Today I’m participating in my first ever Ask-Away-Friday.
And, I get to answer questions from one of the hosts – Tamara. Yes, from Tamara Like Camera!!!!
Not only is Tamara gorgeous, she is the sweetest person and writes some of the most heart felt posts ever and her pictures are phenomenal!! (she is a photographer extraordinaire!) She reads and comments on numerous blogs every day(not sure how she does it all!!) and makes each person feel special!!!
If you don’t already read her blog then it’s your lucky day!!! Head over and read her answers to the questions I sent her. I promise you will be glad!!
Here are the questions from Tamara:
1. I know you’re like me with summer love/winter.. not so love. If you could have a second home anywhere in the world, where would you build/buy one? And why?
This one is easy!!! We would have a house on the beach in Hawaii!!! That is my happy place. I love that the temperature is right around 80 every single day!!!Hawaii
2. If I came to visit you (which would be fun!) would what we do together?
Well, I’m going to assume that you are coming in the summer because the winter sort of sucks!!! We would sleep in (let’s just pretend!!) and then spend the day on the boat. First we would go to a local bakery and get some cookies for you and Devlin’s (liquor store) to get a treat for me!!
You could pick the playlist for the music on the boat.
If you want to do something “native” to Kansas we could tour the state capital. But, I think the boat is more fun!!!
on the Pontoon!
3. How has the new school year been for your boys? Any challenges to share? Triumphs?
So far I think this has been a good year for both boys.
Hunter is in 8th grade and has a goal to keep all of his grades above a 97%. So far he is achieving this!!! He had a great cross country season and now has moved on to wrestling. His last meet he got 2 pins (out of 2 matches!!!).
the wrestler
Jordan has had a great 10th grade year so far. Marching band is his favorite and it just ended but he is on to Pep Band, Jazz Band and possibly being in the pit orchestra for the upcoming school musical. He has all honors or AP classes and has had to put in lots of hours studying – he is learning some valuable life skills. And – he is a driver now!!!!
4. I know from Facebook that you did a commercial this week! How did it go? What are your next goals for your business?
Well, I realized after I put my picture up (and finished the whole deal) that I used the wrong word. We did a TV spot for one of the local channels morning news program.
We are part of the CASA home tour – we are hosting the boutique for the event. There are 5 homes on the tour and each home-owner got to contribute a recipe. Since we are participating as our venue we decided to do a drink recipe!!
The Victorian
1 part vodka
1 part triple sec
1 part Razzmatazz (raspberry liqueur)
1 part Cranberry juice
splash of lime juice
Mix in shaker with ice. our into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish rim with red sugar and a lime slice if desired.
5. How did you find yourself as a blogger? Was it surprising, or a goal/dream of yours?
I worked at my boys elementary school for 5 years. It was a great job but I didn’t have enough work to stay busy so I started reading blogs. (at that time I never commented – I was a lurker!!)
I had already been running my age on my birthday for a couple years and before I turned 43 I decided that I would run my age on my birthday and then pick a different exercise each day and do 43 reps. I thought it would be fun to start a blog to chronicle my daily exercises.
Chris was gone all of August that year (2012) and at some point while he was gone he set up my blog domain. On 9-16-12 I published my first blog post and I’ve been blogging ever since. At that point I had no idea that I would meet so many incredible people through blogging so, yes, it has been very surprising.
6. What would be an absolute dream trip to take with your family, while they’re all still young enough to live home?
We are hoping/planning to go to Germany at some point in the next 2 years. Chris has been many times and has become good friends with Barto who owns our very favorite winery.
a favorite!!! Wine from Germany
Our plan is to go the year before Jordan’s senior year in high school!!
7. When was the last time you really pushed yourself to your physical limits?
Not recently, sadly!!!
I think back in May when I attempted the 50 mile race through the Kansas Flint Hills would be the time I pushed all the way to my limit.
8. What blog post(s) were you most afraid to publish, but did anyway?
Truthfully I think I feel OK about all the posts I have clicked publish on. The ones rattling around in my head are another story. Maybe one day some of them will be shared – not sure.
9. As you know, I just read and reviewed “My Other Ex.” If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?
HaHa -sort of a timely question since I just wrote about the “break-up” with my best friend earlier this week.
10. What’s something that amazes you?
This is hard – like Jordan said when I asked for his thoughts, “that’s pretty broad.” Since I’m writing this at bedtime (for me!!!) then my brain can’t wrap around this concept.
I think that one thing that amazes me is how very different each day can be – in every way. From the weather (on Monday we went from 72 to 37 in just a couple of hours) to people’s attitudes (nice one day, cranky the next!!) to the things that make up the day (wrestling, lunches, cleaning venues, ironing tablecloths, running, celebrating birthdays).
HaHa – I sort of took a cop-out on that question.
Thank you, Tamara for swapping questions with me – this was so much fun!!!
This week I did a new 45 every day but that was pretty much the only fitness that I was able to do. My body/mind is screaming for some cardio and sweating but……
Sunday 10/26 – 45 push-ups on the boat.
Best 45 ever because it was such a gorgeous day and I got my movement in while enjoying the last boat ride of the year!!!
