Category Archives: Shoulders

Paging, Planking & Punching on President’s Day

Today I did a plank step-up for my 43.  I used the top part of my transfirmer

14" double step (the Transfirmer)
14″ double step (the Transfirmer) 

which is a 6″ step.  I put it under me lengthwise while I was in a plank.  Then I did step-ups with my hands – right hand up to step, left hand up, right hand down, left hand down = 1 rep.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I tried to keep my body as still as possible but there was a bit of wobble.  Half-way through (after 22), I switched and put my left hand up first.  43 fun reps!!

This week I’m repeating last week’s Les Mills Combat plan.  Because of my long run on Tuesday I skipped the HIIT workout and then never got back on track – I didn’t do either of the big HIIT programs last week.  So it’s a do-over!!!  Today was one of my favorites – Combat 60 – Cardio Fighter!!!

After the Combat work-out, I decided to put on my sweet pink boxing glovesPink Boxing Glovesand spend some time on the punching bag.  I did 20 minutes of solid punching (jabs and crosses only today) – I’m pretty sure that my shoulders and upper back will be sore tomorrow!!!  And, the punching bag makes me sweat as much as a hard run!!

Today, Jordan is paging for a local senator.DSCN0042I’m not exactly sure what all that entails besides a day at the Capital. I think Jordan was excited about it (awesome cause he usually prefers to just hang out at home on days out of school)!

so grown up
so grown up

One of his friends asked him a couple of weeks ago if he wanted to page with her and he decided he would.  (They actually both paged 2 years ago,  and it was a good experience then.)  Plus, he is all dressed up (and not wearing his standard “uniform” of white Nike shorts and T-shirt!!!).


I hope he has a great day!!  I’m sure he will learn lots and have some great stories to share tonight at dinner!!!  One more picture of my handsome young man…

Look how handsome he is!!!
Look how handsome he is!!!

The rest of us (Hunter, Chris & I) aren’t nearly as exciting!  We are probably just going to chill at home and enjoy the day – who knows – maybe they will play a game with me later!!!

Check out the weird clouds:Weird CloudsYou can tell the sun was shining then by the shadows but the entire time I was kicking and punching this morning, the clouds were getting darker and darker!  Creepy!!!

Happy Monday – have a great President’s Day – hopefully it is a day off for you, too!


So Many Kinds of Love

Today started early (although not as early as I had planned since I could not sleep last night!!!) because I’m off to the school to help do inventory in the library!!

Of course, I still did my daily 43!!!  Jordan helped out yesterday afternoon and let me take a couple of pictures of him.

I did an Iron Squat!  Start by holding a medicine ball in both hands (I used a 9 pound ball).


Squat down until your elbows touch your knees (or quads!).

squat - touch elbows to knees - butt back!
squat – touch elbows to knees – butt back!

Stand, squeeze your butt as you do, and push the ball overhead.

squeeze butt to stand & push ball overhead
squeeze butt to stand & push ball overhead

Repeat!  43 for me.

After finishing that I was going to do HIIT Power but I wasn’t really feeling it so I did something I’m horrible about doing – I ran – nice and easy!!!  I just ran for a total of 33 minutes and really tried to relax and enjoy it instead of feel the need to push hard.  (I have learned a lot by reading so many running blogs – feeling the need to run hard all the time is probably why I can’t run every day – DUH!!!)

I’m sure that this will sound bad but I’m really not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day!  For starters – I only have 1 true Valentine. My boys don’t have any but they always have school parties!!!  I just think it’s a funny holiday – I guess the whole point is to remember to show love.

I started thinking about all the different kinds of Screen shot 2013-02-14 at 7.18.52 AM

There is the love of material things.  I’m always saying I loveBootsor

check out the cool color!
check out the cool color!

But those are just shoes!!!

There is the love of places:Screen shot 2013-02-14 at 7.36.10 AM


and we all know I love Screen shot 2013-02-14 at 7.48.47 AM

I also love pretty sunrises (or sunsets):


(It was a little cloudy earlier but you can see some of the colors showing through!)

The love of food:


(Chris left these for me this morning cause he knows every once in a while nothing else will do!!!)

Then, there is the love we have for people!  I love my grandparents for so many reasons!100_0113This was several years ago. (My Poppa is 98 now!!  And, my Mema died 2 years ago.)

I love my boys with every fiber in me!!!DSCN1398


(This was last summer in Texas – silly boys!)

And then, I have my one true love – Chris, my Valentine!!!!DSCN1985(I really need more pictures of him on here!!!)

Happy Valentine’s Thursday!



Super Day Sunday!!!

Yikes!!  Today’s 43 was one of those times when I sort-of wished that I was closer to 20!!!  The move itself wasn’t too bad – it’s just the act of knocking out 43 that really pushed me!!

I did plank up-downs today.  43 times!!!!!

[youtuber youtube=’′]

I did my best to keep my body straight even during the up-down part but it was definitely a challenge!!!!

