Category Archives: Biceps


Today for my 43 I did a move that worked my entire body!!  I used my stability ball and a pair of 12 pound dumbbells and did a squat with a bicep curl to a shoulder press.  Here are the steps:


From the starting position, the right leg will squat while the left leg pushes the ball out to the side. 


Stand while pulling left leg back in to body – curl weights and press overhead.

stand & press
stand & press

By adding the side leg movement, I was able to get my heart rate up while working on my balance (always good for the core!).  

Of course, I couldn’t let my left leg be left out!!!  

left leg (side view)
left leg (side view)
left leg - stand
left leg – stand

2 sets of 43 – my shoulders were on fire by the time I finished all those presses!!!

Today was the 3rd and final day of the “Stronger by the Minute” workout this week.  I’m enjoying this little 6 week challenge series with Taylor because the idea of repeating the same workout 3 times in a week and trying to improve each time is right up my alley!!  I love the self-competition!!!

From the first time completing  this week’s workout until today, I improved each time on all 3 circuits – 2 of the circuits I was able to improve by over a full round!!!  

The third circuit consists of 4 different burpees (all HARD), with 5 reps of each – as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes.  6 minutes doesn’t seem like much until you spend the entire 6 minutes doing burpees!!!!  Today I did 56 burpees in that time!!!



Most of the time when you see Jordan, you see his great smile!!!  

My firstborn is fixing to be in high school (and he can drive!) and I could not be more proud of him!!!  He is a young man who truly cares about everyone around him!!  

Things like school talent shows cause him stress because he feels bad for the kids who perform that really aren’t that good.  While his buddies or other kids in the audience are snickering he totally empathizes with the person on stage!!  He is the same way when we watch any of the singing/talent shows at home – instead of laughing, he feels bad for them!



He goes out of his way to make sure that everyone around him is happy or content.  If there are limited chairs somewhere, he is usually the first to offer his chair.  When his friends are trying to decide what to do he is content to let them decide – he is agreeable to just about anything.  

JordanEven though he isn’t the guy trying to have his way all the time, he is very much his own person.  If you know Jordan personally (or have read my blog for awhile) you know that Jordan wears all white every day!!  His standard “uniform” consists of white Nike shorts and white Nike T-shirt (plus white Nikes).  I just restocked (in a bigger size) his white wardrobe for next year – took numerous stores and some driving but well worth the time!!!  I love the fact that he is unique and content to be different!!!

cleaning up
cleaning up

This summer, Jordan has pretty much taken over cleaning up after every meal.  Not because we told him he has to – he just likes it!!!  Pretty amazing!

I know that I’m a little biased but I think that Jordan is an incredible young man!!  It is truly one of the biggest joys of my life to watch him grow up.  I know these next 4 years are going to fly by and I intend to treasure every minute that I can with my sweet boy!!!

Happy Saturday!


Even Adults Need a Time-Out Sometimes!!

Today for my 43, I wanted to do something with weights since I haven’t in awhile.  I did a bicep curl and plie squat at the same time – basic moves but it felt good!!

down & curl
down & curl
stand & squeeze
stand & squeeze

I used 12 pound dumbbells and that was a challenge by the last 10 or so!!!

Today I finally did the first round of this week’s challenge workout with Taylor.  This one is 3 circuits – as many reps as possible during the time.  Circuit 1 – 10 minutes, circuit 2 – 8 minutes and circuit 3 – 6 minutes.  It was pretty challenging (especially circuit 3 which was 4 different burpees – 5 reps each for the whole time and yes, 6 minutes is a long time to do nothing but burpees!!!).  

Since it is already Thursday and I’m just now starting this week’s workout, I will do it the next 2 days also!!  I like to space things better but you do what you have to do!!!

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If you have kids, work with kids or read anything about kids then I’m sure you have heard of the “Time-Out” concept.  When our boys were younger, we didn’t call it time-out but they did have something similar on occasion.

Last night by the time we got home and unloaded the car, I needed to be put in time-out.  I was CRANKY!!!Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.51.53 AMI was tired of being cooped up and ready to not be around anyone (especially my family) for a few minutes!!  I know that sounds harsh but give me a break – we just spent 2 straight days in the car for 22 hours!!!  Plus, I still had to unpack (cause I hate to leave it – I have issues!) and figure out something for dinner.

Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.37.41 AMI was going to try to get to the grocery store and, of course, Chris wanted to go with me.  What?!  We just spent the last 2 days  together non-stop, I think I will go alone!!!  (See, cranky!!  Usually I like it when Chris and I run errands together.)

Chris ended up pouring me a glass of wine Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.57.23 AMand running to the store for a few things by himself!!  

So, not a true “time-out”Screen shot 2013-08-01 at 8.37.25 AMbut good for everyone.  I enjoyed a few minutes to myself and we still had a much healthier dinner than the past few days on the road!  Plus, I quit snapping at everyone.

Moral – adults can occasionally benefit from time-outs – usually we even put ourselves in them – just don’t forget the whine/wine!!!

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Do you ever feel like you could benefit from a time-out?

Happy Thursday!!!


Last Day in Paradise

Today I used my band again for my 43.  I did a bicep curl while in a V-sit position.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I love moves like this because not only am I working my biceps but also my entire core so it is a double bonus!!

And since this is our last day here in Florida, I took advantage of the beach for another hot, steamy run!!  4 miles – 32:33 + 0.5 miles cool down  – I actually ran the last 2 miles much faster than the first 2 but I was really having to work hard – the humidity just sucks the energy out of me!!!

