Tag Archives: individuals

Ditching Labels and Stereotypes

Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 7.29.36 PMA couple weeks ago I wrote a post asking which category you preferred – Skinny or Strong.    Dr. J, a contributing writer at Calorie Lab,  wrote a comment that really jumped out at me –

“I sorta wish we would drop all this calling anybody anything about their size. Of course as a doctor, I have all kinds of “insulting” medical terms I can use, lol! If y’all start using any of those, we will just devise some new ones :-)”  Dr. J

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The more I thought about what Dr. J said the more I realized that I don’t want to have certain labels applied to me – I just want to be the person I am.  And, like Jody (Truth2BeingFit) is great about sharing – I am enough – You are enough!!!

Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 7.34.36 PMI think that if we dropped the labels it would also drop the stereotyping that happens as a result of trying to label/group people.

Screen Shot 2015-03-29 at 7.41.26 PMI truly HATE being stereotyped because every single time I’ve been stereotyped (usually by people who don’t even know me) it has been completely wrong!!!

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I think that most of the time stereotyping is far more negative than positive.  And, truthfully, there is no need for it.  We are all unique individuals who should never be put in a mold just because we might do or say or wear or……a certain thing.

I know that I have been guilty of stereotyping people before but I try very hard to view people as individuals not a label.

Do you think that labels define us?
Have you ever had a negative experience with being stereotyped?

Happy Monday!!!
