 10 miles under the speed limit!  I feel the need to get inches away from them like this:Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 10.07.25 AMIf you really need to cut me off, at least drive the speed limit!!!!
  3.  And – Round Abouts!!!  I don’t know if y’all have them but they are everywhere in our city – which is fine for people who know how to drive through them.Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 9.56.22 AMIf you look closely, you will see that there is not a single STOP sign.  This means, if no cars are coming YOU DON’T HAVE TO STOP AND SIT THERE!!!  Also, the Yield sign is for people fixing to enter the round-about.  If you are in the circle – YOU SHOULD NEVER STOP!!!!!

So, do I have road rage?  Maybe on occasion but only because I can’t stand it when drivers  are idiots! Now I feel much calmer after sharing this!!!

Any one else have these issues?  (I hope I’m not the only crazy, occasional road rager!!!)

Happy Thursday!!  (I guess beware if you see me behind you on the road :Wink:)


What do I do with this thing??

Today’s 43 was Jordan’s idea!!  He suggested this on Saturday morning but I decided to save it until today!  Since he came up with the idea, I made let him do the demo for me!!

The move – a push-up with a double jump squat x 43!

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huqYmBztdq4′]

So, I didn’t do it exactly like Jordan – I stepped back into the push-ups instead of jumping.  I didn’t want to do them burpee style because I really wanted to make sure that I had good form on all 43 of the push-ups!  This one was a nice mix of upper body, lower body and cardio – great idea, Jordan!!!

The rest of my workout was fun – Turbo Jam style – Cardio Party 2.  I can’t say it often enough – I love to work out with Chalean!!!

So, over spring break (we stayed home and it wasn’t very spring-like since it snowed) I pulled out a puzzle.  I thought the boys might help – Hunter helped with the edge pieces and Jordan would periodically come in a tell me how hard puzzles are!!  The puzzle that I started was 3000 pieces!!!  It took me 2.5 weeks but I finally finished it – 3000 piece puzzleThe problem now is what to do with it.  I don’t want to take it apart yet – too much work putting it together.  But… it is on our dining room table.  We have glued puzzles before (and had them framed) but I don’t know where I would put this one – it’s huge 4′ x 2’7″.  So, for now it is still on the table!!!

Do you like puzzles?  What is the biggest one you have ever put together?  (I think this was the biggest one I’ve ever done.)

Happy Tuesday!!!  I’m spending the day subbing 5th grade!!!
