Today’s 43 was a fairly simple one (because I knew what was coming up in the rest of my workout!). I used some of my tubing and did double arm rows.Just stand with both feet on the band – bend over with knees slightly bent and row. I choked way down on the band so there would be more resistance.

Up until a year or two ago I rarely, if ever, worked my back – now I try to make sure I work it as much as my legs, arms and core!!!
Today was another day of Insanity Asylum – Speed and Agility. I think this one might be the hardest (until tomorrow when I do a different one!!!). It is 45 minutes and about half of that time is spent in the plank/push-up position doing all sorts of “fun” moves. 3 rounds of progression in & out abs (one of my past 43s) –
[youtuber youtube=’′]
Plus, progression mountain climbers (same concept as the in & out abs but doing mountain climbers), bear crawls, agility planks……It is brutal!!!
Happy News – One week from today I will complete this round of Insanity Asylum!!!!
I also did a fun little age-themed workout today. Last week, Tamara at Fitknitchick celebrated her birthday. Yesterday she shared an age-themed birthday workout that one of her trainer friends designed for her – this one was sort of a CrossFit style. I decided to play along with her because we all know that I love doing age related reps!!!
The workout consisted of the following moves:
- KettleBell Swings x 46 (I used a 20 pound KB and did full range swings)
- burpees x 46 (with push-up)
- ab crunches x 46
- box jumps x 46 (I jumped onto this box – 14″)
- push-ups x 46 (brutal after 46 burpees!!!)
- reverse lunges x 46 (I did 46 with the right leg and then 46 left)
- pull-ups x 46 (mine were assisted pull-ups using a step-stool to help)
- plank for 46 seconds (I did mine with my arms extended in push-up position)
Total time to complete this was 18:30. I couldn’t believe how much harder 46 reps were than my normal 43 – I think because in my mind, 43 is just a few more than 40 but 46 is almost 50.
Since the whole age-themed workout is sort-of the concept behind my blog with my goal to do a daily 43 every day for the year that I’m 43, I was super excited to see another workouts set-up using age for the number of reps!! It is a fun way to challenge yourself whether you do it on your birthday or every day!!!
Have you ever done a birthday/age related challenge?
Happy Saturday!!!