Can’t beat the fresh air while doing some push-ups!!!
Monday 10/27 – 45 leg drops with a band pull.
easy partdown
I kept my upper body off the ground the entire time to make this move harder – it was definitely hard!!!
I did do The Firm – Cardio AbSession & Burn, Shape & Tone. This ended up being the same as the Cardio Core Fusion that I did last week with the fun pink balls –
The Firm balls
Tuesday 10/28 – 45 side lying scissors while on wobble disc.
top leg fronttop leg back
Over course I had to do another set while lying on the other hip.
top leg fronttop leg back
I liked the added balance challenge from the wobble disc!!!
Wednesday 10/29 – 45 plank – partner hand slaps.
Because I’m not working out in the mornings my whole routine is off. On Wednesday I didn’t actually do my 45 until about 9:30 at night (rare to not do it first thing!!).
1/2 of the movecompleting a rep
This move was fun to do with Jordan – he did awesome and completed all 45 with me – that’s a long time to hold plank since we counted 1 rep as 2 hand slaps!!
Thursday 10/30 – 45 bent over wide row with dumbbells (12 pounds).
downup – squeeze shoulder blades
This is one of those moves that always seems like it should be easy and it is until after about 20 reps!!!
Friday 10/31 – 45 double arm overhead press with dumbbell (15 pounds).
And, I look like the “stay-puff guy” because I have on so many layers in those pictures. Remember at the beginning of the week we were enjoying a final boat ride???
look – no shirt even!
Well, Friday was COLD!! I spent the morning at the high school state cross country meet and needed every layer I had on plus some!!! The windchill was in the 20s!
Saturday 11/1 – 45 repeaters – knee up with a twist – knee up front = 1 rep.
Knee up with twistup
Bring your knee up with a twist, return to start (tap toe if you need to), bring knee up in front for 1 rep. This move actually goes quickly and is at least a little bit of cardio.
Of course, you have to be equal and fair to your legs so set 2 is on the other leg.
switch legs for another setknee in front
By pumping my arms and moving quickly I did get my heart rate up a little for the first time in awhile!!! And, this move is great for your core because of the knee lift (get it high!!) and the twist!!!
You can tell I wobbled a few times – it happens!!! And, you know, this was the kind of move that I had to do 2 sets of 43 so that both legs could feel the burn!!!
I’m hoping that Hunter will decide to get up soon so we can all go play tennis!!! Jordan and I usually like to get a nice walk after our tennis rounds so I even though I’m not doing a “true workout” today, I will still get plenty of activity!!
Happiness is a state of mind and while I feel like I’m generally a happy person, I know that I’m always much happier in the summer!!!! So many things are making me happy right now!!!
Yesterday I put on a pair of my shorts (the first time of the season is always a little scary) and they still fit great!!
and my longhorn tat makes me very happy!!!
The boys washed the cars yesterday – clean cars make me happy and watching the boys spray each other “accidentally” really makes me happy!!!I just hung out, took pictures and tried to get a little color on my pale legs!!
need a tan!
Swimsuit season = HAPPINESS!!!
ready for some sun!
Chris and I went for the first boat ride of the year – it’s like being on vacation, almost!!!How can you not be happy floating around on the water???
It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere!!! Margaritas on the boat!!
And, since it was our anniversary (another reason to be HAPPY), we got dressed up and went out to a really nice dinner!!We ate at the Row House which is always fun!! We always get the tasting menu which is about 6 courses but none super big!!! Last night we went out to the courtyard area for our dessert!
all of the veggies we had with our dinner came from their garden
How could I be anything but happy when this is the person I’m hanging out with?!
enjoying a good year of Macallan scotch
So many things that are making me HAPPY!!! If I had to sum it up I would say
my boys (Jordan & Hunter)
the sun – beach, boat & warmth
Like I told Chris yesterday – it really doesn’t take much to make me happy!!! But we all know that this never hurts!!!!!
Today I worked my triceps with the 43. I also really had to use my core because I included a stability ball. I put my feet on the ball – I tried to keep just my feet and not let my calves rest on the ball to make it more difficult!
I nearly lost the ball a couple of times but I made it through 43!! It took quite a while after I finished for my arms to quit shaking!!!
I also spent some time on the elliptical again today. I’m telling myself that even though it is not my favorite it is much better than nothing!!! I did 45 minutes at a harder pace than the other day. My legs feel very tingly again but I really think it is just the blood flowing!!!
So yesterday was just one of those perfect kind of days! I got cards from Chris and the boys:Both boys were very sweet with what they wrote –
And – they gave me a Garmin!!!
my new Garmin
I can’t wait to actually start running again so I can test it out!!!In the meantime – I will just pretend!!!
The weather was gorgeous – no wind so the lake was perfect!!! And – WE PUT THE BOAT IN THE WATER!!!! This always make me happy because it means we made it through winter and now it’s summer – my favorite!!!We didn’t actually take a ride – Chris just put it in and drove it to the marina. It was a little chilly – plus we had stuff to do still!
We had some friends over for dinner – grilled steaks and chicken, campfire potatoes and this super easy summer corn – a perfect ending to a great day!!!