Today’s 43 was a bicep curl while in a V-sit. (I know that I’ve had a few 43s in a row that work my abs/core but that is because I’m resting my legs!!!)

I tried to hold my entire body still except my arms from the elbow down. Because of the core work involved here – I only used 8 pound dumbbells – I was afraid if I went heavier that I would start swinging my arms and end up hurting something like my back!!

I liked this move since I got some upper body work, core work and even my hip flexors got a little work while I held my legs up.
And, as hard as it is for me to take days off from working out, I’m giving myself another day off today. I know that after running 31 miles on Friday my body needs it!! Of course, I have Jordan who keeps saying – it would have been more impressive if you had done Insanity on the day you ran 5 hours! Today he is giving me grief for not doing Insanity or “at least do some Tae-Bo!” Silly boy!!!
When I was in 2nd grade, we had a big music production at my school and I actually had a solo (crazy since I can’t really sing!). I was Snoopy and sang the song Happiness Is. There is one section of the song that I have always remembered:
Happiness is morning and evening,
Daytime and nighttime, too.
For happiness is anyone and anything at all
That’s loved by you!
So much truth to those last 2 lines – happiness can be anything!!!


Having friends over – for dinner, drinks or just to sit and visit!! No pictures – I try not to put pictures of people on here unless I have asked if they mind (which I always forget to do!!).
Shoes – I know it’s materialistic but I LOVE shoes!! All types of shoes!! And shoes in a well organized closet = pure happiness!!!

One day Chris said my closet looked like a shoe store – NICE!!!
Books and Reading – I’ve mentioned my cookbook obsession before, but I also love to read. Having a Nook makes me HAPPY!! So many books all in one little spot!!!

Wine – I love a glass of wine or other cocktail!!!

Music – music and happiness are a perfect pair!!
Reality TV – pure entertainment!!!
Running and working out!!!

There are so many things that make me happy – some big and some little – but like the song says – happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you!!!
What makes you happy?
Happy Sunday!!!