Today is my 180th consecutive day of the daily 43!!! I’m enjoying my daily adventures and have so many ideas but I’m always looking for new things – please share any moves or exercises that you think would make a fun 43. Thanks!!
For the 43 today I did a front-kick and back-kick combo. (I already did a similar move except last time it was the same leg that kicked front & back.) So, today I did a right front kick and a left back kick for the first set of 43 and then switched and did a left front kick and right back kick for another 43.
[youtuber youtube=’′]
This was a good 43 after yesterday’s brutal one!!!
Today I tried another Cathe DVD – XTrain – Tabatacise!! I did all 5 of the Tabatas and Bonus Core #1. This workout is on my list of favorites (I know it’s a longish list but….)! Even though the Tabatas are intense, the time flies by (especially the 10 second recovery!!). If you like to jump – this workout is definitely for you!!!
(Tabata training is a form of HIIT – high intensity interval training. It is a 4 minute segment consisting of 20 seconds of super high intensity followed by 10 seconds of recovery.)
Yesterday afternoon I convinced Chris and Jordan to try the 3 ball push-up. Hunter was going to try but once he put his hands on the ball he realized that his wrist (he broke it the end of July) still wasn’t quite strong enough.

Chris did 10 (without falling off in between any of them!).

I think Jordan did 2 but he may have just done 1. Either way – Good job, guys!!!
I really am open to ideas/suggestions for exercises – I love to try new moves or a classic move in a different way. Feel free to send me links to some of your favorites!
Happy Thursday!