Today I mixed it up – crazy, I know!!! I did my 43 at the end of my work-out. Not my favorite way to get things done!!! I like to kick things off with the 43 because for a lot of the exercises – 43 seems like a really large number and I like to hit it while I’m fresh!!!!
Anyway, today I did a move from Tae-Bo (I think it is in the Boot Camp series but I can’t actually remember which DVD it is from!). It is a sit-up but when you come up, you split your legs and reach forward.
[youtuber youtube=’’]
This actually turned out to be a great 43 to do at the end of a work-out because besides the core work from the sit-up, it has a bit of a stretch!
I started my day with some Les Mills Combat – Combat 60 Ultimate Warrior!!! Great start to any day – especially Fun Friday!!
I typically don’t run 2 days in a row with my history of injuries but today was a short run for a good cause. Rachelle posted about a virtual 1.5 run today for a little boy (Colton) who is fighting Leukemia. The idea is to wear orange (color to support Leukemia) and send a picture. You can click over to her site for more details. I thought it was a great idea so I hoped on my treadmill and did a quick 1.5 miles.

Since I worked out early, I had to wait for Jordan to get up to actually take my picture – done running by that point!!!
I’m excited to be checking out a new (to me) place today. I’m going with a friend to The Pink Suitcase. Hmm…I wonder if they carry work-out clothes since that is what I seem to be living in these days! It should be fun – girl’s day out!!!
And – it is supposed to be 50 degrees today!!!! WooHoo!!!
Happy Fun Friday!