Today’s 43 has a super special video. I was driving for 8.5+ hours yesterday and I called home and asked Chris and the boys to make the video for me. (I told them the move I had in mind – they did the work.) Thanks to Jordan for the awesome video (complete with intro and credits!!)!!!
The move – a bicep curl to a shoulder press – reverse the move then drop down and jump back to plank (hold) – jump in and stand = 1 rep x 43!! (I used 10 pound dumbbells)
[youtuber youtube=’’]
(Jordan dropped the weights when he jumped back but I actually held onto them the whole time.)
Here is the hotel fitness center:
There were also 2 treadmills but a man was on one and I figured he didn’t want some creepy girl taking his picture!!
I started by walking a mile to warm-up before my 43. Sweat was dripping off me during this 43 – good thing the fitness center wasn’t packed! Then I came back up to my room (4 flights of stairs – bonus!!) for the rest of my workout.

I did Les Mills Combat – Combat 45. I hope the people in the room below me weren’t still trying to sleep since there was quite a bit of plyo jumping!!
Sometimes life throws a curveball at you and you have to learn how to time your swing to hit it.
Yesterday morning (while I was doing my timed wall-sit), my twin brother (Tim) called me and told me our dad was in the hospital. He didn’t have many details at the time but a bit later he called me back with more info. My dad had a massive heart attack, had surgery yesterday morning and was in the ICU. I felt like I needed to make a trip to Texas because I don’t want him to be in the hospital alone!!! (scary being alone in a hospital!)
A few plans (hotel reservations, stuff for Chris & boys….), packing and I was on the road by 1:15 for a long drive. Poor planning since I hit Oklahoma City at high traffic time:

This is a drive that I have made more times than I can count and it never really changes!

It is hard to take pictures while driving (and probably not very safe) in case you were wondering. I tried to get the Welcome to Texas sign but there was another sign in front of it (RUDE!!) and I was zipping along and …. no sign but I made it safely!!!
So, the next few days will be crazy but it’s important – it’s my DAD, after all!! And, I will get to see my 98 year-old grandpa while I’m here!!
Happy Friday! Last day for to enter the giveaway for this necklace:I will announce the winner this weekend!!!