Category Archives: Butt

BOSU Fun (4/13 – 4/19)

This week the daily 44s were all about my favorite piece of equipment – 


Sunday 4/13 – 44 curtsy lunge on upside down BOSU.


After 44 on my right leg, I had to switch feet and do another set!!

2nd side
2nd side

The pictures were actually after Hunter and I did his first 60 minute run!!!  We ended up doing 61 minutes so we could do an even 6 miles!!!  For the run we did a 5 minute run/1 minute walk cycle and he did great!!!

Monday 4/14 – 44 tricep dips on upside down BOSU.


By the 25th rep my arms were shaking – 44 of this move was no joke!!!

And, I decided to run a marathon!!  Actually, I wanted to get in a long run of 2-3 hours.  When I got close to 3 hours I thought I would keep going to 25 miles and then I decided to just go to 26.2!!!

26.2 miles – 3:40.57   + 0.8 easy miles

Tuesday 4/15 – 44 push-ups with one arm on the BOSU.

left arm
left arm

And, of course, I had to do 44 more with my right arm on the BOSU.


(I know I have on the same clothes from Monday’s pictures – Chris took the pictures on Monday morning before he left to go out of town for a few days!!)

I only did 22-24 on each side on my toes and the rest were on my knees.

I wanted to do an easier workout since my legs were tired from Monday so I did Poise-Core Training.  It was a lot like pilates and a nice 45 minute workout!!

After school, I ran with the boys – 30 minutes (we did 3.25 miles) and then walked 0.25 miles.  The first couple minutes were rough and I almost stopped but by the end I was happy I had gone with them.

Wednesday 4/16 – 44 side leg abduction on BOSU.


This was another one of those moves that I had to do one set of 44 and then switch sides to do another set!

side #2
side #2
lift and hold
lift and hold

I tried to hold each lift for a couple seconds and then control my leg on the way down – my base leg was shaky!!!

And, since the week was already about the BOSU, I did a couple of BOSU DVDs –  BOSU Balance Trainer and BOSU Reactive Strength & Power.  Both of these workouts had a mix of cardio, strength moves and some core work!!

Thursday 4/17 – 44 crunches on BOSU.

in position
in position

The start position was nice because it was a good back stretch!!


It wasn’t a big crunch (otherwise I would have rolled off!) but it was very effective!

And, I ran again!!  8 miles (63:03) + 0.5 easy miles.

Friday 4/18  – 44 BOSU butt bridges.

down (butt slightly off ground even in this position)
down (butt slightly off ground even in this position)
squeeze and lift
squeeze and lift

I liked this move – I don’t think I work my hamstrings as much as I should but this move definitely did the trick!

I did a fun DVD – Cross Training for Fitness.  It is a lot of kickboxing with some great core work thrown in.

Hunter and I also ran.  It was a 35 minute run but we ended up coin 36:51 so we could finish our 4th mile.  Hunter is doing a great job with his training – so far he is still enjoying it and I love the time we spend running together!!!

Saturday 4/19 – 44 squats with a twist (holding a medicine ball) on upside down BOSU.

side view
side view

I did all 44 to the right side and then switched and did 44 more.

twist to the left
twist to the left

You can look back at the week and see that I did several moves with the BOSU upside down.  If you have never tried using the BOSU this way, you should!!  The balance challenge is incredible!!!

There are so many ways to use a BOSU – I think I will have to pick another week soon to focus on it again!!!

Weekly mileage 47.45 + 1.55 easy miles for a total of 49 miles.

Happy Saturday!!!  Have a great Easter weekend!


One of Those Days

Today for my 44 I tried a new to me move that Fitknitchick  (Tamara) shared on her Facebook page.  It is called a Jefferson Deadlift and it really is different.

My version looked something like this – 

ready (awkward!!)
ready (awkward!!)

And, because it seems like one leg works harder in the stance, I did 2 sets of 44 so I could work the other side equally hard.

