Today I tried a new (to me) move for my 43 – sumo dead-lifts. I’ve seen these in a lot of other workouts but just never tried them because I really love regular dead-lifts. I liked these OK but still prefer the standard method!!
To do the sumo lifts, I used 15 pound dumbbells and started with my legs wider than hip distance, toes turned out.

From here, I did slow (2-count down & 2-count up) dead lift.

I couldn’t go down as far as a regular dead-lift because of the angle of my legs.

I could feel it in my glutes but not my hamstrings as much as a straight leg dead lift. I did like the move – this is the kind of thing that makes a fairly easy 43!!
Today was double Boot Camp – 6 am backyard BC and 7:15 am beach BC!!! Because I’m the only crazy one who did both, it was the same workout each time. I wanted everyone to get a great workout because I’m going to be gone next week and I’m pretty sure today’s boot camp accomplished that!!! We did a pyramid – up and down – fun stuff!!!
I still need to do the Insanity Asylum Fit Test to see if I improved from before I started the program but I’m going to save it for tomorrow instead of doing it after 2 rounds of boot camp – seems like a much better idea!!!
All day long we are faced with choices. Some are little and simple – what to eat for breakfast, what to wear (not always that simple, but….), go to the beach or the pool…..Other choices can be harder – get up early or sleep in, buy a new top or 3 new tops not, quit working, start a new job……..
One of the choices that I made years ago was to workout first thing in the morning (even when it means getting up at the butt crack of dawn)!!For me that works well with my life because then no matter what comes up during the day, I don’t have to worry about when or if I’m going to be able to workout.
Yesterday, for example, a friend sent me a text me in the morning and asked if Chris and I wanted to meet her and husband atfor dinner and drinks. Well, I had planned to go to Zumba cause it’s sort-of addicting or something!!!
However, it was and a chance to catch up with some friends – plus I had already made the choice to get my workout done in the morning and Zumba is more of just a social outing (active for sure!) so I made the choice to spend some time with Chris and some friends!!!
And because of the choices I made earlier in the day I enjoyed the evening guilt-free!!!Things come up and life happens – sometimes fun stuff and other times just normal everyday stuff and we will always have choices to make. There are times that I wish I had made better or different choices but yesterday I was happy with my choices!!!
Choices – what will you do today?
Happy Fun Friday!!