And the rest of the work-out…..Day Off!!!!  I’m continuing  with my daily wall sits for the month of February  – today I did 3 of them for 1 minute each.  My quads should be getting stronger by the minute!!!

I keep hearing about some large bowl Screen shot 2013-02-03 at 8.07.43 AMSuper bowl something?  Maybe these?Screen shot 2013-02-03 at 8.07.01 AM

I’m just kidding – I know that today is a huge football game!!! I just don’t get into pro-football much.  I’m trying to decide which team to cheer for.

I love this place! Chris and I visited here the first month we were dating!San FranciscoSo pretty and so close to Napa and wine!!!  Oh, wait – football.

Well, I also like this city:BaltimoreAnother  gorgeous place!  I guess I can’t pick my team based on the beauty of the city or where I have or haven’t been.  Hmmmm….

San Francisco 49ers

Baltimore RavensI’ll just support them both and enjoy time with friends tonight.

I do sort-of wish that we were hereNew Orleans

New Orleans during Mardi Gras?!  Oh, wait – not a great idea!!  Been there, done that and now I’m a responsible grown-up!!!

Happy Sunday – hope it is a Super day!!!




Groundhog as Meteorologist (at least today!)

Today’s 43 was another circuit that I thought would be fun  – you know I love to work as many different muscles as possible!!!  This one was pretty much a total body circuit!!

Screen shot 2013-02-02 at 9.45.53 AM


Sometimes it is more challenging to keep the legs stationary than it is to move them!  The single leg squats require core strength to keep your balance.  Adding the hops and weights helps get your heart rate up!  Score on many levels!!

I liked this circuit as a 43 – it went really quickly, too.  43 reps = 129 of each of the arm exercises!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

After the circuit I still wanted to do a bit more today so I did one of my 10 Minute Solution DVDs – Ultimate Boot Camp with Jessica Smith.  I only did 3 of the 5 sections:  Fat Fighting Skills & Drills (intervals of high intensity cardio – loved this section!), Ultimate Total Body Training (power, strength & endurance moves combined – loved!), and Six Pack Ab Attack (duh – core!).

This was a great work-out for me.  Each of the 10 minutes were non-stop activity and Jessica actually put together some moves that were new for me (love when that happens – sometimes it seems like all of the work-outs use the same ‘ol moves!!!)

So, in case you didn’t get up and watch the newsScreen shot 2013-02-02 at 9.40.38 AM

the famous ground hog did not see his shadow so spring is on the way!!  And we all know that just like our local meteorologist – this guy is totally accurate (at least 50% of the time!!!)!

Cute tradition!   And if you live in or around Punxsutawney, PA I guess it is a pretty big deal!  Maybe Topeka should come up with something fun like that…hmmm……

Well, no matter when spring arrives these little guys always make me smile!

Screen shot 2013-02-02 at 9.37.32 AM


Happy Saturday (in the middle of winter!)!!


Just Messin’ Around

Today for my 43, I pulled out a piece of equipment that I forgot I even had (and I have no idea where it came from).Bally Disc

It is a Bally disc.  Kind-of cool because the disc actually spins so you have to hold your core tight if you want to stay still.Bally Disc

The black part is the spinning part.  I decided to just play around with this and see what all I could do with it.

First, I stood on it and twisted.  I did 3 sets of 43 twists.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I’m not sure if it would be possible for me to look any goofier than I do in that demo!!!

Then I decided to stand on the disk and do side-bicep curls (43, of course).

hold it....
hold it….
keep your elbows close to you!
keep your elbows close to you!
made it!
made it!

The bands aren’t really very long and they are sort-of tight so this was a pretty good exercise.  I decided to try one more 43 – alternate front raises.


This last 43 (on each side!!!) was the hardest!!   Gotta keep working on my shoulders!!!

Overall, I’m not sure how often I will pull this disc out – judging by the dust I had to clean off of it this time, not very often!!!  It was fun to mess around and do some different things for my 43 today so the disc has some value!!!

After I finished up the 43s of the day, I did Les Mills Combat – HIIT Plyo.  This is a great HIIT work-out.  It is only 30 minutes but it is super high intensity.  Lots of jumping squats, plyo lunges and burpees!!!  I also did the Core Attack work-out again because I like to torture myself challenge myself!

Yesterday was a fun girl’s day out (we even had a glass of wine with our lunch) – shopping really works up an appetite!!!  The best part of the day was coming home at dinner time to the yummy meal that Chris had all ready!!

Last night, Chris and I watched Pitch Perfect using Apple TV.   That Apple TV is handy – all you need is a remote – no DVD player required!!!  (The DVD has to be preloaded and….blah, blah, blah…..but that is behind the scenes work on Chris’ part!!!).  Chris admitted he thought the movie was going to be hokey but he ended up enjoying it as much as I did!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

My favorite type of movie – funny with a  happy ending – a true feel-good movie.

Happy Saturday!
