Category Archives: Biceps

Music and Running

Today’s 43 was pretty much good for my entire body!!!  I did a clean & press with a dead-lift.  I used my Body Pump bar with 10 pound plates on each side (I had 15 pounds/side but realized after 3 reps that I would never be able to make all 43 with proper form at that weight!).

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I would like to really increase my weight on these but that shoulder press kills me!!!

Today’s Boot Camp was fun – I set up a circuit with 18 stations and all sorts of equipment (medicine ball, stability ball, step, jump rope, agility ladder).  We did 50 seconds and then had 10 seconds to move to the next.  We went around the entire circuit 2x and the 2nd time was supposed to be FULL effort since everyone knew the moves then!!!  I love short little bursts like this because it makes the time go quickly!!!

After boot camp, I decided to take advantage of the incredible weather that we are still enjoying (65 at 7:00) and go for a run!  I ran 5.67  (I still can’t believe that I stopped at such a random # but I was at my driveway and ready to walk!!!) in 47:23 which is 8:21 pace.   Considering the issues I’ve had the past couple of months with running – I was very happy with this run (and actually felt pretty good the entire time).  Now, if I could just figure out how to get rid of some of the hills!!!  (seems like way more steep up-hills than down hills – weird!!)

Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 8.36.56 AMAnyone who has read my blog for very long knows that I love running on my treadmill – it paces me, I can control the hills (or lack of hills), I can watch all my favorite DVRed Reality TV shows and I keep myself totally entertained by playing games with the speed while I run.  

Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 8.56.04 AMHowever, I’m trying to transition at least some of my runs back outside in preparation for my 50 miler in October!!  

One thing that has helped lately is the nice weather!!!  And the scenery around here isn’t too bad either – I follow the lake a lot of times.  It’s nice to see plenty of other people out walking (often with dogs), running and biking!!!

But – the biggest help is MUSIC!!!  I tried using my iPhone but the long cord for the headphones always drove me crazy!!

Then I bought these:DSCN1292

This is actually a Sony mp3 headphone and it is awesome!!  It came with 3 different sizes of earpieces and the small ones fit perfectly in my ears (without hurting them – a small miracle!!) and they don’t slide around at all.  The only downside I’ve found is that when I sweat (a LOT when I run), having the earpieces in my ears on top of the sweat makes my ears feel all stopped up but now that I’ve used these a couple of times it seems to be getting better.

I love this little device!!!  Having some tunes while I run helps keep me entertained and sometimes the songs even motivate me a little.  Like today – the song that came on during the last 1/2 mile (I just have my play list on shuffle!) was old school – Salt n Pepa – Push It!!!  (college day memories!!)Screen shot 2013-07-03 at 9.10.30 AM

Now I’m not stupid (I know what the song is about) – but today I used the words to “push it” harder and finish my run with a sprint!!  

And, of course, there are plenty of songs that come on that I feel the need to sing along to!  Probably not a good thing since my ears are semi-stopped up from sweat and who knows how loud I end up singing and it’s a given that I don’t sing in tune!!  I just figure it is adding to the workout challenge because it is pretty hard to run and sing!!!

Some of the tunes that I enjoyed (and anyone within hearing distance) today while running:

  • Rockin’ the Beer Gut
  • Redneck Woman (Gretchen Wilson)
  • Play that Funky Music (Wild Cherry)
  • It’s Tricky (Run DMC)
  • If I had $1,000,000 (Barenaked Ladies)
  • Sin Wagon  (Dixie Chicks)
  • Single Ladies (Beyonce)
  • Chicken Fried (Zac Brown Band)
  • and of course, Push It (Salt n Pepa)

See why I feel the need to sing?!  

I think that the Sony mp3 might be a good giveaway  for me to do later this summer!!!  (look for it around the time school starts – mid August here!)

What are your favorite running tunes?

 You can tell that I’m pretty old school – I don’t think any of my favorites are very recent – many are from previous decades!!!

Happy Wednesday!!


Building up Our Memory Banks

Today’s 43 was inspired by one of my Turbo Fire workouts from the past week.  I did a speed bag move on the right and then kicked with my left leg.   Of course, after finishing 43, I had to switch sides and do another set with the speed bag on my left and a right kick.  (imaginary speed bag!!)

[youtuber youtube=’’] 

I wore my weighted gloves to add a little to the speed bag challenge – I think they only weight a pound each but at least it was something!  This was a fun 43!!!  

I feel like I haven’t done much weight training lately so I decided to do Les Mills Pump.  I did Pump and Burn which is one of the shorter workouts (just over 30 minutes).  Probably a good choice since I finished about 30 minutes ago and my arms are still shaking!!!  I think there’s a good chance that I will be sore tomorrow!!

TX trip
TX trip
TX trip
TX trip

The past week, the boys and I have spent almost every minute together during our trip to TX while Chris was on his own trip for work.  I started thinking about all the things we have done and how much we have laughed together – a lot!!!  Knowing that my boys are having fun and that we can all laugh together makes me HAPPY!!!

