Today I used my Bender Ball for my 43.

I put it right behind my lower back and did a crunch – it totally changes the way your abs work!!!

This is a great move because it works you abs but it is also a little stretch for your back.
I decided to do a Turbo Jam workout because working out with Chalean always makes me happy!! I did Cardio Party 3 – 50 minutes of kicks, twists, punches – FUN!!
One day Jordan said – “somebody needs to clean out the fireplace.” My response – yep, you can do it this weekend!!
Last night after dinner Hunter said – “somebody needs to take out the trash.” Chris and I both said – That would be you!!
We have tried really hard to teach our boys that there aren’t certain chores that are mine or Chris’ or even their’s because we are a family and should all work together to keep our home clean and running smoothly! When you see something that needs to be done, DO IT!!!
After the whole trash thing with Hunter last night, I started thinking about other aspects of life. There have been many times that I haven’t stepped up and done something because I think that “somebody” else should do it.
Around the house I’m pretty independent and there is very little that I can’t do (mostly out of necessity since Chris is often gone for extended periods). However, there are many things that I prefer not to do and try to pass off to “somebody.”
* changing lightbulbs – not hard but I don’t like doing it for some reason
* taking out the trash – funny since Hunter tried to pass it off!!
* dusting – I don’t see the point because within hours the there is new dust – “somebody” else, please dust for me!!
I started thinking about other little things in my daily life that I always assume “somebody” else should do when in reality I could do it.
* at the grocery store when most of the carts are outside I could easily roll some inside on my way instead of walking in empty handed
* for weeks we drove past a street sign in our neighborhood that was covered in something (mud or ???) – I could have cleaned it instead of assuming that it was “somebody” else’s job
* sometimes in relationships I tend to think that “somebody” else needs to be the one to make a phone call or plan a get together but really I am that somebody and I should just reach out more!!
Are you waiting for “somebody” or are you the “somebody” that people rely on?
I’m going to work harder on being the “somebody” that other’s might be looking for and on not expecting “somebody” to do things for me!!!
Happy Thursday!