Today for my 43, I did a plank with some extra stability work. I started in elbow plank, pulled my right knee into my chest then extended my right leg into a leg raise. Then, I did the same thing with my left leg. I counted a right leg and left leg move as 1 rep.
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I should have timed my plank!!! This took awhile to complete since it was 43 knee pulls/leg raises per side!
I did Insanity Asylum – Vertical Plyo before heading to the swim beach to teach Boot Camp. I only have a few days left of Insanity – WooHoo!!! Today I actually enjoyed the plyo workout more than I have other days – maybe because I knew it was my last time doing it for awhile!!
Boot Camp at the beach always makes me happy – the lake is peaceful early in the mornings. Today we did Tabata boot camp and it was so much harder in the sand than it was yesterday morning in the garage!! The sand gave us some bonus toning work!! Plus, with all of the jumping and kicking – I pretty much took a shower in sand!!! Good Times!!
Lately, every time I wake up during the night (it’s always a lot of times!!!) – I’ve been dreaming about jumping and kicking and squatting.
It’s not always me that’s jumping – sometimes I’m watching people (or maybe animals) jump – but there is always action and movement in the form of jumping and bouncing!!!
All night long – jump, squat, kick…..I don’t know if it’s because I go to bed thinking about the next day’s boot camp or Insanity workout or even just trying to decide what my 43 will be or what the deal is but I’m ready for some different themed dreams!!
Sometimes I feel like I might be a
little obsessed with all things fitness related – that doesn’t mean I want to dream about it every night!!!See – everyone’s jumping and moving – just like in my dreams!!!!
And, everyone is running through the list of proper form and technique – over and over. I guess if this little guy is doing it then it isn’t that bad!!
But all the nighttime jumping is wearing me out!!! I need a night where I dream about
and maybe if I dream hard enough I will wake up and find myself actually relaxing in this gorgeous setting instead of jumping and kicking and squatting and doing burpees!!!!!
And the best part of these dreams? Along with jumping there is music from my new workout craze – Zumba!!!
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Yep – I hear that song a lot in my dreams – while jumping!!!!
Anyone else have dreams where you wake up exhausted from all the action in the dream?
Happy Tuesday – here’s to relaxing dreams for all tonight!!!