2nd side
2nd side



Yesterday was one of “those” days.  Do you know the kind I’m talking about?  Not a horrible day, just a day that everything (and I really mean EVERYTHING) irritated me.

*  pictures for my daily 44 – not the way I would have done them 
*  9.6 miles – actually this went OK and I caught up on some of my reality shows
*  no shower, just change into dry workout stuff to go clean the venue
*  still no gas in my car!!!
*  Chris & Hunter went with me to clean and set-up but that pretty much just got on my nerves because I had to tell them what and how to do things (because it should be done my way – right?!)
*  noticed more floor issues – I’m sure it’s still related to flood (OK – not really a flood, just a LOT of water)

flood at our venue
flood at our venue

*  call from a guy who gave us a bid for some work that was double what his estimate had been (and he is a talker!!)
*  a bride who wants to book our venue but she wants me to give her several hours for free
*  loud talkers at dinner (the boys) and there was some spitting involved (I might have taken my plate and drink out of the room for a bit)
*  my bracket is already a mess and the tournament barely started!!

See, nothing major.  Actually, most of it comes down to the fact that I like things to go my way and not much did yesterday.

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Oh, by the way…Wednesday night I met a friend for dinner and this happened –

Screen Shot 2014-03-20 at 9.58.59 PMSo I pretty much failed on giving up wine (and everything else) for Lent.  I made it 2 weeks!!! (EPIC FAIL!)

It’s a new day and I am going to try and not be so cranky – it is Fun Friday after all!!!

Anyone else have days that you just feel cranky all day for now real reason?

Happy Friday!!


You Take the Good, You Take the Bad

Today’s 44 was inspired by the daily challenge for HappyFitMarch – set a new bridge PR.  

Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 6.35.49 AMWell, I don’t think I had a previous PR for bridge (not sure I’ve ever timed it) but I decided to do do alternating leg lifts for the 44 while I was holding bridge.

right leg up
right leg up
back to bridge
back to bridge
left leg up
left leg up

I counted a right & left as 1 rep – fun way to hold bridge for awhile!!!

I pulled out another DVD that I haven’t done in awhile – part of the 10 Minute Solution series – Tone Trouble Zones.  This DVD came with a band –

tubingI like to use the band/tubing for extra resistance and this workout was a good one especially for my upper back!  I did all 5 of the 10 minute sections including the 10 minute stretch.  I’ve mentioned a few times that I don’t always take the time to stretch but 10 minutes isn’t too bad and this was actually a nice treat today.

The summer that my parents were divorced, I lived with my grandparents.  Every morning I watched The Facts of Life and wished that I could live with the girls at a boarding school!!!

I like the theme song – “You take the good, you take the bad…..”  Such a very true thing in life every day.  

Tuesday, I had to take some bad – 

flood at our venue
flood at our venue

I went to our venue to clean and set up for an event and walked in to see the river floating through our place.  After I figured out the problem and took care of it, I mopped up the water then went down to check out the creepy basement.  Also flooded – water was still dripping down from the ceiling.  Not my favorite way to start a day but thankfully it has been taken care of and last night I was over there and the floors don’t seem to be damaged from all the water.

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Yesterday morning I had another appointment with the DR who did my vein surgery last April.  I have 2 places (my left ankle and my right inner thigh) that have hurt pretty much every single day since last April when I had the initial procedure done.  

This DR said it shouldn’t be hurting anymore but that she thinks it is all fine (I have lumps in both of those places that I can feel and they are STILL bruised).  She said if it still hurts in about 6 months she will do some checking because it could have gotten into my muscles. 

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I’m not sure how I feel about waiting 6 more months since it has been 11 months already for something that was supposed to be “no big deal” and healed quickly.  I think that I will give it about 2 months and then look into getting a 2nd opinion if it isn’t better!!!

Some weeks, the bad seems to outweigh the good but I know that every week is different and even the bad isn’t that bad in the big picture!!!

And, to end on a happier note, check out our weather forecast – 

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Minus the snowflake on Saturday, it looks awesome!!  Look at Sunday and Monday – happiness!!!!