I watch the boys and know that when they are grown and no longer live  with us they will have 1000s of happy memories from the time spent at home and with their family!!!


Whether we are spending hours together in a car, playing one of the 100s of games that we have played over the years (Monopoly, Life, Uno, Skip-Bo, Head Bandz……..), sharing a meal together


or just hanging out – I want the boys to keep storing up these fun/happy memories!!!

Last night we added more memories!!  A week of firework fun has begun!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

So, even though sometimes I have to give up things that I would like to do – FitBloggin’ conference  – in the big picture, the things that matter are these everyday fun times that I get to be part of with my boys!!!

There are huge chunks of my growing up years that I have completely blocked from my memory and I want to make sure that my boys have full memory banks of awesome family times!!!

driving on the ranch
driving on the ranch
rocking on the front porch
rocking on the front porch

And, the bonus of building up the boys happy memory banks is that I’m also building up my own memory bank with lots of incredible experiences!!!

I can’t wait to see what we add to our “banks” today!!!  Probably some time at the swim beachSwim BeachDefinitely more fireworks tonight!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

 And above all – laughter, happiness and LOVE!!!

What are you putting in your memory bank today?


Happy Sunday!!!


All Roads Lead to TEXAS!!

Today’s 43 was a wide bicep curl with one of my bands (the perfect travel tool!!).

Turbo Fire Band
Turbo Fire Band

I stood with my feet fairly wide apart so that I could add tension to the band.


(never mind the bed in the background – joy of a hotel room!)  By the time I finished 43 of these, my arms were shaking!!!

I’m using this week as a bit of recovery from the past few weeks of 2-3 workouts a day!  Today I did one of my old favorites (a perfect workout for a hotel room!!) – Turbo Fire – Fire 45.  It was nice to be reunited with Chalean!!!  

Kansas to Abilene, TX – 8.5 hours in the car – GOOD TIMES!!!!  

The boys took a few (like 500) pictures during our drive – don’t worry, I’m not going to include all of them!

ready to go
ready to go
ready, set, drive
ready, set, drive

Jordan feels the need to try and freeze me out in the car – I had my temp set at 72 (because I was in the sun and it was 95 outside) and he had his side at Low (60) – and then he uses a blanket – nice!!!

Screen shot 2013-06-23 at 9.19.48 PM

Hunter probably took 200 pictures (or more) of Jordan during the day – I guess he wanted to make sure and document any changes during the day!!JordanNear Lawton, OK there are a few miles where it looks like there is a mountain (ok – hill) range nearby.Screen shot 2013-06-23 at 8.11.02 PM

Hunter did take a few pictures that weren’t Jordan – not sure exactly what all he was trying to get but….Screen shot 2013-06-23 at 8.15.15 PMAfter about 6 hours of driving, we made it to God’s Country!!!Screen shot 2013-06-23 at 9.30.11 PMWhen the boys weren’t entertaining themselves and each other with their picture taking skills, they were pretend sleeping.  I guess trips with teen-agers involve more sleeping than trips with small children.  I had to find ways to keep myself busy – music and self-portraits!KimFinally, 8.5 hours after we left home we made it to Abilene!

Abilene via Jordan
Abilene via Jordan

The boys enjoyed a couple hours of swimming while I unloaded the car, enjoyed a nice happy hour drink and relaxed a little!!

Today will include more swimming for the boys and time with my 98 year-old Poppa!!!

Happy Monday!


Inspiring and Being Inspired

Today I took another move from Evil Cyber and adapted it a bit to make it my 43.  He did  reverse barbell curls but I decided to do the same reverse curls with dumbbells.  This works your forearms more than your biceps so it is a great way to work a different muscle!! (one I rarely even think about)

It is the same set-up as a bicep curl except your palms face down so that on the up part of the curl they are facing away from your body – 


43 of these weren’t too hard – the last 10 I struggled a little.  (I used 10 pound dumbbells.)

And another day of working out = another day of Insanity Asylum!!!  Today it was Vertical Plyo – jumps, jumps and more jumps!!!  I can tell that I’ve made some improvements because at the end of the 40 minutes of torture plyo the last move is a lateral jump.  You stand next to the super versatile agility ladder – 

sort of tired of this ladder!!!
sort of tired of this ladder!!!

and do a side jump over it!!!  The first time I did this workout I failed at every attempt!  (I fold 1 rung of the ladder over so it is only 3 rungs to jump for this move.)  Today I cleared the ladder (3 rungs) 13 times (you do the move for 1 minute)!!!!

Today was also beach bootcamp – we did a fun “surprise move” type workout – it was nice because it was very much self-paced.  And, good news – lots more JUMPING!!! 

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The other day at 5:30 am I was having a hard time deciding what to do for my 43.  Odd, because I have lists (spreadsheets actually because I’m a nerd and love to make spreadsheets!!!) that I’ve made with all my  ideas and I keep adding to them so I have lots of choices.  The problem is if I don’t have a plan when I get up at the butt crack of dawn so early, I am at a complete lack of inspiration.   

