Today I used a medicine ball for my 43. I put my hands on the ball and got into plank position.

Then I stepped my right foot out to the side, back to center and my left foot out to the side and back to center for 1 rep.

It took me 2:20 minutes of holding plank (with my hands on a ball!) to complete this 43!
I tried another new (to me) workout today. Cathe – Turbo Barre. On the cover of this DVD it says Low Impact Series. Don’t let that fool you into thinking this was easy! WOW!!! The pain burning in my hips, thighs and butt at points in this workout was no joke!! I’m pretty sure that I will feel everything about this workout tomorrow! At one point, I think we spent at least 5-7 minutes up on our toes while squatting with our feet in various positions.
I don’t have a barre but this barstool worked perfectly!!

I’m pretty sure that this will become one of my go-to choices for days when I don’t want any running or jumping but still want an incredible workout!!
I started running in high school. I also competed in college and when I was in grad school I spent a lot of time doing various road races from 5K – half marathon. Since then, I have only run a handful of races – a few 5Ks and a 10-miler.
I have trained for several different marathons during my running career but never even started one – first one I was in college and really sick and the next 2 (maybe 3, I’ve blocked some!) I ended up with stress fractures and had to stop running entirely.
Sometimes now I wonder – Am I a real runner? I haven’t even run a marathon. I have run more than 26.2 miles in a single run but does that count? I’m not sure at this point if I will ever run a true marathon – I would like to but for me right now, just being able to run is enough!!!
On a completely different note – Since it’s spring break (and yesterday was probably the nicest weather we will have all week), we decided to play tennis when Chris got home from work. After about 30 minutes, Jordan and I decided to walk/jog home – (about 2.5 miles or so around the lake).

It was a fun just hanging with Jordan for a bit and getting a little fresh air!
What do you think makes someone a “real” runner? Distance, speed, time, cool running gear…?
Happy Tuesday!!