Today I took another move from Evil Cyber and adapted it a bit to make it my 43. He did reverse barbell curls but I decided to do the same reverse curls with dumbbells. This works your forearms more than your biceps so it is a great way to work a different muscle!! (one I rarely even think about)
It is the same set-up as a bicep curl except your palms face down so that on the up part of the curl they are facing away from your body –

43 of these weren’t too hard – the last 10 I struggled a little. (I used 10 pound dumbbells.)
And another day of working out = another day of Insanity Asylum!!! Today it was Vertical Plyo – jumps, jumps and more jumps!!! I can tell that I’ve made some improvements because at the end of the 40 minutes of torture plyo the last move is a lateral jump. You stand next to the super versatile agility ladder –

and do a side jump over it!!! The first time I did this workout I failed at every attempt! (I fold 1 rung of the ladder over so it is only 3 rungs to jump for this move.) Today I cleared the ladder (3 rungs) 13 times (you do the move for 1 minute)!!!!
Today was also beach bootcamp – we did a fun “surprise move” type workout – it was nice because it was very much self-paced. And, good news – lots more JUMPING!!!
The other day at 5:30 am I was having a hard time deciding what to do for my 43. Odd, because I have lists (spreadsheets actually because I’m a nerd and love to make spreadsheets!!!) that I’ve made with all my ideas and I keep adding to them so I have lots of choices. The problem is if I don’t have a plan when I get up at the butt crack of dawn so early, I am at a complete lack of inspiration.
I can exercise and perform moves early but trying to be creative and think of something early in the morning is never going to happen in my world.
So this lack of inspiration in the mornings has caused me to start thinking about where I get my inspiration – for working out or even just life in general. And, I realized that I have lots of people that inspire me and lots of places that I get ideas from.
- My boys inspire me a lot – they have come up with some very unique moves for me to try for some of my 43s this year (not all are actually doable but still….). I love the fact that they like to help and be part of this goal I have. They also inspire me to make play and enjoying life part of my day.
- Chris inspires me – not necessarily about my workouts but always about how to be a better, kinder, more patient, more caring person. I try to emulate him when I talk to people (listen more, talk less) – I still have a long way to go on this one but I’m trying.
- Bloggers have inspired me in 100s of ways during the 9 months since I’ve started my blogging journey. I’ve gotten many workout ideas from so many different people. Training tips (running and otherwise), ideas for equipment/workout gear/running stuff and more recipes than I will ever be able to try!!! Plus, the sense of community that I’ve found inspires me to keep blogging!!
There are other things/people that inspire me – way to many to list.
Thinking of all the ways that I’m inspired made me question how, or even if, I inspire anyone. That one is a lot harder. I like to think that I inspire my boys to try their best no matter what they are doing – school work, musical instruments, running, working out, playing games…
But – am I living my life in a way that actually inspires others? I hope so!!
Who/what inspires you?
Happy Thursday!!!
(I’m going to my 3rd Zumba class tonight – watch it, soon I’ll be making a Zumba video!! Just kidding about the video – that would be torture for all involved!)