I can exercise and perform moves early but trying to be creative and think of something early in the morning is never going to happen in my world.  Screen shot 2013-06-13 at 8.53.10 AM

So this lack of inspiration in the mornings has caused me to start thinking about where I get my inspiration – for working out or even just life in general.  And, I realized that I have lots of people that inspire me and lots of places that I get ideas from.

  • My boys inspire me a lot – they have come up with some very unique moves for me to try for some of my 43s this year (not all are actually doable but still….).  I love the fact that they like to help and be part of this goal I have.  They also inspire me to make play and enjoying life part of my day.
  • Chris inspires me – not necessarily about my workouts but always about how to be a better, kinder, more patient, more caring person.  I try to emulate him when I talk to people (listen more, talk less) – I still have a long way to go on this one but I’m trying.
  • Bloggers have inspired me in 100s of ways during the 9 months since I’ve started my blogging journey.  I’ve gotten many workout ideas from so many different people.  Training tips (running and otherwise), ideas for equipment/workout gear/running stuff and more recipes than I will ever be able to try!!!  Plus, the sense of community that I’ve found inspires me to keep blogging!!

There are other things/people that inspire me –  way to many to list.

Screen shot 2013-06-13 at 8.52.43 AMThinking of all the ways that I’m inspired made me question how, or even if,  I inspire anyone.  That one is a lot harder.  I like to think that I inspire my boys to try their best no matter what they are doing – school work, musical instruments, running, working out, playing games…

But – am I living my life in a way that actually inspires others?  I hope so!!

Who/what inspires you?

Happy Thursday!!!  

(I’m going to my 3rd Zumba class tonight – watch it, soon I’ll be making a Zumba video!!  Just kidding about the video – that would be torture for all involved!)


Beltin’ It Out

Today’s 43 was s single arm bicep curl while lifting the opposite knee.

start (looking rough this morning!!)
start (looking rough this morning!!)
curl - keep knee up the entire time
curl – keep knee up the entire time

After 43 reps with my right arm I had to switch and get my left arm.

little shaky on the balance
little shaky on the balance

Not sure why I’m looking so cranky for the pictures this morning – must have been really focused!!!  I like this type of move because even though the focus was my bicep, keeping my knee up was a great balance challenge/core work!!!

I taught 2 boot camp classes this morning:  6 am (backyard) & 7 am (beach).  Today’s workout was quite a bit harder on the beach – lots of lateral and forward moving and the sand really upped the challenge!!

I’m enjoying the boot camp classes both for the workouts and the great company!!!  I hope that all of the people who have come this week feel the same!!!  :Happy:

I also did Insanity Asylum – Back to Core.  This one really forces me to push myself outside of my normal comfort zone because some of those back moves are hard – hopefully this will help my pull-ups!!!Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 8.42.51 PM

Yesterday morning I drove to Kansas City (about an hour from here) to go to a funeral for a good friend’s Dad.  I was in the car by myself and might have looked a little bit like Chris Farley and David Spade (love Tommy Boy!!!).  

I can’t carry a tune to save my life but that doesn’t stop me from singing full volume when I’m driving by myself!!!  Sometimes there is even some head bopping to go along with the singing – I’m sure I look like a crazy lady driving down the road!!!  

I had my iPhone hooked in so that I could listen to some of my favorite songs and artists.Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 8.46.14 PMA little Toes, Highway 20 Ride and Chicken Fried!!!Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 8.49.45 PM
One of my all time favorite singers!!!  And when he teams up with Alan Jackson, what’s not to love?  It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere

And, Shania Twain better look out cause I can belt this song out with the best of them:

[youtuber youtube=’’]

There was a bit of old school music thanks to Run DMC:

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Plenty of country thanks to the Dixie Chicks and Gretchen Wilson (Redneck Woman)!!

Little bit of Kid Rock cause singing about summertime always makes me happy!!!

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Music makes me happy (even with my lack of any sort of musical ability) – singing in the car by myself or in the kitchen while I fix dinner (although I don’t tend to belt it out quite as loud in the kitchen because the boys sort-of make comments if I do) who cares if I am in tune or the right key or whatever – I just sing!!!  Sometimes I get carried away when I’m running and sing along – never a good thing because I’m sure it is louder than I think since I have earphones in!!!  Classy!!!

Yesterday at the funeral, my friend talked a little about her dad and then she played a song which was actually a recording of her singing (hard to sing at your parent’s funeral).  The song – His Eye Is on the Sparrow.Screen shot 2013-06-06 at 9.10.02 PM

While I was listening to the song, 2 lines grabbed me:

I sing because I’m happy,

I sing because I’m free.

And that’s why I belt out songs like I’m part of the Glee cast – because I’m HAPPY!!!  And even if I’m not happy when I start singing, I usually am by the time I stop!!

Anyone else get a little carried away when you start singing in the car/shower/while you run or wherever else? 

Happy Fun Friday!!!