Screen shot 2013-07-29 at 8.27.03 AMToday is our last day before we start the LONG drive home and I plan to enjoy every second of it!!!  For me that means plenty of time on the beach doing my favorite thing:Beach

For the boys, it probably means more time hanging out with their buddies (the Page boys) playing games on their phones/iPads:


Notice how Chris is right there in the mix with them?!  The other day I walked in from the beach and the little video below is what I saw!  Crazy!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Last night we got some great sunset pictures on the beach.



I love all the variety in the colors.  All of those pictures were taken in a 20-30 minute window but they are all so different!



Fun with friends!!



So, I’m off to enjoy my version of paradise!

same type shot - different day
same type of shot – different day

Happy Monday!!!


Are You a Good Sport?

Today’s 43 was my favorite kind because it was a combo move!!!  I did a bicep curl to a shoulder press while staying in a plie position.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I love to incorporate lots of muscle groups into one exercise!!!  I used 10 pound dumbbells and that was plenty by the time I reached 43.

I decided to pull out one of my 10 Minute Solution DVDs – Ultimate Boot Camp.  I did all 5 sections for a great total body workout!!  

Yesterday afternoon the boys and I played Monopoly.  Screen shot 2013-07-15 at 7.42.57 PMI love to play board games and the boys have grown up playing games – now that they are older I’m the one asking them to play usually!!  (Hunter asked to play yesterday!!!)  Jordan ended up dominating the game and Hunter was the first one out – he started getting more and more cranky when he realized that he was fixing to be bankrupt!

From the time the boys were really young (like 3), we have played games.  Countless games of 
Screen shot 2013-07-15 at 7.44.33 PMand Screen shot 2013-07-15 at 7.45.47 PMI was really happy when we moved on to other more exciting games and activities!!  

But, from the very beginning – I played the game to win, not to let them win.  Chris always said that was mean but I disagree.  When we played (even at that young age) – the winner had to say “good game” to everyone else and the loser(s) had to be a good sport.  

I felt like it was important for my boys to learn early on that competition is part of life and a good thing but being a good sport is also very important.

I’m not gonna lie – this has been a really hard thing for me to teach because I’m sort-of over the top competitive.  That whole saying Screen shot 2013-07-15 at 8.02.09 PMYep – that’s me!!!  

However, I try really hard to be a good sport and show my boys how to be a good sport.

At the same time, I think that competition is good for us and I have always competed at whatever I do.  From early on when  I took the boys to play Putt-Putt Golf, we kept score.  One day Hunter said – “we like to play with Dad, he doesn’t keep score.”  What?!  What’s the point?  How do you know who the winner is?!

When Jordan was a 1st grader he came home from school  one day and said – 
        If you had fun you won.

I about fell over!!  Where did you learn that?  It was posted in the gym at school.  Oh!!!  I don’t necessarily say that myself but I’m trying to at least think it on occasion!!!

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So, clearly, as I try to help my boys learn to be   good sports,  I’m also working on making sure that I’m a good sport!

Are you super competitive?  Does that make it hard for you to be a good sport?

Happy Tuesday!!


Happiness Is…

Today’s 43 was a bicep curl while in a V-sit.  (I know that I’ve had a few 43s in a row that work my abs/core but that is because I’m resting my legs!!!)  


I tried to hold my entire body still except my arms from the elbow down.  Because of the core work involved here – I only used 8 pound dumbbells – I was afraid if I went heavier that I would start swinging my arms and end up hurting something like my back!!


I liked this move since I got some upper body work, core work and even my hip flexors got a little work while I held my legs up.

And, as hard as it is for me to take days off from working out, I’m giving myself another day off today.  I know that after running 31 miles on Friday my body needs it!!  Of course, I have Jordan who keeps saying – it would have been more impressive if you had done Insanity on the day you ran 5 hours!  Today he is giving me grief for not doing Insanity or “at least do some Tae-Bo!”  Silly boy!!!Screen shot 2013-07-14 at 7.49.47 AM

When I was in 2nd grade, we had a big music production at my school and I actually had a solo (crazy since I can’t really sing!).  I was Snoopy and sang the song Happiness Is.  There is one section of the song that I have always remembered:

          Happiness is morning and evening,
          Daytime and nighttime, too.
          For happiness is anyone and anything at all
          That’s loved by you!

So much truth to those last 2 lines – happiness can be anything!!!


my boys
my boys


the beach
the swim beach
Hawaii - this was several years ago
Hawaii – this was several years ago

Having friends over – for dinner, drinks or just to sit and visit!!  No pictures – I try not to put pictures of people on here unless I have asked if they mind (which I always forget to do!!).

Shoes – I know it’s materialistic but I LOVE shoes!!  All types of shoes!!  And shoes in a well organized closet = pure happiness!!!

some favorites!
some favorites!

One day Chris said my closet looked like a shoe store – NICE!!!

Books and Reading – I’ve mentioned my cookbook obsession before, but I also love to read.  Having a Nook makes me HAPPY!!  So many books all in one little spot!!!

my Nook
my Nook

CookbooksWine – I love a glass of wine or other cocktail!!!

cases of my favorite German wine!
cases of my favorite German wine!

Music – music and happiness are a perfect pair!!

Reality TV – pure entertainment!!!

Running and working out!!!

nothing like a good sweat!
nothing like a good sweat!

There are so many things that make me happy – some big and some  little – but like the song says – happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you!!!

What makes you happy?

Happy Sunday!!!
