Today I decided to do a fast moving 44! This was a good one for feeling a burn in my quads!!! I did a lunge with a floor touch.
This 44 went quickly!! Of course, after I did 44 on one side, I had to switch and do another set of 44 to stay balanced!!!
And – check out my shirt in the video – recognize the color?

Hunter gave me this shirt so that when we run a half marathon together in the spring (he wants to do one to celebrate turning 13!!!) we can match!!! So excited about it!
Today was another running day. I wanted to go further so I slowed my pace from the past couple of runs! I used 1.5% incline and did 10 miles in 80:15 + 1 easy cool down mile. I started out much slower and increased the speed every half mile for a nice run!!!
Over the past year, I’ve found myself sitting a lot more than I want to. And the reason is my computer and the time I spend blogging and doing other things on it.
I knew that I wanted to make a change but I still wanted to be able to spend time on the computer so…..

I told Chris awhile back that I wanted a standing work station but not a big one because I wanted it to be portable. This one is perfect!!! It is on wheels and very easy to move so I can have it in the kitchen, living room, dining room or wherever I want to be!!!

I love it since I always write my post for the day after I finish working out and I hate to just plunk myself in a chair – perfect solution!!! Now when I’m being productive reading blogs I won’t feel like such a slug!!!
Have you ever tried a standing work station? Do you prefer to stand or sit?
In the past I tried our kitchen table and the island – both were too low!!! I feel much more productive when I stand, too!!! (might be mental but….)
Happy Friday!!