Happy Thursday!!


Being Fancy and a Much Needed Lazy Day

Today I did a fun 44.  A little balance work and a little hopping – perfect.  I did a single leg dead lift (slowly) then brought my knee in and hopped before repeating.

And, after I did 44 with my right leg I switched and did another set of 44 with my left leg.

Last night Chris and I did something that we don’t do very often – we got all Fancy for the Dining Out (military “prom.”).

ready to go
ready to go
my shoes make me taller than Chris!!
my shoes make me taller than Chris!!

Chris & KimIt was fun to get dressed up but I’m glad we don’t do it every day!!!  Chris’ mess dress (what he’s wearing) is actually the same one he wore when we got married almost 18 years ago!

our table
our table

It was a fun night!  We didn’t stay out late because of the nasty weather that had been predicted.  Thankfully even though the roads were slick when we came home, we got home before the heavier stuff came down.  

We didn’t get the 6+ inches of snow that was forecast but we got lots of ice – we could hear the ice pellets hitting the deck and house for a long time last night.  I’m sure it is super slick out now since it is only 3 degrees.

The good news about the weather – yesterday at drill (besides working at the base full time, one weekend a month, Chris has drill), they decided to cancel for today!!!  And, Hunter’s special cello practice for today has been rescheduled so today turned into a completely open day.

Screen Shot 2014-03-02 at 9.15.52 AMI’m so excited that we got this “bonus” lazy day – we all needed it.  Chris and I didn’t even get up till after 8:00 – that hasn’t happened in months!!!  And my plans for the day are pretty minimal!!  I think I will make a big pot of soup or chili for dinner and then a whole lot of nothing!!!

The perfect lazy day – no need to leave the house for anything and my whole family is safe inside with me – true bliss!!!

Happy Sunday!!!


What’s Your Minimum?

I used 2 of my small wobble balls again for the 44 – 

so many possibilities!
so many possibilities!

This time I stood on them and did dead lifts.


This was a good challenge – staying balanced on the little balls was tricky.  Dead lifts are one of my favorite moves and I loved the challenge with the balls!!  15 pound dumbbells was plenty today since I was trying to balance.

Finished the February challenge – 50 push-ups and 50 walking lunges today.

Today I did another old DVD (remember I’m trying to go through my DVD workout library this year!!!) – The Firm, Dangerous Curves Ahead.  This workout uses a small band for some extra resistance!

small but powerful
small but powerful

I actually didn’t do the entire workout today.  About 30 minutes in I was dragging and thinking about all the things I needed to get done before taking  the boys to school so I just stopped.  

Not gonna lie – it is rare for me to cut a workout short!!!  And, it made me wonder – what is the minimum length to work out and count it as a workout?

Screen Shot 2014-02-28 at 6.35.22 AMI actually read a post earlier this week that was talking about running and what is your shortest distance.  Now, I’m wondering about your shortest time to call a workout a workout!   (Sorry, I can’t remember whose blog!!)  

(Update – Miss Zippy wrote a post called When is a run a run?  asking a similar question about running.)

I track all of my workouts (not just my running) and I like to keep up with how many days I actually workout.  If all I do is my daily 44 then I don’t count it as a workout day.  Normally I get at least an hour (or more) of working out on the days I count.

However, today I stopped the DVD around the 30 minute mark.  
So, does it count??

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30 minutes has always been my minimum!!  I see tons of workouts that can be done in 12 minutes or 14 or 17 or 20 and I think they look like great workouts but I always feel like I have to combine several of them to actually count it as a true workout day.

I don’t have a set number of miles that I’m trying to run this year because I have learned by now that if I try to push too hard I end up injured.  But, I do have a goal to workout over 300 days this year and I do use my 30 minute minimum as part of the criteria on what counts.

Do you have a minimum time that you use to count a workout – weather it’s a DVD, something from Pinterest, a walk – whatever?  Or do you even track how many days you workout?

Happy Fun Friday!!


BTW – I have worked out 52 out of 59 days so far in 2014.