Pet Peeves

Yesterday was one of those super frustrating days – everything took way longer than it should, several phone calls from people who “expect” certain things just because and my site crashed – it still has issues!!!

I know that instead of venting and listing some of my pet peeves I should refer back to Monday’s post but…..

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1.  People telling me how to do my job.
Yesterday morning I got an email from someone who had dropped a payment check in the mail drop at our venue (less than a week ago).  He wanted to know when I was going to cash the check because a “pet peeve” of his is to have checks floating around.

I don’t go to the bank every day – it has been less than a week!!!  And, for the record, I will be depositing it today!!!

2.  People who say they are going to be somewhere at a certain time and then they don’t show up or call.

3.  Slow drivers!!!  Just because it is raining doesn’t mean drive 30 in a 45!!!

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4.  People who expect me to give them something for free.
I had a call yesterday from an organization and, while it is a great group, the lady basically told me that she had heard I did 

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or some code.  I told her I had no idea what that meant.  She said charity work.  And, she wanted me to donate a night for free.

Well, we have done some of that kind of thing and I’m happy to support causes I believe in.  However, the night she wanted is a Thursday and I’m leaving town Friday morning for a quick trip. Since we have a huge wedding Saturday (complete with 20ish table cloths!!!), I told her that I couldn’t donate the night when I’m going to have to pay someone to come in and clean.  

She did not back down (15 minutes on the phone – that I should have spent ironing table cloths!!!) – I’m meeting with her Monday morning to learn more about the organization because she is sure that is all I need to be convinced!!!

I think that really, it was just the way she went about asking – more like telling me that since I had donated for someone else I owed it to her to donate our venue.

5.  Technology issues stress me every time!!!

Screen Shot 2014-06-06 at 5.30.52 AMThis is basically what keeps flashing – up when I try to do things!!!  I need it to stop!!!

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In happy news – Hunter and I are running his first half marathon tomorrow!!!  I can’t wait!  He has done a great job with the training and is going to be awesome!!!

Happy Friday!


Tuesday Rewind

I decided that I would share a true “Day-with-kt.”

Tuesday, June 3

5:00 am – alarm goes off.  Always loud and annoying but I get up because otherwise my workout clothes would just mock me later!!!

By 9:00 am, I had done my 44, run 15 miles (while catching up on some of The Bachelorette – not all because there were 2 episodes!!), started dinner in the crock pot – 

Sweet & Tangy Pulled Pork
Sweet & Tangy Pulled Pork

and made something for the boys to have for lunch – 

a confetti rice salad with chicken and lots of veggies
a confetti rice salad with chicken and lots of veggies

(small glimpse into our fridge!!).  I was almost done cleaning up from the cooking when Jordan made his first appearance of the day – but at least 9 is earlier than 11:30!!!  (Hunter had already been in for breakfast closer to 8.)

After a quick shower and primp time, I was ready for the day – 

ready to go
ready to go

Hunter and I ran to Target – he wanted to use some of his money for a new X-Box game and I had to get basics – toilet paper, paper towels – fun stuff for sure!!!


11:00 am – back home, stuff put up and ready to head downtown to meet a friend for lunch!!!

The only bummer about going downtown – metered parking!!!  I had exactly 1 quarter (15 minutes of parking).  Thankfully I had 2 dollar bills (I rarely have cash!) and I ran into a bar near where I parked to get change!!!  It was a trek to get to the place we were meeting but I’m all about adding steps!!!

Lunch was fun!!!  Then, it was time to get busy!!!

I had to stop by our venue (fairly close to downtown!) and drop off a pile of stuff from my car – 

stuff for venue
stuff for venue

I was so excited Saturday when we stopped by a friend’s house that was doing a moving sale – they had a nearly new microwave for $20!!!  And, the large black tub is full of clean tablecloths just waiting to get ironed again (Thursday’s fun!)!!!

After unloading, collecting mail and rent from our tenants, I headed to the liquor store!!!  This was actually a work trip!!!  We are bar tending (our first time) at an event on Saturday, and I had to get the stuff we need.

3:00 pm – home for a short time.  Talked to the boys a few minutes (sad how little time I spent with them yesterday but today is completely different and we have plans for the swim beach!!), then headed out to my “office” – 

my favorite work space
my favorite work space

It was actually hotter than normal out there yesterday afternoon!!!  

Chris got home around 3:30 and I chatted with him until about 4:15 then I had to get ready to head out again.

The best part about driving back to the venue this time – I chatted with Stacy (sis-in-law) the entire time!  We are trying to plan a little meet-up for July – much needed get-away!!!

5:15 pm – meeting with a June bride and her fiancĂ© to discuss how they want  everything set up for their special day!!  Always fun to be part of such a happy occasion!!!

6:00 pm – one of my favorite events every month – Hair Night!!!  I have mentioned before that I’ve been going to Jennifer for over 13 years – every 4 weeks (joy of short hair) and it is always fun!!!  

quick picture of hair after
quick picture of hair after

8:30 pm – home!!!!  I had a pork sandwich while talking to Chris a bit.  Read a few blogs but sadly yesterday was one of those days were I didn’t get to do much blog reading/commenting.  

I thought about writing this post last night but instead decided to get to bed before 10:00 for a change!!! 

FitBitOf course, the 15 miles helped on the steps but about 6,500 of those steps were done in these shoes with heels!!

SandalsWell, it’s time to get going with a new day!!!  I’m happy that this one will have a little less driving around and more time to hang with the boys!!!

Happy Wednesday!!


Turning a Negative into a Positive

For as long as I can remember (at least 20 years) I have loved to read magazines and pull articles from them.  I have recipes, workouts, decorating ideas, parenting tips and much more.

I try to keep the articles organized

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and over the past few years I have gotten to the point that I mostly just pull fitness stuff and recipes with a few random things in the mix.

The other day I was going through some of my files and I came across a clipping that I thought was very much worth sharing!  The sad thing is I cut out just the little piece that I wanted to save and I don’t have any idea where or when I saw this.  (Based on the looks of it, I think it has been many years since I cut it out!!)

10 Ways to a Better Life (thanks to Amy @ Long Drive Journey for the source – Mother Teresa)

1.  People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
          Love them anyway.

2.  If you do good, People will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
          Do good anyway.

3.  If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
          Succeed anyway.

4.  The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
          Do good anyway.

5.  Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
          Be honest and frank anyway.

6.  The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
          Think big anyway.

7.  People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
          Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

8.  What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
          Build anyway.

9.  People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
          Help people anyway.

10.  Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
          Give the world the best you have anyway.

The thing I like about this list is that each negative statement is turned into a positive!!!

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 What negative statements have you heard lately that you could turn into a positive?

Happy Monday!!
